Bài kiểm tra học kì I môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường Tiểu học Lê Quý Đôn (Có đáp án)

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  • docbai_kiem_tra_hoc_ki_i_mon_tieng_anh_lop_3_nam_hoc_2017_2018.doc
  • mp3Question 1. Listen and number.mp3
  • mp3Question 2. Listen and tick.mp3
  • mp3Question 3. Listen and T or F.mp3
  • mp3Question 4. Listen and complete.mp3

Nội dung text: Bài kiểm tra học kì I môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường Tiểu học Lê Quý Đôn (Có đáp án)

  1. LE QUY DON PRIMARY SCHOOL BÀI KIỂM TRA HỌC KÌ I NAME: MÔN TIẾNG ANH- LỚP 3 CLASS: 3A . NĂM HỌC 2017 – 2018 Thời gian làm bài: 40 phút. Marks Listening Reading and writing Speaking Total Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q. 8 Q.9 PART I. LISTENING ( 20 minutes) Question 1. Listen and number as example. (1 mark) 0 Question 2. Listen and tick. There is an example (1 mark) Example:  1 2 3 4 1
  2. Question 3. Listen and write T (True) or F (False) as examples (1 mark). 0. Her name’s Linda. T 00. It’s Tom. F 1. The box is green. 2. My classroom is small. 3. This is Quan. 4. That is Nam’s pen. Question 4. Listen and complete. There is an example. (1 mark). 0. I’m nine years old. 1. I’m ___ years old. 2. I’m___ years old. 3. I’m___ years old. 4. I’m ___ years old. Part II:READING AND WRITING (4 marks) Question 5.Look and read. Tick or cross the box. There are two examples. (1mark) Example 0. This is Mai 00. This is Tom. 1.Linda: Who’s this? Mai: It’s my friend Tom. 2. Linda: Is your school big ? Mai : yes, it is 2
  3. 3. Mary: What colour is your pen ? Nam: It’s white and black 4.Quan : That is my notebook. It is new . Question 6. Read and complete. There is one example. (1mark) open read yes can go Tony: May I (0) go out, Sir? Teacher: Yes, you (1) ___, Tony. Now, class, (2) ___your books and (3) ___ aloud. Peter: May I ask a question? Teacher: (4) ___, you can. Question 7. Look and write. There is one example. (1mark) Example: Ymg → g_ _ ymg → gym 1. hloocs → 2. ewn → s_ _ _ _ _ n_ _ 4. o o t b l f a l→ 3. o o l s c h g b a → s_ _ _ _ _ b _ _ f_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3
  4. Question 8. Reorder to make sentences . (1mark) 0. How /old /are /you? /  How old are you? 1. What / colour / are / your / books ? . 2. Those/ are / my/ pencils. . 3. How/ do you / spell/ your / name ? . 4. Tom / is / my / friend/ . Part III:Speaking (2marks) ( 5 minutes) Part 1: Getting to know each other.(1 mark) Part 2: Talking about school things.(0,5 mark) Part 3: Describing the picture.(0,5 mark) The end . Good luck to you ^.^ 4
  5. Tape script listening and key grade 3 I Part I. Listening( 4 marks) Question 1. (1mark) 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A 1. Miss Hien: Hello. I’m Miss Hien 2. Nam: How are you, Miss Hien? Class: Hello, Miss Hien. Nice to meet you. Miss Hien: I’m fine, thanks. And you? Nam: I’m fine, thank you. 3. Miss Hien: Goodbye, class. 4. Nam: Bye, Mai. Class: Goodbye, Miss Hien. Mai: Bye, Nam Question 2 (1 mark) 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 1. Mai: What’s your name? 2. Mai: Who’s that? Peter: My name’s Peter. Nam: It’s my friend, Peter. Mai: How old are you? Mai: How old is he? Peter: I’m seven. Nam: He is seven years old. 3. Mary: Who’s that? 4. Nam: Mai, this is my friend, Linda. Nam: It’s my friend, Tony. Mai: Nice to meet you. I’m Mai. Linda: Nice to meet you too. Question 3. (1 mark) 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 1. A: What colour is your box? 2. A: That’s my school. B: It’s red. B: Is it big? A: What colour is your pencil Nam? A: Yes, it is. B: They’re green. A: That’s my classroom. B: Is it big? A: No, it isn’t. It’s small. 3. A: Is that Tony? 4. A: Is this your school bag? B: Yes, it is. B. Yes, it is. A: Is that Quan? A. Is that your pen? B: No, it isn’t. It’s Phong. B. No, it isn’t. My pen is here. 5
  6. Question 4. (1 mark) 1. six 2. seven 3. eight 4. ten 1. Miss Hien: How old are you? 2. Miss Hien: How old are you? Girl: I’m six years old. Boy: I’m seven years old. 3. Mr Loc: How old are you? 2. Mr Loc: How old are you? Girl: I’m eight years old. Boy: I’m ten years old. Part II:READING AND WRITING (4 marks) Question 5.Look and read. Tick or cross the box. There are two examples. (1mark) 1.X 2.V 3.V 4. X Question 6. Read and complete. There is one example. (1mark) 1. can 2. open 3. read 4. yes Question 7. Look and write. There is one example. (1mark) 1. school 2.new 3. School bag 4. football Question 8. Reorder (1mark). 0. How old are you? 1. What colour are your books ? 2. Those are my pencils. 3. How do you spell your name ? 4. Tom is my friend Part III:Speaking (2marks) ( 5 minutes) Part 1: Getting to know each other.(1 mark) Part 2: Talking about school things.(0,5 mark) Part 3: Describing the picture.(0,5 mark) 6
  7. Các mức độ nhận thức Tên các nội dung, Mức 4 chủ đề, mạch kiến Mức 1 Mức 2 Mức 3 (Vận dụng Tổng thức (Nhận biết) (Thông hiểu) (Vận dụng) nâng cao) cộng TN TL TN TL TN TL TN TL Số LISTENING 10 4 1 1 16 câu greeting Số age 2,5 1 0,25 0,25 4 điểm name 1/Q1 school 1/Q2 2/Q1 facilities Câu 2/Q2 4/Q1 3/Q1 1/Q2 school things số 3/Q2 1- colours 4/Q2 4/Q4 Số READING 4 2 2 8 câu Friends Số Permission 1 0,5 0,5 2.0 điểm School 1/Q2 facilities Câu 1- 1- 2/Q2 age số >4/Q 2/Q2 Số 4 1 3 8 WRITING câu School Số 1 0,25 0,75 2.0 facilities điểm School 1/Q3 Câu 1- things 2/Q2 3/Q3 số >4/Q1 4/Q3 SPEAKING Số 4 2 1 7 greeting câu age Số 1 0,5 0,5 2.0 name điểm school facilities Câu P1 P2 P3 school things số colours Tổng số câu 22 8 1 2 2 4 39 Tổng số điểm 5,5 2 0,25 0,5 0,5 1,25d 10 Tỉ lệ % 55% 20% 2,5% 5% 5% 12,5% 100% 7