Giáo án Tiếng Anh khối 3, 4, 5 - Tuần 3

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  1. Monday, September 10th 2018 English (4.2-4.3-4.1) UNIT 1: NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN Lesson 3: 1,2,3 I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to: - Identify two sounds: /l/ /n/ - Listen ,circle and write the words including the sounds. - Express students’ concern about greeting and responding II. Teaching aids: CD player III. Procedure: 1. Warm-up: Greeting * Q&A What is your name? How are you? 2. New lesson: Activity 1:Listen and repeat Step1: Discover the sounds: - Which sounds are they? - Read aloud them? Step 2: Listen and repeat.10 ms - T plays the recording and Ss listen and repeat once or twice. - Have Ss repeat in chorus or in pairs if necessary. Step 3: Share ideas - Focus on the pronunciation of these sounds, lead in the new part. 1
  2. * *Take note: Which student can’t pronounce correctly and help them to correct their mistake. Activity 2: Listen and circle . Then write and say alound.10 ms Step 1: Discuss and guess the words containing these sounds /l/ ,/n/ Step 2: Listen and write down the words Ss hear Step 3: Feedback. Answer keys: 1 Nam 2 Vietnam Observation: Focus on spelling Activity 3: production (Let’s chant).10 ms Aims: Ss can pronounce exactly the sounds /l /n/ in the chant “ Hello,friends” Step 1: Guide Ss how to chant sentence by sentence following the CD Step 2: Practise chanting in pairs Step 3: Practise chanting in groups Step 4: Holding a competition among groups. * Oral comment: (lyrics, rhythm and pronunciation) Home link: 2 ms –Read the chant. Tuesday,September 11th 2018 English 3.1 UNIT 1: HELLO Lesson 3: 1,2,3 I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to: - Identify two sounds: /b/ /h/ - Listen and write the words including the sounds. - Express students’ concern about greeting and responding II. Teaching aids: CD player III. Procedure: 2
  3. 1. Warm-up: Greeting * Q&A Hello How are you? 2. New lesson: Activity 1:Listen and repeat Step1: Discover the sounds: - Which sounds are they? - Read aloud them? Step 2: Listen and repeat.10 ms - T plays the recording and Ss listen and repeat once or twice. - Have Ss repeat in chorus or in pairs if necessary. Step 3: Share ideas - Focus on the pronunciation of these sounds, lead in the new part. * *Take note: Which student can’t pronounce correctly and help them to correct their mistake. Activity 2: Listen and write.10 ms Step 1: Discuss and guess the words containing these sounds /b/ ,/h/ Step 2: Listen and write down the words Ss hear Step 3: Feedback. Answer keys: 1 hello 2 bye Observation: Focus on spelling Activity 3: production (Let’s chant).10 ms Aims: Ss can pronounce exactly the sounds /b /h/ in the chant “ Hello” Step 1: Guide Ss how to chant sentence by sentence following the CD Step 2: Practise chanting in pairs 3
  4. Step 3: Practise chanting in groups Step 4: Holding a competition among groups. * Oral comment: (lyrics, rhythm and pronunciation) Home link: 2 ms –Read the chant. Tuesday,September 11th 2018 English 4.2 - 4.3 UNIT 1: NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN Lesson 3: 4,5,6 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: -Read and write about the name. - Making cards. - Express feeling about name, school, nationality. II. Teaching aids .CD player III. Procedure: 1.Warm up: - Greetings Q-A. -Hello -How are you? Activity 4: Read and answer: 10ms Step1: Discover the Ss’cards. Name, school, class Step 2: Read and answer. 4
  5. Step 3: Share in groups Step 4: Feedback Key: 1. Her name is Hoa 2She is from Vietnam 1. His name is Tony 2. He is from Australia. Oral comment: - St read correctly the questions and answers. Activity 5.Write about you? 10ms Step1: Discover the table Name, hometown ,school Step 2: - Read the text in part 5 and write. Step 3: - Share answers with their partners. Step 4: Feedback. - Check and correct answer. Ss’s answer Observation: Take-note. - St’s write correct words into the table . Activity 6. Production(Project ) 10ms Step 1: - Tell Ss that they are going to make student ‘s cards Step 2: Ss make card for themselves Step 3: Show their and tell about them. 5
  6. Cues: My name is . tep 4: Correct and comment: portfolio.(coloring,content-vocabulary/ structure, pronunciation) 3.Home link:2 ms .Tell about your name card Tuesday,September 11th 2018 English 4.3 UNIT 2: I’M FROM JAPAN ? Lesson 1: 1,2,3 I. Objectives: By the end of this unit, Ss will be able to: - Know the vocabulary about country ;( Japan ,America,Malaysia,England, Australia). - Asking and answering question about where someone is from. - Express their concern about where someone is from. II. Teaching aids: CD player III. Procedure: 1.Warm up. 3ms .Greeting Q-A. -Hello What is your name? -How are you? 2.New lesson: Activity 1: Look, listen and repeat.10ms Step1: Discover the picture: - How many people are there in the picture? - Who are they? - Where are they? . Step 2: Listen and repeat - T plays the recording and Ss listen and repeat once or twice. - Have Ss repeat in chorus or in pairs if necessary Step 3: Share ideas 6
  7. - Focus on the structure, lead in the new lesson Activity 2: Point and say.10ms Step 1: Focus on the structure, pre-teach vocabulary ;( Japan ,America,Malaysia,England, Australia). Word-check: Slap the board Step 2: Modeling : Where are you from ?-I’m from - Use textbook Step 2: point and say - Use textbook -Observation - T gives oral comments( focus on their exact structure, pronounciation, intonation) Activity 3: Production( Let’s talk)10ms -Step 1 : Students work in pair to ask where someone is from. -Step 2: - Call some students to act out in the class -Observation - T gives oral comments( focus on their exact structure, pronounciation, intonation) 3. Homelink.2ms. Ask and answer about the name. Wednesday, September 12th 2018 English 3.1 UNIT 1: HELLO Lesson 3: 4,5,6 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: -Read and write about greeting and responding. - Making name cards. - Express feeling about greeting and responding. II. Teaching aids .CD player III. Procedure: 7
  8. 1.Warm up: - Greetings Q-A. -Hello -How are you? Activity 4: Read and match: 10ms Step1: Discover the sentences: - Who’s that? -How are you? -How old is your father? Step 2: Read and match. Step 3: Share in groups Step 4: Feedback Key: 1d 2a 3b 4c Oral comment: - St’s can match correctly . - St read correctly the questions and answers. Activity 5. Read and write. 10ms Step1: Discover the picture: Hello How are you? Step 2: - Read the text in part 5 and match 8
  9. Step 3: - Share answers with their partners. Step 4: Feedback. - Check and correct answer. 1-d 2-a 3-b 4-c Observation: Take-note. - St’s fill correct words into the blans . Activity 6. Production(Project ) 10ms Step 1: - Tell Ss that they are going to make name cards Step 2: Ss make name card for themselves Step 3: Show their and tell about them. Cues: I’m . Step 4: Correct and comment: portfolio.(coloring,content-vocabulary/ structure, pronunciation) 3.Home link:2 ms .Tell about your name card. Wednesday, September 12th 2018 English 3.2 UNIT 1: HELLO Lesson 3: 1,2,3 (Prepared on Tuesday ,September 10th 2018-class 3.1) Thursday, September 13th 2018 English 4.1 UNIT 1: NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN Lesson 3: 4,5,6 (Prepared on Tuesday ,September 11th 2018-class 4.2-4.3) 9
  10. Thursday, September 13th 2018 English 4.3 UNIT 2: I’M FROM JAPAN ? Lesson 1: 4,5,6 I. Objectives: By the end of this unit, Ss will be able to: - Revise asking and answering question about where someone is from. - Sing the song “ Where are you from ?” - Express their concern about where someone is from. II. Teaching aids: CD player. III. Procedure: 1.Warm up :What and where (Japan ,America,Malaysia,England, Australia) 3ms ( praise and share) - Ss’s vocabulary about countries 2.New lesson Activity 4. Listen and tick.10ms Step1: Discover the picture Step 2: Listen and tick Step 3: Share ideas Key:1a 2b 3c Quick notes -Observe the ways students do the task. - Give oral comments Activity 5. Look and write.10ms Step1: Discover the picture Step 2: Look and write. Step 3: Share ideas 10
  11. Step 4: Feedback. Key:1.Australia 2.Malaysia 3 America 4. Japan Quick notes + give written comments(focus on the word-spelling). Activity 6: Let's sing. Where are you from ?.10ms Step 1: Run throught the sentences. Step 2: Read the lyrics. Step 3: Listen the song Step 4: Sing the song. Oral comments. - Chant sing correctly rhythm, pronunciation and beautifully. 3.Homelink.2ms. Sing the song. English 3.2 Thursday, September 13th 2018 UNIT 1: HELLO Lesson 3: 4,5,6 (Prepared on Wednesday, September 12th 2018- class 3.1) English 4.1-4.2 Thursday, September 13th 2018 UNIT 2: I’M FROM JAPAN ? Lesson 1: 1,2,3 (Prepared on Tuesday, September 11th 2018- class 4.3) Kĩ thuật 5.1-5.3 Thursday, September 11th 2018 THÊU DẤU NHÂN (T1) I.Mục tiêu - Học sinh biết cách thêu dấu nhân 11
  12. - Thêu được mũi thêu dấu nhân, các mũi thêu tương đối đều nhau - Thêu được ít nhất năm dấu nhân, đường thêu có thể bị dúm. - Học sinh nghiêm túc, tự giác trong giờ học. II. Đồ dùng dạy-học Gv: Một số sản phẩm thêu dấu nhân. Một mảnh vải , kim chỉ khâu , phấn vạch , th- ước. - Vật liệu và dụng cụ cần thiết. HS: Sgk, dụng cụ thực hành III. Hoạt động dạy học: A.Hoạt động cơ bản 1.Ôn định tổ chức: Nhóm trưởng kiểm tra dụng cụ – báo cáo chủ tịch HĐTQ – Báo cáo GV Báo cáo GV - Đánh giá: + PP: quan sát, + Kĩ thuật: nhận xét bằng lời. + Tiêu chí đánh giá: chuẩn bị dụng cụ học tập đầy đủ của học sinh. 2.Bài mới: HS đọc Mục tiêu: - Học sinh biết cách thêu dấu nhân - Thêu được mũi thêu dấu nhân, các mũi thêu tương đối đều nhau - Thêu được ít nhất năm dấu nhân, đường thêu có thể bị dúm. 1.2- Quan sát, nhận xét - GV đưa mẫu giới thiêu mũi dấu nhân, yêu cầu HS quan sát mẫu và hình 1 kết hợp trả lời câu hỏi ? Nêu đặc điểm của đường thêu dấu nhân ở 2 mặt (phải, trái)? Mũi thêu dấu nhân trang trí ở đâu? Em trao đổi với các bạn trong nhóm về đặc điểm đường thêu dấu nhân ở hai mặt và mũi thêu dấu nhân trang trí ở đâu - Mặt trước là các dấu nhân liên tiếp nhau, mặt trái là hai đường thẳng song song với nhau. - Mũi thêu dấu nhân thường được trang trí trên viền tay áo, cổ áo, chân áo, khăn quàng giúp sản phẩm đẹp hơn. - Đại diện các nhóm báo cáo kết quả trả lời - Gv nhận xét, bổ sung. - Đại diện các nhóm báo cáo kết quả trả lời - Đánh giá: 12
  13. + PP: vấn đáp. + Kĩ thuật: đặt câu hỏi, nhận xét bằng lời. + Tiêu chí đánh giá: ? Nêu đặc điểm của đường thêu dấu nhân ở 2 mặt (phải, trái)? Mũi thêu dấu nhân trang trí ở đâu? 2.2- Hướng dẫn thao tác kĩ thuật - Yêu cầu HS thảo luận nhóm ,em đọc mục 1, 2 kết hợp quan sát hình 2, 3 4 SGK trả lời câu hỏi : ? Hãy nêu các bước thêu dấu nhân? Việc 1: Em đọc sách, quan sát 2, 3 4 SGK SGK và trả lời câu hỏi Gv Việc 2 : Em trao đổi với bạn bên cạnh các bước thêu dấu nhân. Trao đổi các bạn trong nhóm các bước thêu dấu nhân. * Bước 1 : Vạch dấu đường thêu dấu nhân: Cắt vải, vạch dấu hai đường thêu song song trên vải cách nhau 1cm *Bước 2: Thêu dấu nhân theo đường vạch dấu (Thêu theo chiều từ phải sang trái) - Đại diện các nhóm trả lời. Lớp lắng nghe và bổ sung ( không lặp lại câu trả lời ) GV nhận xét chốt lại (2 bước) B. Hoạt động thực hành Việc 1: Em tập cách vạch dấu hai đường thêu song song trên vải Việc 2: Em tập thêu dâu nhân theo các đường vạch dấu. C. Hoạt động ứng dụng - Về nhà tập thêu dấu nhân *GV nhận xét tiết học. Nhận xét sự chuẩn bị bài của HS Dặn HS chuẩn bị dụng cụ để học bài sau “ Thêu dấu nhân ”. English 4.1-4.2 Friday, September 14th 2018 UNIT 2: I’M FROM JAPAN ? Lesson 1: 4,5,6 (prepared on Thursday, September 13th 2018-class 4.3) 13
  14. English 3.2-3.1 Friday, September 14th 2018 UNIT 2: WHAT’S YOUR NAME ? Lesson 1: 1,2,3 I. Objectives: By the end of this unit, Ss will be able to: - Know the vocabulary about proper name ;( name , what your,). - Asking and answering question about one’s name. - Express their concern about one’s name. II. Teaching aids: CD player III. Procedure: 1.Warm up. 3ms .Greeting Q-A. -Hello -How are you? 2.New lesson: Activity 1: Look, listen and repeat.10ms Step1: Discover the picture: - How many people are there in the picture? - Who are they? - Where are they? . Step 2: Listen and repeat - T plays the recording and Ss listen and repeat once or twice. - Have Ss repeat in chorus or in pairs if necessary Step 3: Share ideas - Focus on the structure, lead in the new lesson Activity 2: Point and say.10ms Step 1: Focus on the structure, pre-teach vocabulary ;( name , what your,). Word-check: Slap the board Step 2: Modeling : What’s your name ?- My name is - Use textbook Step 2: Practice : What’s your name ?- My name is -Observation - T gives oral comments( focus on their exact structure, pronounciation, intonation) 14
  15. Activity 3: Production( Let’s talk)10ms -Step 1 : Students work in pair to ask the names -Step 2: - Call some students to act out in the class -Observation - T gives oral comments( focus on their exact structure, pronounciation, intonation) 3. Homelink.2ms. Ask and answer about the name. Kĩ thuật 5.2 Friday, September 14th 2018 ThÊU DẤU NHÂN (T1) ( Prepared on Thursday, September 13th 2018-class 5.2,5.3) English 3.2-3.1 Friday, September 14th 2018 UNIT 2: WHAT’S YOUR NAME ? Lesson 1: 4,5,6 I. Objectives: By the end of this unit, Ss will be able to: - Revise asking and answering question about one’s name. - Sing the song “ The alphabet song” - Express their concern about one’s name. II. Teaching aids: CD player. III. Procedure: 1.Warm up :Slap the board (Hi, Hello,I, My, name ) 3ms ( praise and share) - Ss’s vocabulary about greetings 2.New lesson Activity 4. Listen and tick.10ms Step1: Discover the picture Step 2: Listen and tick Step 3: Share ideas Key:1a 2b Quick notes -Observe the ways students do the task. - Give oral comments Activity 5. Look and write.10ms 15
  16. Step1: Discover the picture Step 2: Look and write. Step 3: Share ideas Step 4: Feedback. Key: Quick notes + give written comments(focus on the word-spelling). Activity 6: Let's sing. The alphabet song.10ms Step 1: Run throught the sentences. Step 2: Read the lyrics. Step 3: Listen the song Step 4: Sing the song. Oral comments. - Chant sing correctly rhythm, pronunciation and beautifully. 3.Homelink.2ms. Sing the song. 16