Giáo án Tiếng Anh 5 - Tuần 5 - GV: Đoàn Thị Tuyết

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 5 - Tuần 5 - GV: Đoàn Thị Tuyết

  1. WEEK 5: Period 9 Date of teaching: UNIT 2: IN THE DINNING ROOM Lesson 2 I. Objectives. By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to : - Pupils will be able to say the sound of the letter C/c and the words cake, cup, cat, car in a chant and to trace the letter C/c (upper case and lower case). - Practice listening skill. - Express their concern about the name of objects and pets. II. Teaching aids: Flashcards, book, workbook, CD player, III. Procedure Contents Teacher’s activities Pupil’s activities Warm up - Play a game: Pelmanism ( pictures - Play match with cards) 5’ 3. Listen and chants New lesson - Read a poem 30’ - Look and read - Chant one by one - Chant all the whole - Chant - Read the poem and clap the hands. - Practise. - Work in groups. - Give comments. * Assessement: Ss’ chant: Chant beautifully/ well/ wonderfully/ Assessement: Ss’ chant: Chant beautifully/ well/ wonderfully/ 4. Listen and tick. - Observe and comment the
  2. content . - Listen CD player. - Listen - Share answers in pairs. - Share - Listen again and say the name of - Say the name of objects. objects. Assessement:- Oral check (identify the name of objects). 5. Look and trace - Have pupils look at the letter C (upper case) and c (lower case). Ask - Listen and observe pupils to recognize the two forms of - Write the upper the letter. case C and the - Tell pupils to trace the letter C/c. lower case c on the book. - Check - Give feedback Homelink(2’) -. Find and say the names of the characters / objects as quickly and - Review. accurately as possible.
  3. WEEK 5 Period 10 Date of teaching: UNIT 2: IN THE DINNING ROOM Lesson 3 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Pupils will be able to listen and express possession about the objects and pets - Sing correctly and beautifully. II. Teaching aids: Flashcards, book, workbook, CD player, III. Procedure Contents Teacher’s activities Pupil’s activities Warm up - Chant - Listen and chant. 5’ 6. Listen and repeat - Have pupils look at the pictures New lesson - See and discuss about - Play the recording several times for the contents of the 30’ pupil listen and repeat. picture. - Practice. Work in pair. - Listen and repeat. * * Assessement:- voice, - practise.Work in pronunciation, intonation. pairs. 7. Let’s talk. - Observe and comment the
  4. whole of content of the picture and - Look at the picture what need to do. - Read - Read sentences: I have a - Practise - Role play - Work individually Assessement: - Oral comments ( focus on their sentences,pronunciation, interection). 8. Let’s sing - Students review and review the - Review. content - Read - Ss read the lyrics of the song - Listen and sing - Have pupils listen to the whole - Practise. song. - Let pupils practise singing the song. Assessement: - sing the melody , phonics, pronunciation correctly. Homelink(2’) - Sing a song for your family/ friends.
  5. WEEK 5 Period 17 Date of teaching : UNIT 3: WHERE DID YOU GO ON HOLIDAY? Lesson 1: Part 1, 2, 3 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Identify the vocabulary about past holiday. - Ask and answer questions about past holiday, using: Where did you go on holiday? I went - Interview two classmates about their holidays. - Express their concern about past holiday. II. Teaching aids: - Teacher: Teacher’s book, student’s book, activboard. - Students: Student’s book, notebook, pen, ruler III. Procedure * Warm up: Chatting about Ss’ daily routines Assessement: + Pronunciation, structure. + Q – A: - What do you do in the morning/ afternoon/ evening? - How often do you ? Activity 1 1. Look, listen and repeat - Discover the picture: - How many people are there in the picture? Who are they? Where are they? - What are they doing? - Listen and repeat - T plays the recording and Ss listen and repeat once or twice. - Have Ss repeat in chorus or in pairs if necessary. - Share ideas - Focus on the structure, lead in the new lesson. Where did you go on holiday? I went Assessement: - Read dialogue fluently. - Give the model sentences: Where did you go on holiday? I went to .
  6. Activity 2 2. Point and say - Focus on the structure, pre-teach vocabulary - Word-check: Matching - Modeling - Point and say : Use textbook. Activity 3 3. Let’s talk - Interview two classmates about their holidays. Name Where were you on holiday? Where did you go? What was the trip like? Lan In Hue went to thebeach nice Hoa - Present about your friends’ holidays Cues: Last summer, Lan was on holiday in Hue. She went to the beach with her family. It was really nice. Assessement: - Oral comments ( focus on their exact words, sentences, pronunciation, interection). IV. Homelink: Talk about last holiday with your family.
  7. WEEK 5 Period 18 Date of teaching : UNIT 3: WHERE DID YOU GO ON HOLIDAY? Lesson 1: Part 4. 5. 6 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: -Revise the words of past holiday through listening and reading. - Read and match the questions with the answers. - Play game: Find someone who. - Express their concern about past holiday. II. Teaching aids: - Teacher: Teacher’s book, student’s book, activboard. - Students: Student’s book, notebook, pen, ruler III. Procedure: * Warm up: Jumbled words( holiday, Imperial, island, town, village) Assessement: - find words exactly. Activity 1 4. Listen and match - Discover the picture - Listen and match - Share ideas - Feedback. Keys: 1. c 2. d 3. b 4. a Assessement: - correctly, pronunciation. Activity 2 5. Read and match. - Discover the picture - Read and complete. - Share ideas
  8. - Feedback Keys: 1.c 2.d 3.a 4.e 5.b Activity 3 6. Let's play: Find someone who - Introduce the role of game - Play game. Assessement: - quickly, correctly. IV. Homelink: Write about past holiday Ex: I was at the seaside on holiday. I went to Phu Quoc Island
  9. WEEK 5 Period 19 Date of teaching : UNIT 3: WHERE DID YOU GO ON HOLIDAY? Lesson 2: Part 1. 2. 3 I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Identify the vocabulary about means of transport. - Ask and answer questions about means of transport, using: How did you get there?I went by . - Express their concern about means of transport. II. Teaching aids: - Teacher: Teacher’s book, student’s book, activboard. - Students: Student’s book, notebook, pen, ruler III. Procedures: * Warm up: Kim’s game ( use pictures about: Ha Long Bay, PhuQuoc Island, Hoi An Ancient Town, Hue Imperial City, PhongNha Cave) Assessement: - quickly, correctly. + quickly and correctly: two stars for one word. + correctly: one star for one word. Activity 1: 1. Look, listen and repeat: - Set the scene: - How many people are there in the pictures? Who are they? Where are they? What are they talking about? - Listen and repeat - T plays the recording, Ss listen and repeat once or twice. - Let Ss repeat in chorus or in pair if necessary. - Share ideas
  10. - Focus on the structure, lead in the new lesson. How did you get there?I went by . Activity 2 2. Point and say - Focus on the sentence pattern, pre-teach vocabulary. Word check: “Slap the board” - Modelling - Point and say: Use textbook. Assessement: - Listen and pay attention to questions and answers (voice& pronunciation, intonation and communication). Activity 3 3. Let’s talk. - Practice speaking by survey. - Share and feedback - Presentation about how you get to different places. Cues: Last holiday, I was at the seaside. I went to PQ Island. I went there by plane. Assessement: - Ss’s vocabulary about means of transport. - Give orals comments ( focus on their exact structure, pronunciation and interaction). IV. Homelink: -Talk about means of transport with family.
  11. WEEK 5 Period 20 Date of teaching : UNIT 3: WHERE DID YOU GO ON HOLIDAY? Lesson 2: Part 4. 5. 6 I. Objectives: By the end of this unit, Ss will be able to: - Revise the words of activities through listening, writing a short paragraph . - Use the information to write about faminly members do in their free time. - Tell the faminly members do in their free time. II. Teaching aids: - Teacher: Teacher’s book, student’s book, activboard. - Students: Student’s book, notebook, pen, ruler III. Procedures A. Warm up: Watching the Video B. New lesson: * Warm up: Game: What and Where motorbike taxi train plane underground Assessement:quickly, correctly. Activity 1 4. Listen and write one word in each blank. - Run through the text. - Listen and tick
  12. - T plays the recording twice. - Have Ss listen and complete the task. - Ss share the answers with their groups. - Ss give the answers. - Listen again and check -Share ideas and feedback. Keys: 1. motorbike 2. train 3. taxi 4. plane Assessement: - write words exactly. Activity 2 5. Write about your last holiday. - Run through the questions. - Write on your notebook. - Share and feedback Keys: Depend on Ss’ answer Ss’ assessement: correctly, carefully, beautifully. Activity 3 6. Let's sing. How did you get there? - Run through the song then open the tape tiwce. - Practice singing a song one by one. Assessement: - Ss sing the correct rylics, well, beautifully. IV. Home link: Sing the song with their family.