Giáo án Tiếng Anh khối 4 - Tuần 14

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh khối 4 - Tuần 14

  1. GRADE 4 WEEK 14 ( From 25 / 11 to 29 / 11 /2019) Date of teaching: November 25th, 2019.(4A,4B) UNIT 8: WHAT SUBJECTS DO YOU HAVE TODAY? LESSON 3 (Part 4-5-6) I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson ss will: - write about school subjects and when they have a subject. - Develop listening ,speaking, writing and reading skills. II. Teaching aids 1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, computer, pictures. 2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks. III. Procedures Warm up: - chant What subjects do you have today? Activity 1 . Read and complete. - Ask Ss to open their books and look at part 4 on Page 57. - Ask Ss some eliciting questions to help them distinguish the given information. - Explain the way to do the task. (They are going to read the text and complete the timetable.) - Let Ss do the task individually and then exchange their answers with their partners. - Call on some Ss to give their answers. - Check the answers with the whole class and give feedback. Key: 1. Vietnamese 2. Maths 3. Science 4. Art Activity 2 . Write about you and your school subjects. - Have Ss look at part 5 on page 57. - Explain the way to do the task. - Let Ss do the task. - Call on some Ss to give their answers. - Check the answers with the whole class and give feedback. Assessment criteria: - Correct words - Grammar - Spelling T’s asessment: give oral comments (focus on their exact structure, vocabulary) Activity3. Project. 1
  2. GRADE 4 - Have Ss look at the part 6 on page 57 and ask some eliciting questions. - Tell Ss that they are going to interview a friend in another school about his/her timetable and tick the table. (let Ss do the project at home) - Ask some questions to make sure that Ss understand the way to do the project. - Do the exercise in the workbook. Ss & T’s asessment: give oral comments (focus on their exact structure, pronunciation, interaction) ___ Date of teaching: November 26th, 2019.(4A,4B) UNIT 9: WHAT ARE THEY DOING? LESSON 1 (Part 1-2) I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson ss will: - ask and answer questions about what someone is doing, : What’s he/she doing? He’s/She’s - Develop listening ,speaking, writing and reading skills. II. Teaching aids 1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, computer, pictures. 2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks. III. Procedures Warm up: - Greeting. - Help Ss review what they have learnt in Unit 8 and elicit to introduce the new lesson. Activity 1. Look, listen and repeat. - Discover the pictures: + How many people are there? + Where are they? + Who is this? - Ask Ss to look at the dialogue in the Student Book, listen to the recording of the dialogues. - Play the recording and ask Ss to listen to the tape twice. - Ask Ss to listen and repeat in chorus three times. - Divide the class into 4 groups, and to repeat the dialogue in turn. Then change the roles. - Listen and give feedback. 2
  3. GRADE 4 Activity 2. Point and say. - Have Ss look at the pictures in part 2 on page 58. - Present the new words by using different techniques + watch: xem + video: băng, phim video + write: viết + dictation: bài chính tả + read: đọc + text: bài đọc - After eliciting each word, T models 3 times and gets Ss to do choral. Then, T calls Ss to repeat individually. - Ask Ss to copy down those words in their notebooks - Present the way to ask and answer questions what someone is doing. What’s he/she doing? He’s/She’s - Do the task with one student as an example. E.g: Teacher: What’s he doing? Thuy: He’s cooking. - Ask Ss to work in pairs, one student ask and another one answers questions about what someone is doing by pointing the given pictures. Then Ask Ss to change the roles. - Select some pairs of Ss to demonstrate the task in front of the class. - Listen and give feedback. T’assessment: Go around and Observe if the students can practice exactly. - Teacher listens and pays attention to their questions and answers; their voice & pronunciation; their intonation, their communication (Do they communicate or only read a question?) - T’s asessment: give oral comments (focus on their exact structure, pronunciation, interaction) - Do the exercise in the workbook. - Practise using the sentence patterns. ___ Date of teaching: November 28th, 2019.(4A,4B) UNIT 9: WHAT ARE THEY DOING? LESSON 1 (Part 3-4-5) I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson ss will: - ask and answer questions about what someone is doing. - listen for specific information. 3
  4. GRADE 4 - Develop listening ,speaking, writing and reading skills. II. Teaching aids 1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, computer, pictures. 2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks. III. Procedures Warm up: - greeting. - Ask Ss to play the game “Matching” to help them review the way to ask and answer questions about what someone is doing. Activity 1. Listen and tick. - Ask Ss to open their books and look at part 3 on Page 59. - Ask Ss some eliciting questions to help them distinguish the different actions in the pictures in this task. - Explain the way to do the task. - Play the tape three times and let Ss do the task. - Call on some Ss to give their answers. - Play the tape the last time to check with the whole class. Assessment: - Ss’ uderstanding about the content of listening task. Activity 2. Look and write. - Have Ss look at part 4 on page 59. - Ask Ss some eliciting questions to help them review the way to ask and answer questions about what someone is doing. - Explain the way to do the task. - Let Ss do the task. - Call on some Ss to give their answers. - Check the answers with the whole class and give feedback. Key: 1. reading 2. writing a dictation 3. listening to music 4. watching a video Assessment criteria: - Correct words - Grammar - Spelling T’s asessment: give oral comments (focus on their exact structure, vocabulary) Activity 3. Let’s play. 4
  5. GRADE 4 - Have Ss look at the picture in part 5 on page 59 and ask some eliciting questions. - Explain the way to play the game “Charades”. - Let Ss play the game. ___ Date of teaching: November 29th, 2019.(4A,4B) UNIT 9: WHAT ARE THEY DOING? Lesson 2(Part 1-2-3) I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson ss will: - ask and answer questions about what people are doing. What are they doing? They’re - Develop listening ,speaking, writing and reading skills. II. Teaching aids 1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, computer, pictures. 2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks. III. Procedures Warm up: - Greeting. - Ask Ss to play the game “Noughts and Crosses” to help them review the way to ask and answer questions what someone is doing. (T prepares pictures about different actions) Activity 1. Look, listen and repeat. - Ask Ss to open the Student’s Book on Page 60 and look at the pictures in part 1. - Ask some eliciting questions to help Ss guess what they will learn in the dialogue. - Introduce the new words in the dialogue. + make: làm + boat: tàu, thuyền - Ask Ss to look at the dialogue in the Student Book, listen to the recording of the dialogues. - Play the recording and ask Ss to listen to the tape twice. - Ask Ss to listen and repeat in chorus three times. - Divide the class into 2 groups, one group repeats Tom’s part and another one repeats Linda’s part. - Ask Ss to work in pair to do the role play. - Call on some pairs to do the role play in front of the class. - Listen and give feedback. - Play the recording and ask Ss to listen to the tape twice. 5
  6. GRADE 4 Activity 2. Point and say. - Have Ss look at the pictures in part 2 on page 60. - Present the new words by eliciting techniques. + mask: cái mặt nạ + puppet: con rối + plane: máy bay - After eliciting each word, T models 3 times and gets Ss to do choral. Then, T calls Ss to repeat individually. - Ask Ss to copy down those words in their notebooks - Present the way to ask and answer questions about what people are doing. - What are they doing? They’re - Do the task with one student as an example. E.g: Teacher: What are they doing? Ngoc: They’re playing football. - Ask Ss to work in pairs, ask and answer questions about what people are doing by pointing the given pictures. Then Ask Ss to change the roles. - Select some pairs of Ss to demonstrate the task in front of the class. - Listen and give feedback. Assessment: SS’assessment: - You listen and pay attention to their questions and answers; their voice & pronunciation; their intonation, their communication (Do they communicate or only read a question?) T’s asessment: give oral comments (focus on their exact structure, pronunciation, interaction) Activity 3. Let’s talk. - Let Ss work in group of 4 to practice the way to ask and answer questions about what people are doing - Call on some groups to perform in front of the class. - Invite other groups to give feedback. - Check and give feedback. - Do the exercise in the workbook. T’s asessment: give oral comments (focus on their exact structure, pronunciation, interaction) ___ 6