Giáo án Tiếng Anh 3 - Tuần 22 - GV: Nguyễn Thị Thuận

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 3 - Tuần 22 - GV: Nguyễn Thị Thuận

  1. Week 22 UNIT 13: WHERE’S MY BOOK? Lesson 1 (Part 1-2-3) I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Identify the vocabulary about rooms in the house. - Ask and answer questions about rooms in the house, using There is the - Express their concern about rooms in the house II. Teaching aids: Text book, Picture, cassette, workbook III. Procedure: A. Warm up - Chant “Is there a garden?” and clap their hands. T Gives feedback (pronunciation, performance and voice) Q-A: Ask Ss to eliciting questions to elicit the new lessons. B. New lesson Activity 1. Look, listen and repeat Discover the picture: - How many people are there in the picture? - Where are they? - Who are they? - What is it? Share ideas - Focus on the structure, lead in the new lesson. Listen and repeat - T plays the recording, Ss listen and repeat line by line once or twice. - Have Ss repeat the whole dialogue in chorus Activity 2. Point and say. Ask Ss to revise the vocabulary about room in the house by playing the game “Matching”. T gives comments ( checklist)
  2. Teach the sentence pattern. Ask some questions to elicit the new sentence pattern of the lesson. There is a Modeling Point and say - Use textbook Peer assessment (Ss work in individuallys to practice asking and answering about rooms in the house by using the new sentence pattern. T prepares checklists: pronunciation, structure, interaction for Ss.) T observes and gives feedback Activity 3. Let’s talk. (10ms) Aims: Ss can use the new structure in a particular situation. look at the picture Work in pairs, ask and answer about rooms in the house Introduce about rooms in the house Cues: - There is the . - Oral : comments, feedback - Observation : Quick notes, checklists C. Homelink: Draw your bedroom. UNIT 13: WHERE’S MY BOOK? Lesson 1: (part 4-5-6) I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to: - Revise vocabulary about room in the house
  3. - Practise Listening, Reading and writing rooms in the house - Express their concern about the rooms in the house II. Teaching aids 1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, computer 2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks. III. Procedures A.Warm up: Game: Slap the board Assessement: ( praise and share) B. New lesson: Activity 4. Listen and tick - Show pupils how to carry out the task and tick the box. Elicit the pictures. Have pupils repeat them once and twice - Play the recording three times for pupils to listen, do the task and check their answers - Get pupils to swap and check their answers before checking as a class *T’assessment: ( quick notes) -You observe the ways students do the task. - Give oral comments Activity 5. Look and write Q-A: - Elicit the pictures: + What’s this? ( point to the object in the picture?) + Model the first sentence - Give pupils time to do the task, swap and check their answers. => peer-assessment - Do choral and individual repetition *T’assessment: ( quick notes) - Praise and share: ( Good job/ Perfect/ .)
  4. - S’s assessment: + give written comments (focus on the word-spelling). 6. Let’s sing - Teacher plays the song: + 1st: students listen + 2nd: stop each sentence in the song and asks sing along + 3rd: students sing in chorus - Divide class into three groups and song. Which group song are good, that group is the winner. Formative assessments methods and techniques - Students sing correct pronunciation, lyrics, stress and rhythm - Observation - Check lists (Excellent, Good, not good enough ) C. Application activities Talk about the rooms in your house that you have. UNIT 13: WHERE’S MY BOOK? Lesson 2: Part 1,2,3 I. Objectives By the end of this unit, Ss will be able to: - Identify the vocabulary about about house facilities. - Ask and answer about about house facilities. Is there a ?-Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t - Express their concern about their house facilities. II. Teaching aids: E-board, computer, CD tracks III. Procedure A.Warm up: Sing a song B. New lesson: Activity 1: Look, listen and repeat Step1: Discover the picture: - How many people are there in the picture? - Who are they? - Where are they?
  5. Step 2: Share ideas - Focus on the structure, lead in the new lesson. Step 3: Listen and repeat - T plays the recording and Ss listen and repeat once or twice. - Have Ss repeat in chorus if necessary. Formative asserments methods and techniques - Students repeat the sentences after the tape exactly. - Oral (Oral comments and Q-A) Activity 2: Point and say Step 1: Aims of this activity - Ask and answer about house facilities. Step 2: Focus on the structure, pre-teach vocabulary Is there a ?-Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t Word-check: Rub out and remember. Step 3: Modelling Step 4: Point and say - Use textbook. Formative asserments methods and techniques - Students point the pictures and practice the form in individually - Oral (Oral comments) 3. Let’s talk Students work by themselves - Call some students to act out in the class Formative assessments methods and techniques - Students act and practice the form exactly - Oral (Oral comments) UNIT 13: WHERE’S MY BOOK? Lesson 2: Section 4, 5, 6 I. Objectives By the end of this unit, Ss will be able to: - Review the vocabulary about house facilities.
  6. - Practise about house facilities. - Express their concern about their house facilities. II. Teaching aids: E-board, computer, CD tracks III. Procedure A.Warm up: Sing a song B. New lesson: Warm up: Slap the board Activity 1:. Listen and number * Pre- listening: - Ask students to look at the pictures and then identify the content of pictures in their book. - Call some students to guess before they listen * While- listening: - Play the tape twice - Students listen and tick into a correct picture - Call some students read their answer. T corrects * Post- listening: - Teacher plays the tape again and asks each student to repeat. Formative asserments methods and techniques - Students practice listening individually and tick correct answer Observation (Check lists (Key 4. Read and complete * Pre- writing: Ask students to look at the picture and say what they see * While- writing: - Ask students to look at the pictures and write the correct words - Calls students to write the answers on the board. Teacher corrects * Post- writing: students read aloud the phrases they have done Formative asserments methods and techniques - Students read and complete individually and write the correct answer - Observation(Check lists )
  7. Keys: 1. It is on the bed. 2. They are under the bed 3. They are near the desk. 4. They are on the desk. 5. They are on the wall 6. Write about your house - Explain how to do the exercise - T introduces the topic “you are going to write the paragraph about their houses” - Ss read the sentences individually and do the exercise. - Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary - Call on some Ss to report their answers. Others listen and comment. - Make a few questions to check Ss’ comprehension of the sentences. Formative assessments methods and techniques - Observation - Check lists (Excellent, Good, not good enough ) C. Application activities Chant at home.