Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 4 - Tuần 21 - Giáo viên: Nguyễn Thị Hoa

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 4 - Tuần 21 - Giáo viên: Nguyễn Thị Hoa

  1. Lesson plan 4 School year: 2020-2021 WEEK 21 Teaching 1/2 4/2 3/2 1/2 date: Class 4A 4B 4C 4D Period 1. UNIT 12: WHAT DOES YOUR FATHER DO? Lesson 2: Part 1,2,3 I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to: - Identify some vocabularies about jobs and where do they work? - Ask and answer question about where do they work? Use: Where does a .work ? A works - Express Sts’ concern about the places work of someone. II.Teaching Aids: Teacher’s book, student’s book, pictures, CD player, CD III.Procedure: A-Warm up: Sing the song: My family - Oral comments( lyric, intonation, rhythm) - Praise and share B-New lesson. Activity 1: Look, listen and repeat. + Discover the picture: *Q-A -How many people are there in the picture? - Who are they? - Where are they? + Listen to the recording a few times ( 3 times) + Listen and repeat line by line. + Say the words in each bubble Activity 2: Point and say. Focus on the structure, pre-teach vocabulary * Modelling Point and say: Use: Where does a .work ? A works Nguyen Thi Hoa Phu Thuy primary school
  2. Lesson plan 4 School year: 2020-2021 Use textbook. Peer assessment (Ss work in pairs to practice asking and answering about birthday by using the new sentence pattern. T prepares checklists: pronunciation, structure, interaction for Ss.) T observes and gives feedback Activity 3: Let’s talk Look at the book. Work in pairs, Aks and answer Cues: - What does your do ? He/she is . - Where does she/ he works? He/ she works . - Oral : comments, feedback - Observation : Quick notes, checklists C-Homelink. Write about short passage about jobs of your family member  Nguyen Thi Hoa Phu Thuy primary school
  3. Lesson plan 4 School year: 2020-2021 Teaching 1/2 4/2 3/2 1/2 date: Class 4A 4B 4C 4D Period 2 UNIT 12: WHAT DOES YOUR FATHER DO? Lesson 2 Part 4, 5 ,6 I.Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss can: - Revise vocabulary about where does she/he work that have learnt last lesson. - Practice listening and reading skills . - Express their concern about places they work. II.Teaching aids: -Teacher’s book, student’s book, pictures, CD player, CD III.Procedure: A- Warm up: - Ask and answer *Oral: praise and share B-New lesson Activity 4: Listen and number. Discover the picture *Q-A: How many - What does he/she work in each picture? And where does he/she work? T plays the recording and Ss listen once or twice. call some ss share answers and give feedback. Take note : Activity 5: Look and write . T ask ss identify the task . Nguyen Thi Hoa Phu Thuy primary school
  4. Lesson plan 4 School year: 2020-2021 Ss look 2 pictures and read the sentences and do the task. Some Ss read the answers aloud, give comments and correct. * *Written comments Activity 6: Let’s play Introduce Game: Pelmanism. Play game * Oral comment: (lyrics, rhythm and pronunciation)       C- Homelink Tell class about jobs and where do you want to work with your friends  Nguyen Thi Hoa Phu Thuy primary school
  5. Lesson plan 4 School year: 2020-2021 Teaching 4/2 5/2 5/2 4/2 date: Class 4A 4B 4C 4D Period 3 UNIT 12: WHAT DOES YOUR FATHER DO? Lesson 3: Part 1,2,3 I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to: - Identify two sounds: /ie/ , /ea/ - Listen and circle the words including the sounds. - Express students’ concern about Ss’ time by listening skill. II. Teaching aids 1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette, recording 2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks. III. Procedure: A. Warm-up: Game: Slap the board Praise and share B. New lesson: Activity 1: Listen and repeat - T plays the recording and Ss listen and repeat once or twice. - Have Ss repeat in chorus or in pairs if necessary. Practise pronouncing. * Take note: Which student can’t pronounce correctly and help them to correct their mistake. Activity 2: Listen and circle. Then say the sentences with circle words. T plays the recording and Ss listen to do the task Nguyen Thi Hoa Phu Thuy primary school
  6. Lesson plan 4 School year: 2020-2021 * Observation: Focus on spelling Share answers * T observes - Call some students to read aloud their answers -Listen again to check the answer and give feedback. Activity 3: Let’s chant: Jobs and places of work Introduce about the chant, have Ss listen the whole chant - Read the lyrics of the chant Listen and repeat each sentences in chorus and in groups Sing the whole chant. * Oral comment: (lyrics, rhythm and pronunciation)       C- Homelink: - Chant again at home.  Nguyen Thi Hoa Phu Thuy primary school
  7. Lesson plan 4 School year: 2020-2021 Teaching 4/2 5/2 5/2 4/2 date: Class 4A 4B 4C 4D Period 4. UNIT 12: WHAT DOES YOUR FATHER DO? Lesson 3- Part 4,5,6 I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - Ss revise vocabulary about jobs and places - Read the paragraph and complete - Write about jobs and places at home - Express concern about jobs and places. II. Teaching aids 1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette, recording 2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks. III. Procedures A-Warm up: - chant “Jobs and places of work” T observes, focus on lyrics, rhythm and pronunciation Oral comments. - Chant correctly rhythm and beautifully. B-New lesson Activity 4. Read and complete. - Ask Ss to identify the content in the paragraph. - Read the paragraph and fill the jobs and places of Phong’s family. - Ask Ss to read the paragraph and complete. - Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary - Call on some Ss to report their answers. Others listen and comment. Oral comment: - St’s can tick correctly . Nguyen Thi Hoa Phu Thuy primary school
  8. Lesson plan 4 School year: 2020-2021 - St read correctly the questions and answers. Activity5. Write about the jobs of your family members and where they work. - T introduces the topic “write jobs and places of your family members and where they work” - Monitor the activity and help when necessary - T guides Ss write clearly the jobs and places. - Call on some Ss to report their answers. Others listen and comment. Observation: Take-note. Activity 6. Project - Introduce the topic: Interview two classmate about their parents’jobs. - Explain how to do the exercise - Ask Ss give the comment and correct Ss’ errors - Think and complete it. - share their result,. - T calls some pupils tell the class about their projects and gives comments. portfolio. ( content - vocabulary/ structure, pronunciation) C-Homelink. Complete the project and present it.  Nguyen Thi Hoa Phu Thuy primary school
  9. Lesson plan 4 School year: 2020-2021 Nguyen Thi Hoa Phu Thuy primary school
  10. Lesson plan 4 School year: 2020-2021  Nguyen Thi Hoa Phu Thuy primary school
  11. Lesson plan 4 School year: 2020-2021 Nguyen Thi Hoa Phu Thuy primary school