Kế hoạch giáo dục Tiếng Anh THCS theo CV5512 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Trường THCS Tân An

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Nội dung text: Kế hoạch giáo dục Tiếng Anh THCS theo CV5512 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Trường THCS Tân An

  1. PHềNG GD&ĐT TÂN KỲ CỘNG HềA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM TRƯỜNG THCS TÂN AN Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phỳc Tõn An, ngày 18 thỏng 9 năm 2020 KẾ HOẠCH GIÁO DỤC MễN TIẾNG ANH Năm học 2020 - 2021 (Kốm theo Kế hoạch số 121 /KH-THCS, ngày 07 thỏng 9 năm 2020 của Hiệu trưởng trường THCS Tõn An) A.Chương trỡnh theo quy định I. LỚP 6 ( HỆ 10 NĂM) Cả năm 35 tuần (105 tiết) HỌC Kè I (18 tuần x 3 = 54 tiết) Hỡnh thức tổ Thời chức dạy Ghi TT Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt lượng học/hỡnh thức Tiết chỳ dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh giỏ Getting started - Pronounce correctly the sounds Direct learning 1 /ʌ/ and /əʊ/ in isolation and in A closer look 1 Direct learning context. 2 A closer look 2 - Distinguish the present simple Direct learning 3 and the present continuous Communication Direct learning - Use appropriate questions 4 when making new friends at a 7 periods Skills 1 Direct learning new school. 5 - Read and talk about school Skills 2 Direct learning activities, subjects, and what Ss 6 1
  2. do at school. - Get information about school Looking back activities through listening and Direct learning 7 write a webpage for their school, using correct punctuation. Getting started - Pronounce correctly the sounds Direct learning 8 /z/, /s/ and /iz/ in isolation and in A closer look 1 Direct learning context 9 - Use There is/ There isn’t/ There A closer look 2 Direct learning are/ There aren’t correctly and 10 Communication appropriately. Direct learning 11 UNIT 2: MY Skills 1 - Describe houses, rooms and 7 periods Direct learning 12 HOME furniture. Skills 2 Direct learning - Do listening and reading 13 2 exercises Looking back -Write an e-mail to a friend. Direct learning 14 Getting started - Pronounce correctly the sounds Direct learning 15 /b/ and /p/ in isolation and in A closer look 1 Direct learning context; use vocabulary and 16 structures about body parts and A closer look 2 Direct learning appearance. 17 Communication - Use the present continuous to 7 periods Direct learning 18 UNIT 3: MY talk about future plans and Skills 1 FRIENDS arrangements Direct learning 19 -Read and listen for specific and Direct learning Skills 2 general information in texts 20 including advertisements and 3 Looking back emails. Direct learning 21 - Write an entry for a magazine 2
  3. using notes - Respect their friends Review 1: sts can revise the language they Direct learning 22 Language have studied since unit 1 to unit 3 REVIEW 1 students can revise the skills they 2 periods 4 Review 2: Skills have practiced since unit 1 to unit Direct learning 23 3 To test students’ remembering Multiple choice + 5 Test 45 minutes and understanding the knowledge 1 period 24 essay that they have learnt. - Pronounce correctly the sounds Getting started /i:/ and /I/ in isolation and in Direct learning 25 context; use vocabulary related to the topic “My neighborhood” A closer look 1 -Use adjectives to compare Direct learning 26 things. 8 periods - Talk about different places and show directions to these in a Direct learning 27 A closer look 2 neighborhood. Give comments to students so Test correction+ that they know what they have Direct learning 28 Test 15 mins done and improve their UNIT 4: MY knowledge. NEIBORHO 6 Communication - Read for specific and general OD Direct learning 29 information about good things and bad things in a Skills 1 Direct learning neighborhood. 30 Skills 2 - Listen to get the information Direct learning 3
  4. about directions to some places in 31 a neighbourhood. Looking back - Write about what they like or Direct learning 32 dislike about their neighboorhood Getting started - Pronounce correctly the sounds Direct learning 33 /t/ and /st/ in isolation and in A closer look 1 Direct learning context; use vocabulary related to 34 “travel item” A closer look 2 Direct learning - Use comparative and 35 UNIT 5: superlative adjectives to describe Communication Direct learning NATURAL things in nature. 36 WONDERS - Use must and mustn’t to give Skills 1 Direct learning OF THE orders and talk about and give 37 WORLD travel advice. 7 periods Skills 2 Direct learning - Do reading and listening 38 7 exercises Looking back write a travel guide entry about Direct learning 39 an To test students students can 1 period revise the skills they have Direct learning 40 practiced since unit 4 &5 8 Review To test students students can 1 period Multiple choice + revise the skills they have 41 essay practiced since unit 4 &5 Preparing the creative experience 42 Getting started -Pronounce correctly the sounds Direct learning 43 /t/ and /ʃ/ in isolation and in 7 periods A closer look 1 Direct learning 44 4
  5. context; use vocabulary related to UNIT 6: ‘Tet” OUR TET - Identify and practice the A closer look 2 HOLIDAY language of intentions (with will) Direct learning 45 and advice (with should / shouldn’t). 9 Reporting the creative experience 46 students can revise the skills they 10 Skills 1 have practiced since unit 4 to unit Direct learning 47 6 - Be aware what they should do Direct learning 48 Skills 2 and shouldn’t do at Tet Direct learning 49 Looking back - Get to know New Year Direct learning 11 practices in some other countries Review 1: - Do listening, reading exercises REVIEW 2 3 periods Direct learning 50 Language -Sts can revise the language they Review 2: have studied since unit 4 to unit 6 Direct learning 51 Skills -Sts can revise the language they Review Direct learning 52 have studied. To test students’ remembering Multiple choice + 1st SEMESER TEST and understanding the knowledge 1 period 53 that they have learnt. essay 5
  6. Give comments to students so that they know what they have 13 Test correction 1 period Direct learning 54 done and improve their knowledge. HỌC Kè II (17 tuần x 3 = 51 tiết) Hỡnh thức tổ Thời chức dạy Ghi TT Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt lượng học/hỡnh thức Tiết chỳ dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh giỏ Getting started - Pronounce correctly the sounds Direct learning 55 A closer look 1 /θ/ and /ð/ in isolation and in Direct learning context. 56 UNIT 7: A closer look 2 - Use Wh-questions correctly and 7 periods Direct learning 57 TELEVISION Communication appropriately. Direct learning 58 Skills 1 - Talk about a favorite TV Direct learning 14 programmes. 59 Skills 2 - Do listening and reading 60 exercises for specific information. Direct learning Looking back -Write about their favorite TV program. Direct learning 61 Getting started - Pronounce correctly the sounds Direct learning 62 /eə/ and /iə/ in isolation and in 15 A closer look 1 context; use vocabulary and Direct learning 63 structures about the topic “Sports 6
  7. A closer look 2 and Games”. Direct learning 64 UNIT 8: -Use the Past simple, use the 7 periods SPORTS AND Communication Imperatives to tell Sb to do Sth or Direct learning 65 GAMES to give a direct order. Skills 1 - Talk about famous sport events Direct learning 66 or famous sportspeople. Skills 2 - Listen to get information about Direct learning 67 Looking back the sport(s)/ game(s) people play. - Write a paragraph about the Direct learning 68 sport(s)/ game(s) they like. Getting started ʊ Direct learning - Pronounce the souds /ə / and /ai/ 69 correctly in isolation and in A closer look 1 Direct learning context; use the lexical items 70 related to the topic ‘Cities of the A closer look 2 Direct learning World’. 71 - Identify landmarks in cities UNIT 9: Communication around the world and compare Direct learning 72 CITIES OF features of cities around the world 7 periods THE WORLD Skills 1 - Read for specific and general Direct learning 73 information in texts, including Skills 2 postcards, use the present perfect Direct learning 74 to talk about experiences. 16 Looking back -Listen for specific details including facts and figures. Direct learning 75 - Write a holiday postcard. Review 1: students can revise the language REVIEW 3 Language they have studied Direct learning 76 since unit 7 to unit 9 1 period 17 Review 2: Skills students can revise the skills they Direct learning 77 7
  8. have practiced since unit 7 to unit 9 To test students’ remembering and 1 period Multiple choice + 18 Test 45 minutes understanding the knowledge that 78 essay they have learnt. Getting started - Pronounce correctly the sounds /dr/ and /tr/ in isolation and in Direct learning 79 context; Use the lexical items A closer look 1 related to the topic “our houses in the future” Direct learning 80 - Use will for the future and Modal UNIT 10: OUR A closer look 2 verb MIGHT for a unsure HOUSES IN possibility in the future. Direct learning 81 THE FUTURE - Make an interview, ask and answer about their future house. Test Give comments to students so that correction + they know what they have done 8 periods Direct learning 82 Test 15 mins and improve their knowledge. Communication - Practice reading for specific Direct learning 83 Skills 1 information about future houses 19 and appliances Direct learning 84 - Talk about houses in the Skills 2 future(type, location, surroundings, appliances) Direct learning 85 - Practice listening to get Looking back information about dream houses; Write about a dream house(type, Direct learning 86 location, surroundings, rooms, appliances. 8
  9. Getting started ɑ Direct learning -Pronounce the sounds / :/ and /ổ/ 87 correctly in isolation and in A closer look 1 Direct learning context; -Use the lexical items 88 related to the topic “Our greener A closer look 2 Direct learning world” 89 - use conditional sentences – type Communication 1 correctly and appropriately Direct learning 90 UNIT 11: OUR - talk about ways to ‘go green’. GREENER Skills 1 - read for specific information Direct learning 91 WORLD about tips on how to be ‘green’ Skills 2 Students can listen to get specific 7 periods Direct learning 92 20 information about ways to make Looking back the school a “green’ place. Students can review all what they Direct learning 93 have learnt in this unit 1 period 21 Review Direct learning 94 students can revise the language 1 period 22 Review+ Test Multiple choice + they have studied 95 15 mins essay since unit 10 to unit 10 Getting started -Students can know the key 96 language and structures to be Direct learning A closer look 1 learnt in this unit. - Pronounce correctly the sounds / Direct learning 97 UNIT 12: ɔɪ/ and /aʊ/ in isolation and in 23 ROBOTS A closer look 2 context; Use the lexical items 8 periods related to the topic “Robots”. Direct learning 98 - Sts can use will be able to for 9
  10. future ability and could for past ability. Review 1: students can revise the language Language they have studied since unit 10 to At home 99 24 unit 12 1 period REVIEW 4 Review 2: Skills Sts can revise the skills they have Direct learning 100 practiced since unit 10 to unit 12 Communication - Students can talk and read for Direct learning 101 specific information about types of Skills 1 Direct learning robots and their abilities or skills. 102 -Students can listen to get specific 25 Skills 2 Direct learning information about different 103 options of what robots will be able Looking back to do in the future - Students can review all what they Direct learning 104 have learnt in this unit The 2nd SEMESER TEST . To test students’ remembering 26 and understanding the knowledge that they have learnt. Multiple choice + 1 period 105 essay \ 10
  11. II. LỚP 6(Cũ) II/- LỚP 6(CŨ) Cả năm 35 tuần (105 tiết) HỌC Kè I (18 tuần x 3 = 54 tiết) Tuần Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Thời Tiết Ghi chỳ lượng PP dạy học CT Hướng dẫn học/ Kiểm tra đầu Know some classroom language used 1 tiết 1 năm in the class 1 Unit 1: Greetings 5 tiết A 1, 2, 3, 4 know the way to greet friendly and 1 tiết 2 introduce their name. Count from 0 to 5 A 5, 6, 7, 8 greet using “How are you?” and “I’m 1 tiết 3 fine, thanks”. Count from 6 to 10 2 B 1, 2, 3, 4, (5), 6 greet people formally in the morning, 1 tiết 4 afternoon, evening and say goodbye C 1, 2, (5) count from 1 to 20 1 tiết 5 C 3, 4, 6 ask and answer about age 1 tiết 6 Unit 2: At School (5tiết) A 1,2, (3), 4 know the meanings of classroom 1 tiết 7 3 imperatives to understand the teacher’s commands B 1, (2) ,3 Question and answer to talk about 1 tiết 8 name and the places you live 4 B 4, 5, 6 get further practice in personal 1 tiết 9 11
  12. information C 1 Talk about people and things at school 1 tiết 10 using “This/ That” C 2, 3, 4 identify places, people and objects 1 tiết 11 Talk about things in classroom using “This/ That” Unit 3: At Home (5 tiết) A 1,2 Talk about things in the house using 1 tiết 12 “Wh” questions with This/ That, These/ Those and living room 5 vocabulary A 3, 4, (5) Talk about family members 1 tiết 13 B 1,2 use number 21 – 100 and pronunciation 1 tiết 14 of plural nouns (/s/,/z/,/iz/) to count things in the classroom B 3, 4, (5), 6 use “How many are there?” questions 1 tiết 15 and further practice in numbers to talk about things in the classroom, the living room and the family C 1, 2, (3) ,4 understand the text about a family for 1 tiết 16 details and talk about jobs 6 Unit 4: Big or Small? (5 tiết) A1,2 read a description of a school and 1 tiết 17 practice in possessive "s" to talk about possession A 3, 4, (5), 6 read the text bout school and get 1 tiết 18 further practice in numbers and school vocabulary 12
  13. B1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 read the dialogue about school to 1 tiết 19 understand for details practice "Which" questions to talk about school 8 practice ordinal numbers C1, 2, 3 use present simple tense in positive 1 tiết 20 statements to talk about habitual actions C 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 tell the time 1 tiết 21 Grammar Practice Review some knowledge in unit 1, 2 1 tiết 22 Grammar Practice Review some knowledge in unit, 3,4 1 tiết 23 Kiểm tra (1 tiết) Use knowledge they learned in Unit 1 tiết 24 1,2,3,4 to do the written test 1 Correction +15’ Ss to know how good their English is 1 tiết 25 and mistakes they often make during doing the test 1 Unit 5: Things I do (5 tiết) 9 A 1, 2 talk about daily routines using simple 1 tiết 26 present tense. A 3, 4 get further practice in talking about 1 tiết 27 daily routines using simple present tense A 5, 6, 7 use simple present tense in yes/ no 1 tiết 27 questions and short answers to talk 10 about routine B 1, 2, 3, 4 use simple present tense to talk about 1 tiết 28 their routine. 13
  14. C 1, 2, 3, 4 use day of week vocabulary with 1 tiết 29 “has/doesn’t have” to talk about the weekly timetable Grammar Practice Review some knowledge in unit 4,5 1 tiết 30 Grammar Practice Review some knowledge in unit 1 tiết 31 Unit 6: Places (5 tiết) A 1, 2, 3 understand the text about where Thuy 1 tiết 32 11 lives for details and practice country vocabulary A 4, 5, 6,7 use town and country vocabulary to 1 tiết 33 describe places where they live B 1, 2, 3, (4), 5 read a text about where Minh lives to 1 tiết 34 understand town vocabulary and prepositions of place C 1,2 use more prepositions of place to 1 tiết 35 describe the position of a house C 3, 4, (5), 6 Describe a street using Where is/ are 1 tiết 36 questions and answer with vocabulary 12 and prepositions of place Unit 7: Your House (5 tiết) A 1, (2) listen to a dialogue and read a letter 1 tiết 37 about a house to understand the detail A 3, (4), 5, (6), 7 know the facilities vocabulary with “Is 1 tiết 38 there a / Are there any ” and short answers to describe the town B 1, 2, 3, 4 Read a text about Ba’s and Chi’s 1 tiết 39 14 houses to understand the differences between town and country 14
  15. C 1, 3 .Kụng dạy C2 (P.79) use Simple Present with “How” 1 tiết 40 questions and “by car/ bike/ train .” to talk about transportation C 4, (5) ,6 understand a text about Hoang’s daily 1 tiết 41 routine for further practice in Simple Present habitual actions Review +15’ Ss know how good their English is and 1 tiết 42 mistakes they often make during doing the test 2 Unit 8: Out and About (5 tiết) 15 A 1, 2,3 use the Present Progressive to talk 1 tiết 43 about actions happening now A4, (5), 6, 7 get further practice in the Present 1 tiết 44 Progressive “Wh” questions with him / her / them to talk about actions happening now Grammar Practice Review some knowledge in unit 6,7,8 1 tiết 45 Review for the First Semester Review some main points of 1 tiết 46 knowledge they learned in the first term to prepare for the first semester 16 test Review for the First Semester Review 1 tiết 47 Test (First semester) Use knowledge they learned from unit 1 tiết 48 1 to 8 to do the first semester test B 1, 2, (3) ,4 read a picture story about a truck driver 1 tiết 49 17 to understand the main ideas and details 15
  16. C 1, 2 use Can/ Can’t statements and traffic 1 tiết 50 vocabulary to talk about what you are allowed and not allowed to do on the road C 3, 4, 5, 6 read a text about Road Signs to 1 tiết 51 - C3 (P.90): khụng dạy 4 cõu understand Must and Mustn’t for đầu obligation/ prohibition Test correction+15’ Ss know how good their English is and 1 tiết 52 mistakes they often make during doing the first semester test Revision Review some main points of 1 tiết 53 18 knowledge they learned in the first term Revision Review some main points of 1 tiết 54 knowledge they learned in the first term HỌC KỲ II Unit 9: The Body 5 tiết A1,2 use some nouns to talk about parts of 1 tiết 55 the body A 3, 4, 5, (6) ,7 use adjectives to describe Physical 1 tiết 56 19 Appearance. B1, 2, 3 Describe faces and features using face 1 tiết 57 vocabulary and adjectives of color. 16
  17. B4 understand the text of people 1 tiết 58 description for details. B 5, (6) ,7 get further practice in Body vocabulary 1 tiết 59 20 to describe people. Unit 10: Staying Healthy 5 tiết A1,2,6 to talk about how we feel using 1 tiết 60 adjectives of Physical State. A3,4,5, (7) read a dialogue to recognize Polite 1 tiết 61 offers and requests with “What would you like?” and “I’d like some ./ a . /to .” B1, 2, 3 use some, any with there is, there are, 1 tiết 62 21 positive, negative and Y/ N questions to talk about Food and Drink B4, 5, 6 use uncountable and plural Food and 1 tiết 63 Drink nouns, Polite Requests “I’d like some ” and polite Offers “What would you like? C1, 2, talk about Favorite food and Drink to 1 tiết 64 contrast “Would you like .?” with “Do you like .?” C 3, 4, 5 Practice about faverite food and drink 1Tiết 65 22 Unit 11: What do You Eat? A1 use quantifiers (a kilo of .etc) and 1 tiết 66 Containers (a bottle of ect) to talk about things people buy at the store. A2 listen for specific information about 1 tiết 67 23 quantities for food shopping 17
  18. A3, 4, 5 listen for specific information about 1 tiết 68 quantities for food shopping B1, 4 get further practice in Offers and 1 tiết 69 Requests for Food and Drink, using some, any, a, an B2, 3, 5, 6 talk about prices for Food and Drink 1 tiết 70 24 with “How much is it?” Unit 12: Sports and Pastimes A1, 2, 3 describe sporting activities and 1 tiết 71 25 pastimes A 4, 5, 6 describe sporting activities and 1 tiết 72 pastimes B1, 2, 3 Ask and answer about sporting 1 tiết 73 activities and pastimes B 4, 5, 6 use “how often .” And adverbs of 1 tiết 74 26 frequency “once, twice, three times ” C1, 2, 3,4 use Adverbs of frequency with “How 1 tiết 75 often ” question C5, 6, 7 use Adverbs of frequency with “How 1 tiết 76 often ” question. Grammar Practice Review some knowledge in unit 9,10 1 tiết 77 Reviews Review some knowledge in unit10,11 1 tiết 78 27 Kiểm tra Use knowledge they learned in Unit 9, 1 tiết 79 10, 11 to do the written test 3 Correction +15’ know how good their English is and 1 tiết 80 mistakes they often make during doing the test 3 18
  19. Unit 13: Activities and 4 tiết Seasons A1,2,3 describe, ask and answer about the 1 tiết 81 weather A4,5 use “When” clauses in positive 1 tiết 82 statements 28 ask and answer about the weather B1 Talk about what they do in each season 1 tiết 83 B2,3 write activities they do in each season 1 tiết 84 Unit 14: Making Plans 5 tiết A1, 2, 3 talk about vacation plans 1 tiết 85 29 A4, 5, 6 write about their vacation plans 1 tiết 86 B1, 2, 3, 4 talk and write about their free time 1 tiết 87 plans B 5, 6, 7 listen and understand the dialogue 1 tiết 88 about free time plans C1,2, 3, 4 make suggestions and responding 1 tiết 89 Grammar practice Review some knowledge in unit 1 tiết 90 12,13,14 Unit 15: Countries 6 tiết 30 A1, 2, 3 know about Countries, Nationalities, 1 tiết 91 languages vocabulary ask and answer about Countries, Nationalities and languages A 4, 5, 6, 7 ask and answer about Countries, 1 tiết 92 Nationalities and languages ask and answer about Countries, 19
  20. Nationalities and languages B1,2 use comparative and superlatives of 1 tiết 93 one syllable adjective 33 B3,4,5 ask and answer about state dimensions 1 tiết 94 make comparisons C1,2 describe natural features 1 tiết 95 C3,4 describe natural features 1 tiết 96 Unit 16: Man and the Environment A1,2,3, 6 identify quantities of Food 1 tiết 97 34 - Khụng dạy A4, A5 (P.168) B(3), 4, 5, 7 read the text for details 1 tiết 98 - Khụng dạy B6 (P. 172) Grammar Practice Review some knowledge in unit 15, 16 1 tiết 99 Revision+15’ Ss know how good their English is and 1 tiết 100 mistakes they often make during doing the test 4 Revision Review some main points of 1 tiết 101 knowledge they learned in the first term to prepare for the second semester test 35 Revision Review some main points of 1 tiết 102 knowledge they learned in the first term to prepare for the second semester test The second term Test Use nowledge they learned from unit 9 1 tiết 103 to 15 to do the first semester test Test correction Ss know how good their English is and 1 tiết 104 mistakes they often make during doing 20
  21. the second term test Revision Review some main points of 1 tiết 105 knowledge they learned in the second term III. LỚP 7 (HỆ 7 NĂM) Cả năm 35 tuần (105 tiết) HỌC Kè I (18 tuần x 3 = 54 tiết) Hỡnh thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT lượng học/hỡnh thức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Tiết dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh chỳ giỏ 1 Giới thiệu chương trỡnh To revise the knowledge of English 6 1 period Direct learning 1 about vocabulary and grammar points. 2 Unit 1: Back to school Ss will be able to: - greet others and 5 period Direct learning 2 A 1,4 introduce about oneself - Introduce about new friend , the way to greet others Speaking, reading,listening A 2 - Ss will be able to read the short Direct learning 3 passage about Hoa - Ss can aks and answer some questions about Hoa. - Remember some more newwords. Speaking,Reading 21
  22. Hỡnh thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT lượng học/hỡnh thức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Tiết dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh chỳ giỏ A3,5(6) Ss will be able to practice listening Direct learning 4 and speaking skill Listening and speaking B 1,2(3) Ss will be able to ask and answer about Direct learning 5 personal information - Introduce a new friend in the class Speaking, Writing B 4,5,6,(7) the students will be able to ask and Direct learning 6 answer about distances. - Ss talk about the distance from my house to other places - Ss can listen about the distance from this place to other places Speaking, Listening 3 Unit 2: Personal - Ss will be able to ask for and give 6 period Direct learning 7 Information telephone numbers A 1,2,3 - Listen and write the telephone number Listening, speaking A4 - Ss will be able to understand future Direct learning 8 simple tense - Ss understand the way to use “will” to reach action is performed in the future - Review the way to call to somebody 22
  23. Hỡnh thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT lượng học/hỡnh thức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Tiết dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh chỳ giỏ speaking, writing A 5,6,(7) ss will be able to learn the simple Direct learning 9 future tense "will", "WH" questions and answers. Writing,reading B1,2,3 Ss will be able to: Direct learning 10 - Remember, write and speak about ordinal numbers, months and the dates of the months fluently. - Ask and answer about the dates of their birthdays and friends’ birthdays listening, speaking B4,(5) Ss will be able to: Direct learning 11 - Ask and answer about personal information - Use the future to talk about happen action - Understand and answer the question about the dialogue - Write a student registration form reading, speaking B6,7,(8),(9) Ss will be able to: Direct learning 12 - Reading, pronuncing words of the 23
  24. Hỡnh thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT lượng học/hỡnh thức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Tiết dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh chỳ giỏ text correctly and answer the teacher's suggestions - Review the future tense - Write an invitation card for a birthday party in English. Reading and writing 4 Unit 3: At home Ss will be able to use the exclamations 5 period Direct learning 13 A1 by giving compliments and complaints , they will learn about the things in the bathroom and the kitchen. Listening, reading A 2,(4) - Giving compliments with “what a /an Direct learning 14 + adj + noun !” - Making complaints with “What a /an + adj + noun!”. - Describe the preposition of the furniture in the living room Speaking ,writing B1 -After the lesson,students can be able Direct learning 15 to talk about the work and ask aand anser about family, job). Listening, reading. B2,3,4 Ss will be able to: Direct learning 16 - Talk about the job 24
  25. Hỡnh thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT lượng học/hỡnh thức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Tiết dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh chỳ giỏ - Listen to the tape in order to know the information then complete the forms. Listening, reading B5,(6) Ss will be able to: Direct learning 17 - use comparatives and superatives of irregular adjectives and long adjectives. - Reading the dialogue and answer the questions Listening, reading 5 Unit 4: At school By the end of the lesson, students will 5 period Direct learning 18 A 1,2,3 be able to: - review the way of speaking the time and some subjects at school. - Ss will practice listening for details about subjects and time at school. - Review present simpple tense Speaking, Listening A4,5 Ss can speak to each other about the Direct learning 19 schedule and practice the present progressive tense and present simple tense A 6,(7) By the end of the lesson , the students Direct learning 20 will be able to: - Read and understand about school in USA 25
  26. Hỡnh thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT lượng học/hỡnh thức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Tiết dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh chỳ giỏ - Talk about the difference between schools in the USA and Viet Nam. Reading B1,2 By the end of of the lesson: Direct learning 21 - The student knows the types of books in schools - Use prepositions to say about the place of books in the library reading, speaking B3,4,(5) By the end of the lesson, the students Direct learning 22 will be able to: - know the information about one of the world’s largest libraries thoughe the text. - They will library vocabulary. Listening, reading. 6 Language focus 1 By the end of the lesson ss will be able Direct learning 23 to do exercises in order to review the 1 period structures and grammar which they have been learnt from unit 1 to unit 3 . writing Reviews By the end of the lesson ss will be able 24 to do exercises in order to review the 26
  27. Hỡnh thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT lượng học/hỡnh thức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Tiết dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh chỳ giỏ structures and grammar which they have been learnt from unit 4 to unit 35. 7 Written test Stundents will be able to: Direct learning 25 - check understanding about the 1 period structures and vocabulary that they have learnt from Unit 1 to Unit 3. Listening, writing,reading 8 Correct the test Ss will be able to know about the Direct learning 26 common mistakes and their knowledge, 1period from that they will know how to improve their knowledge of English. Writing,Listening 9 Unit 5: Work and play After the lesson, the students will be 5 period Direct learning 27 A1,4 able to: - describe the work of a student at school. - Ask and answer about the school Listening, Reading A2,(3) the students will be able to: Direct learning 28 - Reading for details about Ba’s activities at school and at home. - Practice the present simple tense Reading 27
  28. Hỡnh thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT lượng học/hỡnh thức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Tiết dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh chỳ giỏ A 5,(6),(7) By the end of the lesson , Ss will be Direct learning 29 able to speak about subjects at school, what they study in each subject. - Practice listening skill Listening, reading B1,2 By the end of the lesson, Ss will be Direct learning 30 able to know about activities at recess. - Describe activities at recess in the picture or at school They will practice reading and listening skills Reading,listening B 3,(4,5) Ss will be able to know more about Direct learning 31 activities at recess at school - Reading comprehension and talk the difference between activities at recess in Vietnam and in American Reading,Writing 9 Unit 6: After school Ss will be able to speak about 6 period Direct learning 32 A 1 activities after school and give the invitation, the requests and respond to request Listening, Reading,Writing 28
  29. Hỡnh thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT lượng học/hỡnh thức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Tiết dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh chỳ giỏ A 2,(5) Ss will be able to use adverbs of Direct learning 33 frequency with the present simple tense for after school activities Speaking A 3,4 , Ss will be able to read a text for Direct learning 34 details about pastime activities - Listen to get information about after- school activities Reading B1 Ss will be able to make/give Direct learning 35 suggestions and accept or refuse the suggestions Listening , speaking B2 Ss will be able to know a magazine Direct learning 36 survery about the most popular activities of American teenagees and ger further practice in leisure vocabulary Reading B 3,(4,5) Ss will able to: Direct learning 37 - Arrange an appointment - Continue praticing the invitation. - Practice the dialogue Reading, speaking 29
  30. Hỡnh thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT lượng học/hỡnh thức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Tiết dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh chỳ giỏ 10 Language focus 2 Ss will review the know ledge which 1 period Direct learning 38 have been learnt from unit 4 to unit 6 such as : The present continuons tense , time and subjects . Writing 11 Reviews Ss will review the know all the 1 pẻiod 38 knowledge which they have learnt 12 Unit 7: The world of Ss will be able to: 5period Direct learning 39 work - read about Hoa’s academic work A1 - retell about their academic work Reading,listening A 2,3 Ss will be bale to compare American Direct learning 40 students’vacations and Vietnamese students’ vacations. Praticing reading and listening skills reading,listening A 4 Ss will be able to: Direct learning 41 - Read the passage about Hoa and and answer the questions a,b,c,d - Compare the time to study between you and Hoa 30
  31. Hỡnh thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT lượng học/hỡnh thức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Tiết dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh chỳ giỏ Reading B1 Ss will be able to: Direct learning 42 - understand the life of farmers in American - understand new words in business theme, rest of American families - Practice asking and answering in simple present tense Listening,speaking,writing B2,3,4,(5) Students will be able to: 43 - Know the work of Vietnamese farmers - Read and look for information fill - Listen about the job and fill the information - Comparative with fewer, less and more. Reading,,Writing 13 Unit 8: Places Ss will be able to ask and answer the 5 period Direct learning 44 A 1,2 way to the places. Speaking, Listening A3 students will be able to: Direct learning 45 - Ask for and give directions to the 31
  32. Hỡnh thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT lượng học/hỡnh thức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Tiết dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh chỳ giỏ places - Use the prepositions of place . Speaking, Listening A 4,5 Ss will be able to practice asking and Direct learning 46 answering about distances between two places with “ How far ” Speaking, listening B1,5 Ss will be able to ask and answer the Direct learning 47 price at the post office Listening, reading B2,3,4 Ss will be able to: Direct learning 48 Ask and answer about reason with question “Why” Practice the dialogue Practice exercise questions to buy items at the post office Reading, listening Revision Ss will review the knowledge which 1period Direct learning 49 they have learnt from unit 1 to unit 3. From that they will aplly them to do the test well . writing 14 Revision Ss will review the knowledge which 1 period Direct learning 50 they have learnt from unit 1 to unit 3. 32
  33. Hỡnh thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT lượng học/hỡnh thức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Tiết dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh chỳ giỏ From that they will aplly them to do the test well . writing Revision Ss will review the knowledge which Direct learning 51 they have learnt from unit 4 to unit 8. From that they will aplly them to do the test well . -writing Revision By the end of the lesson , Ss will Direct learning 52 beable to practice doing some exercises writing 15 The first semester test students will be able to: 1 period Direct learning 53 - develop 3 skills: Listening, reading and writing. - check understanding about the structures and vocabulary that they have learnt from Unit 4 to Unit 6. Listening,writing Correct the test Ss will be able to know about the 1 period Direct learning 54 common mistakes and their knowledge, from that they will know how to improve their knowledge of English.: reading, writing 33
  34. Hỡnh thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT lượng học/hỡnh thức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Tiết dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh chỳ giỏ HOC KY II 16 Unit 9: At home and Ss will be able to: 5 period Direct learning 55 away - understand the past simple tense. A 1 - They will know about some of the irregular verbs and regular verbs. - Use past simple tense to tell about happened events Listening , speaking A 2,3 By the end of the lesson, students will Direct learning 56 be able to: - Tell the story about the Robinsons’s trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium. - Ask and anwser the happened events in the past - Listen and find information to choose the correct sentense Reading and listening A 4,(5) By the end of the lesson, students will Direct learning 57 be able to: - Read comprehension about Ba’s diary and correct the false information - Practice the past simple tense and 34
  35. Hỡnh thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT lượng học/hỡnh thức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Tiết dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh chỳ giỏ compare with presenr simple and future : Reading B 1,2 the students will be able to: Direct learning 58 - talk about the neighbor - practice the past simple tense in negative and interrogative forms and short answers to talk about past activities. Listening and speaking B 3,4 Ss will read the text for details to Direct learning 59 understand Hoa’s sewing work and further practice in WH- questions to talk about past activities Practice present simple tense Reading 17 Language focus 3 Ss will practice the past simple tense , 1period Direct learning 60 prepositions of places , “ How much “ “ How far “ to talk about the price and distance , comparatives with more , less and fewer. writing 18 Unit 10: health and Ss will read a letter to understand the 5 period Direct learning 61 hygience details about Hoa and her family. A 1 - Remember happened activities 35
  36. Hỡnh thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT lượng học/hỡnh thức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Tiết dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh chỳ giỏ - Review the simple present to talk about habit and daily work Reading A 2,3 Ss will be able to: Direct learning 61 - Listen and arrange the picture in correct order. - List the activities dairy of Hoa - Ask and answer the activities dairy of Nam and yourself - Practice listening and speaking skills . Listening, speaking A 4 Ss will be able to write a letter to reply Direct learning 62 and talk about the routine and hygiene. Practice writing skill. Writing B 1,2, (5) Ss will be able to: Direct learnin 63 -Know the news to tell about toothache in dentist’s room. - Review past simple to retell happened actions. - Answer the questions about doctor Lai. ? Listening 36
  37. Hỡnh thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT lượng học/hỡnh thức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Tiết dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh chỳ giỏ B 3,4,(6) Ss will be able to: Direct learning 64 -review some new words -Read and find the word summary the actiions happened in dentist’s room -Practice question “Why” Reading 19 Unit 11:Keep fit, stay I. Objective: By the end of the lesson, 5 period Direct learning 65 healthy Ss will be able to: A1 - understand something when they were checked up the healthy. - nurse’s language use when having the students follow these steps while medicals check -up Reading , speaking A2 By the end of the lesson, Ss will listen Direct learning 66 for Listening A3 Ss will be able to: ask and answer Direct learning 67 about personal information Writing B1,(2) Ss will be able to: Direct learning 68 - Ask and asnwer questios about sickness - Know more new words 37
  38. Hỡnh thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT lượng học/hỡnh thức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Tiết dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh chỳ giỏ Listening, reading B 4,(5) Ss will be able to understand the Direct learning 69 symptoms of the common cold and the cues to prevent it. Practice readind skill. Reading 20 Reviews Ss will review the knowledge which Direct learning 70 they have learnt from unit 10 to unit 11. From that they will aplly them to do the test well . -writing 20 Unit 12: Let’s eat , Ss will be able to talk about the food. 5 period Direct learning 71 A1,2 - Express to like or dislike dishes, food. Listening, reading A3(a),5 Ss will be able to: 72 - Know a meal cooking process - Write the menu for a meal - Know how to instruct cooking - Remember more some vocabulary Reading B1,2 Ss will be able to know why Ba had to Direct learning 73 go to the doctor’s and the reason which 38
  39. Hỡnh thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT lượng học/hỡnh thức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Tiết dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh chỳ giỏ caused Ba’s stomachache. Listening, speaking B 2,3 Ss can know how is the balanceed diet. Direct learning 74 Reading,writing A 4+B4,5 Ss will be able to know about a Direct learning 75 balanced diet . Listen to a text for details and further practice in food vocabulary. They continue to practice listening skill. They will know what they should do to have a healthy lifestyle. Reading, listening,writing 21 Language focus 4 ss review and practice past simple, 1period Direct learning 76 Indefinite quantifiers, Too and Either, So and Neither and Imperatives. do grammar exercises Reviews ss review and practice 1period Direct learning 77 22 Written test students will be able to check 1period Direct learning 78 understanding about the structures and vocabulary that students have learnt from Unit 9 to Unit 11. reading, writing, listening 39
  40. Hỡnh thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT lượng học/hỡnh thức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Tiết dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh chỳ giỏ Correct the test Ss will be able to know about mistakes 1period Direct learning 79 from that they will know how to improve their knowledge of English. 23 Unit 13: Activities Ss will be able to: 5 period Direct learning 80 A 1,(2) - Know about the ten most popular sports which teenagers in the USA usually play. - Talk about the popullar sports which Vietnameses teenagers like reading, listening A 3,(5) Ss will be able to know how to use Direct learning 81 adjectives with noun and adverbs with verb talking about sport. speaking, reading,listening A4.(6) Ss understand walking and advantage Direct learning 82 of this sport. reading, practice the words about sports B1,2 The students will cotinue to practice Direct learning 83 about the topic of sports and in modal verbs listen,reading,speaking B 3,(4,5) Ss will know about a new sport and Direct learning 84 they continue to practice with modal 40
  41. Hỡnh thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT lượng học/hỡnh thức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Tiết dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh chỳ giỏ verbs . Practice reading skill. reading the text 24 Unit 14: Freetime Fun - Students talk about activities 5 period Direct learning 85 A1 -To talk about hobby To talk about programs on TV Reading,Listening A2+test 15’ After the lesson: Direct learning 86 - Students can express and respond to invitations - Express preferences about the choice of entertainment programs speaking 25 A3,(4) - Students will be able to understand Direct learning 87 the development of television in Viet Nam reading B1,2 - Students can talk about the television Direct learning 88 abd TV programs. - Ask and express the choice reading, listening, speaking B3,4 - the students will understand about Direct learning 89 popular TV programs for viewers and teenagers. 41
  42. Hỡnh thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT lượng học/hỡnh thức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Tiết dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh chỳ giỏ - Know more new words reading , writing 27 Unit 15: Going out the students will be able to give the 5 period Direct learning 90 A 1 advice and respond for not doing something such as: playing video games. They will talk about video games and disadvantages of playing video games. Listening, reading A 2,(3) Students will be able to understand Direct learning 91 video games and some disadvantages of playing video games. Reading B1,2 Students will be able to know about life Direct learning 92 in the city and life in the country. Listen and reading B3 students will be able to talk about Direct learning 93 favorite activeties in the evening Reading,listening B4,(5) students will be able to practice Direct learning 94 listening Listening 28 Unit 16: People and Students will be able to talk about the 5 period Direct learning 95 42
  43. Hỡnh thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT lượng học/hỡnh thức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Tiết dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh chỳ giỏ places countries and the capitalin Asia A 1,2 - Review adverb frequency Reading,listening, speaking A3,4 - After the lesson, Ss listen and get Direct learning 96 information - Students play role of the pilot - Students get more information about other places: Reading, listening B1 Students will be able to talk about Vo Direct learning 97 Nguyen Giap and a historic place - To name the historic sites associated with knowledge of the characters learn sinhvaf associated with sites that Reading,listening B2,(3) students will be able to talk about Direct learning 98 xfamous characters in thre fields: science, sports, literature, music - Know more vocabulary Reading, speaking B 4,5 students will be able to know about 2 Direct learning 99 famous people:Thomas Edison, an American inventor and Hans Christian Andersen, a Danish author. 43
  44. Hỡnh thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT lượng học/hỡnh thức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Tiết dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh chỳ giỏ Reading, listening 29 Language focus 5 Ss will be able to review the 1 period Direct learning 100 grammartical structures and the vocabulary that they learnt in the second semester of grade 7 . -To drill Ss reading, writing, and listening skills. reading, writing, and listening 30 Revision -After the lesson Ss will be able to 2 period Direct learning 101 review the grammartical structures and the vocabulary that they learnt in grade 7 . reading, writing, and listening Revision -After the lesson Ss will be able to 3period Direct learning 102 review the grammartical structures and the vocabulary that they learnt in grade 7 . reading, writing, and listening Revision -By the end of the lesson , students will Direct learning 103 be able to do some grammar exercises -They will have a better skills doing written test reading, writing, and listening 44
  45. Hỡnh thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT lượng học/hỡnh thức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Tiết dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh chỳ giỏ 31 The test for semester 2 Students will be able to do some kinds 1 period Direct learning 104 of exercises -The teacher can check student’s knowledge from unit 9 to unit 16.: reading, writing, listening Correct the test Ss will be able to know about mistakes 1period Direct learning 105 from that they will know how to improve their knowledge of English. Listening, writing,reading IV.LỚP 7 (Hệ 10 năm). Tổng cả năm 105 tiết. Học kỡ I: 18 tuần: 3 tiết/ tuần = 54 tiết. Học kỡ II: 18 tuần: 3 tiết/ tuần = 54 tiết. HỌC Kè I Thời Hỡnh thức tổ chức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt lượng dạy học/hỡnh thức Tiết chỳ dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh giỏ By the end of this unit, Ss can: - In class: 1 Lesson 1: Getting started UNIT 1: individual, pair MY • pronounce the sounds /ə/ and 7 periods 2 Lesson 2: A closer look 1 /ɜ:/ correctly in isolation and in work, group work, HOBBIES class 3 Lesson 3: A closer look 2 45
  46. Thời Hỡnh thức tổ chức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt lượng dạy học/hỡnh thức Tiết chỳ dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh giỏ context - Outdoor activities 4 Lesson 4: Communication • use lexical items related to Evaluate through hobbies chatting, asking – 5 Lesson 5: Skills 1 • use the present simple, the answering, 6 Lesson 6: Skills 2 future simple and verbs of liking presentation, + V-ing correctly and through students’ appropriately work, , • describe and give opinions coorperation about hobbies organization, • read for specific information or pronunciation 7 Lesson 7: Looking back about an unusual hobby ect • listen to get specific information about a hobby • write a paragraph about a classmate’s hobby By the end of this unit, Ss can: - In class: 8 Lesson 1: Getting started individual, pair • pronounce the sounds /f/ and 9 Lesson 2: A closer look 1 /v/ correctly work, group work, • use lexical items related to class 10 Lesson 3: A closer look 2 - Outdoor activities UNIT 2: health issues 11 Lesson 4: Communication 7 periods Evaluate through HEALTH • use imperatives with more and 12 Lesson 5: Skills 1 less chatting, asking – • form compound sentences and answering, 13 Lesson 6: Skills 2 use them correctly presentation, • talk about health issues and through students’ 14 Lesson 7: Looking back work, , 46
  47. Thời Hỡnh thức tổ chức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt lượng dạy học/hỡnh thức Tiết chỳ dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh giỏ give advice on healthy living coorperation • listen to get specific organization, information about health or pronunciation problems and advice ect • write a reply giving advice to someone with a health problem By the end of this unit, Ss can: 15 Lesson 1: Getting started • pronounce words containing 16 Lesson 2: A closer look 1 the sounds /g/ and /k/ in isolation - In class: and in context individual, pair 17 Lesson 3: A closer look 2 • use lexical items related to work, group work, 18 Lesson 4: Communication class community service and volunteer 19 Lesson 5: Skills 1 work - Outdoor activities UNIT 3: • understand the difference Evaluate through 20 Lesson 6: Skills 2 COMMU between the past simple and the chatting, asking – NITY present perfect 7 periods answering, SERVICE • use the time expressions that go presentation, S with the past simple and the through students’ present perfect work, , • read for specific information coorperation 21 Lesson 7: Looking back about community service and organization, volunteer work or pronunciation • listen for specific information ect about volunteer work • write a paragraph about 47
  48. Thời Hỡnh thức tổ chức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt lượng dạy học/hỡnh thức Tiết chỳ dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh giỏ volunteer work - Revise the language they have In class: Language + Test 15 studied since unit 1 to unit 3 individual, pair 22 minutes Review 1 2 periods - Practice language skills. work, group work, class 23 Skills - Revise the language they have In class: studied since unit 1 to unit 3 individual, pair Review 24 Review - Practice language skills. 2 periods work, group work, class Apply what they’ve learned to In class: do the test. individual. WRITTE Evaluate through 25 WRITTEN TEST 1 N TEST 1 1 period the test TEST - Consolidate the knowledge in In class: CORREC the test, draw experience 1period individual, class 26 TEST CORRECTION TION By the end of this unit, Ss can: - In class: 27 Lesson 1: Getting started individual, pair • pronounce the sounds /ʃ/ and UNIT 4: work, group work, 28 Lesson 2: A closer look 1 /ʒ/ correctly in isolation and in MUSIC class 29 Lesson 3: A closer look 2 context 7 periods AND - Outdoor activities • use lexical items related to the 30 Lesson 4: Communication ARTS Evaluate through topic ‘Music and Arts’ 31 Lesson 5: Skills 1 48
  49. Thời Hỡnh thức tổ chức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt lượng dạy học/hỡnh thức Tiết chỳ dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh giỏ • use comparisons: (not) as chatting, asking – 32 Lesson 6: Skills 2 as; the same as ; different from answering, • express agreement using too presentation, and either through students’ • use some combinations: draw/ work, , paint a picture, play the guitar coorperation organization, • read for specific information or pronunciation about traditional arts ect 33 Lesson 7: Looking back • talk/ sing or do other activities related to music and arts • listen to get information about an artist • write an informal letter of invitation By the end of this unit, Ss can: - In class: 34 Lesson 1: Getting started individual, pair • pronounce the sounds /ɒ/ and work, group work, 35 Lesson 2: A closer look 1 ɔ UNIT 5: / :/ correctly in isolation and in class 36 Lesson 3: A closer look 2 VIETNA context - Outdoor activities MESE • use lexical items related to the 37 Lesson 4: Communication 7 periods Evaluate through FOOD topic ‘Vietnamese Food and chatting, asking – 38 Lesson 5: Skills 1 AND Drink’ answering, 39 Lesson 6: Skills 2 DRINK • distinguish countable nouns presentation, and uncountable nouns through students’ 40 Lesson 7: Looking back • read for specific information work, , 49
  50. Thời Hỡnh thức tổ chức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt lượng dạy học/hỡnh thức Tiết chỳ dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh giỏ about pho, a popular food in Viet coorperation Nam organization, • use a/an, some and any to talk or pronunciation about quantity ect • use How much and How many to ask about quantity • talk about different types of Vietnamese food, drink, and recipes • listen for specific information about different traditional foods • write about some popular foods or drinks - Revise the language they have In class: studied from unit 4 to unit 5 individual, pair REVIEW + Test 15 REVIEW 1period 41 - Practice language skills. work, group work, minutes class By the end of this unit, Ss can: - In class: 42 Lesson 1: Getting started UNIT 6: individual, pair • pronounce the two sounds /tʃ/ THE work, group work, 43 Lesson 2: A closer look 1 and /dʒ/ correctly in isolation FIRST class 44 Lesson 3: A closer look 2 and in context UNIVERS 7 periods - Outdoor activities • use lexical items related to 45 Lesson 4: Communication ITY IN Evaluate through historic places and things, and VIET chatting, asking – 46 Lesson 5: Skills 1 arrangements for a trip NAM answering, 47 Lesson 6: Skills 2 50
  51. Thời Hỡnh thức tổ chức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt lượng dạy học/hỡnh thức Tiết chỳ dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh giỏ • use the passive voice to presentation, emphasise actions or events through students’ • read a passage for specific work, , information about the first coorperation university in Viet Nam organization, 48 Lesson 7: Looking back • listen for specific information or pronunciation about a famous teacher ect • write a short passage about a historic place - Revise the language they have In class: Lesson 1: Language studied in the first term individual, pair 49 REVIEW - Practice language skills. 2 periods work, group work, 2 class Lesson 2: Skills 50 REVIEW - Revise the language they have In class: FOR THE studied in the first term individual, pair REVIEW FOR THE 1st 1period 51 1st TERM - Practice language skills. work, group work, TERM TEST TEST class REVIEW - Revise the language they have In class: FOR THE studied in the first term individual, pair REVIEW FOR THE 1st 1period 52 1st TERM - Practice language skills. work, group work, TERM TEST TEST class Apply what they’ve learned to Evaluate through ST 1 TERM ST do the test. 1 period the test 53 1 TERM TEST TEST In class: individual 51
  52. Thời Hỡnh thức tổ chức Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt lượng dạy học/hỡnh thức Tiết chỳ dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh giỏ TEST - Consolidate the knowledge in In class: CORREC the test, draw experience 1period individual, class 54 TEST CORRECTION TION HỌC Kè II LỚP 7: (17 tuần: 3 tiết/ tuần = 51 tiết) Thời Hỡnh thức tổ chức Ghi lượng Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt dạy học/hỡnh thức Tiết chỳ dạy kiểm tra đỏnh giỏ học By the end of this unit, Ss can: - In class: 55 Lesson 1: Getting started individual, pair • pronounce the sounds /e/ and /eɪ/ 56 Lesson 2: A closer look 1 correctly in isolation and in work, group work, context class 57 Lesson 3: A closer look 2 • use lexical items related to the - Outdoor activities 58 Lesson 4: Communication Evaluate through topic ‘Traffic’ 59 Lesson 5: Skills 1 • use ‘it’ for distances chatting, asking – UNIT 7: 7 • use ‘used to’ to talk about past answering, 60 Lesson 6 : Skills 2 TRAFFIC periods habits or states presentation, • know the meaning of some road through students’ signs work, , • read for specific information coorperation 61 Lesson 7: Looking back about traffic rules/ laws organization, • talk about obeying traffic rules/ or pronunciation laws, and how to use the road ect 52
  53. safely • listen to get information about traffic problems in big cities • write a paragraph about traffic problems in a city/ an area By the end of this unit, Ss can: - In class: 62 Lesson 1: Getting started individual, pair • pronounce correctly the –ed 63 Lesson 2 : A closer look 1 ending in verbs work, group work, • use lexical items related to the class 64 Lesson 3: A closer look 2 topic ‘Films’ - Outdoor activities 65 Lesson 4: Communication Evaluate through • know the meaning and how to 66 Lesson 5: Skills 1 use –ing and –ed adjectives chatting, asking – • use although, despite/ in spite of answering, 67 Lesson 6: Skills 2 to express contrast between two presentation, pieces of information through students’ in the same sentence work, , UNIT 8: 7 • use however and nevertheless to coorperation FILMS periods express contrast between two organization, sentences or pronunciation • read for specific information ect about someone’s review of his/ 68 Lesson 7: Looking back her favourite film • talk about a film (its plot, main characters, cast, etc.) • listen for specific information about someone’s favourite film star • write a review of a film 53
  54. By the end of this unit, Ss can: - In class: 69 Lesson 1: Getting started individual, pair • pronounce two-syllable words 70 Lesson 2 : A closer look 1 with correct stress in isolation and work, group work, in context class 71 Lesson 3: A closer look 2 • use lexical items related to the - Outdoor activities 72 Lesson 4: Communication Evaluate through topic 'Festivals around the world’ 73 Lesson 5: Skills 1 UNIT 9: • use adverbial phrases correctly chatting, asking – FESTIVA and appropriately answering, 74 Lesson 6 : Skills 2 LS • make and answer H/ Wh- 7 presentation, AROUND questions correctly periods through students’ THE • ask about and describe different work, , WORLD festivals coorperation • read for specific information organization, 75 Lesson: Looking back about an unusual festival or pronunciation • listen to get specific information ect about a music festival • write a description of a festival they attended - Revise the language they have In class: Lesson1:Language + Test 76 studied since unit 7 to unit 9 2 individual, pair 15’ Review 3 work, group work, Lesson 2: Skills - Practice language skills. periods 77 class - Revise the language they have In class: studied since unit 7 to unit 9 1 individual, pair Review Review 78 - Practice language skills. periods work, group work, class WRITTE - Apply what they’ve learned to In class: 1period 79 WRITTEN TEST 3 N TEST 3 do the test. 54
  55. individual. Evaluate through the test TEST - Consolidate the knowledge in In class: CORREC the test, draw experience 1period individual, class 80 TEST CORRECTION TION By the end of this unit, Ss can: - In class: 81 Lesson 1: Getting started individual, pair • pronounce three-syllable words 82 Lesson 2: A closer look 1 correctly work, group work, • use lexical items related to class 83 Lesson 3: A closer look 2 sources of energy - Outdoor activities 84 Lesson 4: Communication Evaluate through • use the future continuous tense 85 Lesson 5: Skills 1 UNIT 10: and future simple passive chatting, asking – SOURCES • talk about the advantages and 7 answering, 86 Lesson 6: Skills 2 OF disadvantages of different sources periods presentation, ENERGY of energy through students’ • read a passage about renewable work, , and non-renewable energy coorperation Lesson 7: Looking back & 87 • listen to a passage of a new organization, project source of energy or pronunciation • write a short passage about how ect to save energy - In class: 88 Lesson 1: Getting started UNIT 11: By the end of this unit, Ss can: 7 individual, pair TRAVEL • appropriately use rising and 89 Lesson 2: A closer look 1 periods work, group work, LING IN falling intonation for Yes-No and class 90 Lesson 3: A closer look 2 55
  56. THE Wh-questions - Outdoor activities 91 Lesson 4: Communication FUTURE • use lexical items related to future Evaluate through means of transport and movement chatting, asking – 92 Lesson 5: Skills 1 • understand the difference answering, 93 Lesson 6: Skills 2 between facts and opinions presentation, • use will for future prediction through students’ • use possessive pronouns work, , • read for specific information coorperation about the inventions of future organization, Lesson 7: Looking back & 94 means of transport or pronunciation project • listen for specific information ect about a future means of transport • write a paragraph about future means of transport - Revise the language they have In class: REVIEW + Test 15’ studied since unit 10 to unit 11 individual, pair REVIEW 1period 95 - Practice language skills. work, group work, class - In class: 96 Lesson 1: Getting started By the end of this unit, Ss can: individual, pair • mark the stress on two- and work, group work, 97 Lesson 2: A closer look 1 three-syllable words and UNIT 12: class 98 Lesson 3: A closer look 2 pronounce them correctly AN - Outdoor activities • use lexical items related to the 7 99 Lesson 4: Communication OVERCR Evaluate through topic "An overcrowded world" periods OWDED chatting, asking – 100 Lesson 5: Skills 1 • use comparisions of quantifiers WORLD answering, with more, less/ fewer presentation, 101 Lesson 6: Skills 2 • make tag questions through students’ • read for specific information work, , 56
  57. about the population explosion coorperation • talk about the disadvantages of organization, being in an overcrowded place or pronunciation • listen for specific information in ect a film review In class: • write a short passage about the individual, pair 102 Lesson 7: Looking back population growth of an area work, group work, class - Revise the language they have In class: 103 Language individual, pair REVIEW 4 studied in the first term 2 periods work, group work, 104 skill - Practice language skills. class Apply what they’ve learned to do In class: the 1st term test. THE individual. SECOND 1period Evaluate through 105 The 2nd term examination TERM the test TEST In class: individual, class 57
  58. LỚP 8 HỆ 7 NĂM Cả năm học: 35 tuần x 3 = 105 tiết Học kỡ I: 18 tuần x 3 = 54 tiết Học kỡ II: 17 tuần = 51 tiết TT Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Thời Hỡnh thức tổ chức Tiết Ghi lượng dạy học/hỡnh thức chỳ dạy kiểm tra đỏnh giỏ học 1 Unit 1 - Introduction people 5 In class: individual, 1-5 pair work, group MY FRIENDS - Respond to Periods introduction work, class 1 Lesson 1: Getting - Describe people Evaluate through started - Write about oneself chatting, asking - 2 Lesson 2: Speak + LF and about other answering, checking 3,4 people old lesson, through 3 Lesson 3: Listen + LF - Use the simple students’ work, 4 1,2 tensse and pronunciation, ect. 5 Present simple to talk Lesson 4: Read about the general Lesson 5: Write truths - (not) adjective + enough + to- infinitive 2 Unit 2 - Talk about 5 In class: individual, 6-10 58
  59. TT Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Thời Hỡnh thức tổ chức Tiết Ghi lượng dạy học/hỡnh thức chỳ dạy kiểm tra đỏnh giỏ học MAKING intentions Periods pair work, group 6 Lesson 1: Getting work, class ARRANGEME - Use the telephone to started NTS make and confirm Evaluate through 7 arrangements chatting, asking - 8 Lesson 2: Speak + LF 3 - Take a telephone answering, checking 9 Lesson 3: Listen + LF message old lesson, through 1,2 10 - Talk about students’ work, intentions with be Lesson 4: Read pronunciation, ect. going to Lesson 5: Write – Bỏ - Adverbs of places phần 3 (P.24) 3 Unit 3 - Describe places 6 In class: individual, 11-16 pair work, group AT HOME - Describe situations Periods - Ask for and give work, class 11 Lesson 1: Getting reasons Evaluate through 12 started - Write a description chatting, asking – 13 Lesson 2: Speak of a room answering. Lesson 3: Listen - Reflexive pronouns 14 - Modals : Must, 15 Lesson 4: Read have to, ought to Lesson 5: Write - Why -Because 16 Lesson 6: Language 59
  60. TT Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Thời Hỡnh thức tổ chức Tiết Ghi lượng dạy học/hỡnh thức chỳ dạy kiểm tra đỏnh giỏ học focus 4 Review Help students to 1Period In class: individual, consolidate the pair work, group language and work, class 17 Review + test 15’ grammar from unit 1 Evaluate through to unit 3 chatting, asking - answering, checking old lesson, through students’ work, pronunciation, ect. 5 Unit 4 - Talk about past 5Period In class: individual, 18-22 pair work, group OUR PAST events s - Express feelings work, class 18 Lesson 1: Getting - Write a short Evaluate through started imaginary story chatting, asking - 19 Lesson 2: Speak + LF 4 - Past simple tense. answering, checking Lesson 3: Listen + LF - used to old lesson, through 20 1,2,3 - Prepositions of students’ work, pronunciation, ect. Lesson 4: Read time: in, on, at, after, 21 before, between. Lesson 5: Write 22 60
  61. TT Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Thời Hỡnh thức tổ chức Tiết Ghi lượng dạy học/hỡnh thức chỳ dạy kiểm tra đỏnh giỏ học 6 Review Help students to 2Period In class: individual, 23-24 pair work, group consolidate the s language and work, class 23 Review grammar from unit 1 Evaluate through 24 Review to unit 3 chatting, asking - answering, checking old lesson, through students’ work, pronunciation, ect. 7 WRITTEN The language and 1Period In class: individual. 25 WRITTEN TEST TEST grammar contents Evaluate through the from unit 1 to unit 3. test 8 Test correction - The details of the 1Period In class: individual. 26 test papers. Evaluate through Test correction asking-answering 9 Unit 5 - Give instructions 6 In class: individual, 27-32 pair work, group STUDY and advice Periods HABITS work, class 27 Lesson 1: Getting - Express obligation Evaluate through started chatting, asking - - Write a letter to a 28 Lesson 2: Speak + friend answering, checking Listen old lesson, through 29 61
  62. TT Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Thời Hỡnh thức tổ chức Tiết Ghi lượng dạy học/hỡnh thức chỳ dạy kiểm tra đỏnh giỏ học - Adverbs of manner students’ work, Lesson 3: Read 1 : Text - Modal: should pronunciation, ect. & Exercise 1 - Command, request 30 and advice in 31 Lesson 4: Read 2 : Text reported speech. & Ex 2 32 Lesson 5: Write Lesson 6: Language focus 1,3,4- Bỏ LF 2 ( P.52) 10 Unit 6 - Talk about the 5 In class: individual, 33 – 37 pair work, group THE YOUNG future Periods PIONEER - Ask for favors and work, class 33 Lesson 1: Getting CLUB offer assistance Evaluate through started - Write a letter telling chatting, asking - 34 Lesson 2: Speak + about a future plan answering, checking Listen - Present simple with old lesson, through 35 Lesson 3: Read future meaning. students’ work, 36 - Gerunds. pronunciation, ect. Lesson 4: Write - Modals: may, can, 37 Lesson 5: Language could focus 62
  63. TT Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Thời Hỡnh thức tổ chức Tiết Ghi lượng dạy học/hỡnh thức chỳ dạy kiểm tra đỏnh giỏ học 11 Review Help students to 1Period In class: individual, consolidate the pair work, group work, class 38 Review + ( Test 15 language and minutes) grammar from unit 4 Evaluate through to unit 6 chatting, asking - answering, checking old lesson, through students’ work, pronunciation, ect. 12 Unit 7 - Make comparisons 5 In class: individual, 39 - 43 pair work, group MY - Ask for information Periods NEIGHBORH and assistance work, class 39 Lesson 1: Getting OOD - Write a community Evaluate through started notice chatting, asking - 40 Lesson 2: Speak + LF - Present perfect with answering, checking 1,4 for and since old lesson, through 41 Lesson 3: Listen + LF - Comparison with students’ work, 2,3,5 like, (not) as as, pronunciation, ect. 42 (not) the same as, Lesson 4: Read different from 43 Lesson 5: Write 63
  64. TT Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Thời Hỡnh thức tổ chức Tiết Ghi lượng dạy học/hỡnh thức chỳ dạy kiểm tra đỏnh giỏ học 13 Unit 8 - Talk about 5 In class: individual, 44 – 48 pair work, group COUNTRY differences LIFE AND Periods work, class 44 Lesson 1: Getting CITY LIFE - Talk about future Evaluate through started events and changes chatting, asking - 45 Lesson 2: Speak + LF - Present progressive answering, checking 3,4,5 old lesson, through + to talk about the Lesson 3: Listen + LF students’ work, 46 future 1,2 pronunciation, ect. 47 + to show changes Lesson 4: Read 48 with get and become Lesson 5: Write - Comparative and superlative adjectives. 14 Revision for the - The language and 4Period In class: individual, 49 -52 pair work, group first semester grammar contents s test from unit 1 to unit 8. work, class 49 Review for the first Evaluate through 50 semester 1 chatting, asking - Review for the first answering, checking semester 2 old lesson, through 64
  65. TT Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Thời Hỡnh thức tổ chức Tiết Ghi lượng dạy học/hỡnh thức chỳ dạy kiểm tra đỏnh giỏ học students’ work, 51 Review for the first pronunciation, ect. semester 3 52 Review for the first semester 3 15 THE FIRST The language and 1Period In class: individual SEMESTER grammar contents Evaluate through the test 53 THE FIRST TEST from unit 1 to unit 8. SEMESTER TEST 16 Test correction The details of the test 1Period In class: individual. 54 papers. Evaluate through asking-answering Test correction Hoc Ky 2 TT Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Thời Hỡnh thức tổ chức Tiết Ghi lượng dạy học/hỡnh thức chỳ dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh giỏ 17 Unit 9 - Make and respond to 5Periods In class: individual, 55 – 59 A FIRST-AID offers, promises and pair work, group COURSE requests work, class 55 Lesson 1: Getting - Give instructions started 65
  66. TT Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Thời Hỡnh thức tổ chức Tiết Ghi lượng dạy học/hỡnh thức chỳ dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh giỏ - Write a thank-you Evaluate through 56 Lesson 2: Speak + note chatting, asking - Listen Lesson 4: Read - in order to, so as to 57 answering, - Simple future. 58 Lesson 5: Write checking old lesson, - Modal will to make through students’ 59 requests, offers and Language Focus promises work, pronunciation, ect. 18 Unit 10 - Give and respond to 6 Periods In class: individual, 60-65 RECYCLING instructions pair work, group - Talk about feelings work, class 60 Lesson 1: Getting - Write a set of Evaluate through 61 started instructions chatting, asking - 62 Lesson 2: Speak + - Passive forms. answering, Listen - Adjectives followed checking old lesson, Lesson 3: Read 1 : Text by: through students’ 63 & Exercise 1 + an infinitive work, 64 + a noun clause. pronunciation, ect. Lesson 4: Read 2 : Text 65 & Ex2 Lesson 5: Write Lesson 6: Language focus 66
  67. TT Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Thời Hỡnh thức tổ chức Tiết Ghi lượng dạy học/hỡnh thức chỳ dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh giỏ 19 Unit 11 - Express interest 6 Periods In class: individual, 66-71 TRAVELING - Make and respond to pair work, group AROUND a formal requests work, class 66 Lesson 1: Getting VIETNAM - Make suggestions Evaluate through 67 started - Completea narrative chatting, asking - 68 Lesson 2: Speak + - Participle ed and ing answering, Listen Lesson 3: Read - Request with: checking old lesson, 1 : Text & Exercise 1 + Would/ Do you mind through students’ 69 Lesson 5: Read 2 : Text if ? work, 70 & Exercise 2 + Would/ Do you mind pronunciation, ect. + V.ing? 71 Lesson 6: Write Language Focus 20 Review The language and 1Period In class: individual, grammar contents from pair work, group Review + ( Test 15 unit 9 to unit 11. work, class 72 minutes) 21 Unit 12 - Make plans 6 Periods In class: individual, 75-80 A - Make, accept and pair work, group VACATION decline invitations work, class 73 Lesson 1: Getting ABROAD - Ask and answer Evaluate through 74 started about the weather chatting, asking - Lesson 2: Speak 67
  68. TT Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Thời Hỡnh thức tổ chức Tiết Ghi lượng dạy học/hỡnh thức chỳ dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh giỏ - Write a postcard answering, 75 Lesson 3: Listen - Past progressive. checking old lesson, 76 Lesson 4: Read - Past progressive with through students’ when, while. work, 77 Lesson 5: Write - Past progressive with pronunciation, ect. 78 Lesson 6: Language always. focus Review The language and 2 Periods In class: individual, 79 Review grammar contents from pair work, group work, class unit 9 to unit 11. 80 Review 19 WRITTEN The language and 1Period In class: individual. 81 WRITTEN TEST 3 TEST 3 grammar contents from Evaluate through unit 9 to unit 11. the test 20 Test corretion The details of the test 1Period Kiểm tra 15 82 Test corretion papers phỳt/Dạy học tập trung 22 Unit 13 - Ask for explanation 6 Periods In class: individual, 83-88 FESTIVALS of events pair work, group - Give an account of work, class 83 Lesson 1: Getting 68
  69. TT Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Thời Hỡnh thức tổ chức Tiết Ghi lượng dạy học/hỡnh thức chỳ dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh giỏ something Evaluate through started - Write a paragraph chatting, asking - Lesson 2: Speak about what was done 84 answering, - Passive form: be + 85 Lesson 3: Listen checking old lesson, P2. Lesson 4: Read through students’ 86 - Compound words. Lesson 5: Write - Reported speech. work, 87 pronunciation, ect. 88 Lesson 6: Language focus 23 Unit 14 - Seek information 5 Periods In class: individual, 89-93 WONDERS - Recognize and pair work, group OF THE complete a work, class 89 Lesson 1: Getting WORLD questionaire Evaluate through started - Write a letter to a chatting, asking - 90 Lesson 2: Speak + LF friend answering, 3,4 - Passive form. checking old lesson, 91 Lesson 3: Listen + LF - Indirect question with through students’ 92 1,2 if and whether. work, 93 pronunciation, ect. Lesson 4: Read Lesson 5: Write 24 Review The language and 1Period In class: individual, 94 Review + ( Test 15 grammar contents from pair work, group minutes)Review 69
  70. TT Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Thời Hỡnh thức tổ chức Tiết Ghi lượng dạy học/hỡnh thức chỳ dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh giỏ unit 12 to unit 14. work, class 25 Unit 15 - Express opinion 5 Periods In class: individual, 95-99 COMPUTER pair work, group S - Agree and disagree work, class 95 Lesson 1: Getting - Complete a flow Evaluate through started chatting, asking - chart 96 Lesson 2: Speak + LF answering, - Write a set of 1,3 checking old lesson, 97 instruction Lesson 3: Listen( Unit through students’ 16) + LF 2,4 - Comparison of work, 98 present perfect and pronunciation, ect. Lesson 4: Read 99 past simple. Lesson 5: Write - Present perfect with yet and already 28 Revision - The language and 4 Periods In class: individual, 100-103 grammar contents from pair work, group unit 9 to unit 15. work, class 100 Review 1 Evaluate through 101 Review 2 chatting, asking - 102 Review 3 answering, checking old lesson, 103 Review 4 70
  71. TT Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt Thời Hỡnh thức tổ chức Tiết Ghi lượng dạy học/hỡnh thức chỳ dạy học kiểm tra đỏnh giỏ through students’ work, pronunciation, ect. 29 THE The language and 1Period In class: individual. 104 THE SECOND SECOND grammar contents from Evaluate through SEMESTER TEST SEMESTER unit 9 to unit 15. the test TEST 30 Test - The details of the test 1Period In class: individual. 105 correction Evaluate through papers. asking-answering Test correction LỚP 8 sỏch hệ 10 năm Cả năm: 35 tuần = 105 tiết Học kỳ I: 18 tuần = 54 tiết Học kỳ II: 17 tuần = 51 tiết HỌC KỲ I LỚP 8 Hỡnh thức tổ chức Thời dạy học/hỡnh thức Tiết Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt lượng kiểm tra đỏnh giỏ chỳ dạy học Understand new words In class: individual, 71
  72. and structures related pair work, group 1-7 1 to the topic “leisure work, class activities” in the Evaluate through 1 Lesson 1: Getting stared dialogue chatting, asking - 2 Lesson 2: A closer look 1 Use the lexical items answering, 3 Lesson 3: A closer look 2 UNIT 1: related to leisure 7periods checking old 4 Lesson 4: LEISURE activities lesson, through 5 Communication ACTIVITIES - Pronounce /br/ and students’ work, 6 Lesson 5: Skill 1 /pr/ pronunciation, ect. 7 Lesson 6: Skill 2 Understand new Lesson 7: Lookingback grammar : & project +Verbs of liking +gerunds +Verbs of liking +to –infinitive - Do listening and reading exercises -Write to discuss an opinion about leisure activities 72
  73. 2 -Use the lexical items In class: individual, related to the topic of pair work, group 8-14 UNIT 2: life in the countryside work, class LIFE IN THE -Pronounce /bl/ and Evaluate through 8 Lesson 1: Getting stared COUNTRYSIDE /cl/ 7 periods chatting, asking - 9 Lesson 2: A closer look 1 -Review comparative answering, 10 Lesson 3: A closer look 2 forms of adjectives checking old 11 Lesson 4:Communication and adverbs . lesson, through 12 Lesson 5: Skill 1 - Do listening and students’ work, 13 Lesson 6: Skill 2 reading exercises pronunciation, ect 14 Lesson 7: Lookingback -Talk about what they ke or dislike about life in the countryside -Write a short paragraph about changes in the countryside 73
  74. - Pronounce correctly In class: individual, the sounds /sk/, sp/ and pair work, group 15-21 UNIT 3: /st/. work, class 3 PEOPLES OF -Get acquainted with 7 periods Evaluate through 15 Lesson 1: Getting stared VIETNAM the topic about ethnic chatting, asking - 16 Lesson 2: A closer look 1 groups of Viet Nam answering, 17 Lesson 3: A closer look 2 -Review: + Articles ( checking old 18 Lesson 4:Communication a, an, the) lesson, through 19 Lesson 5: Skill 1 + All types of students’ work, 20 Lesson 6: Skill 2 questions and question pronunciation, ect 21 Lesson 7: Lookingback words - Describe and give opinions about peoples of VN. - Do listening and reading exercises - Talk about our own ethnic group Write a paragraph about how to cook a traditional dish 74
  75. - Revise the language In class: individual, they have studied pair work, group 22 Lesson 1: Language + 4 REVIEW 1 since unit 1 to unit 3 2 periods work, class test 15 minutes - Practice language Evaluate through Leson 2: Skills skills. chatting, asking - 23 answering, checking old lesson, through students’ work, pronunciation, ect 5 REVIEW - Revise the language In class: individual, 24 Review they have studied pair work, group since unit 1 to unit 3 1 periods work, class - Practice language Evaluate through skills. chatting, asking - answering, checking old lesson, through students’ work, pronunciation, ect Apply what they’ve In class: individual. 6 WRITTEN learned to do the test. 1 period Evaluate through WRITTEN TEST (1) the test 25 TEST (1) 75
  76. TEST - Consolidate the In class: individual. CORRECTION knowledge in the test, 1 period Evaluate through 26 Test Correction 7 draw experience asking-answering In class: individual, - Get some 7 periods pair work, group 27-33 UNIT 4: OUR information about our work, class 8 CUSTOMS AND customs and traditions Evaluate through 27 Lesson 1: Getting stared TRADITIONS - Pronounce correctly chatting, asking - 28 Lesson 2: A closer look 1 the sounds /spr/ and answering, 29 Lesson 3: A closer look 2 /str/ in isolation and in checking old 30 Lesson 4:Communication context; use lesson, through 31 Lesson 5: Skill 1 vocabulary related to students’ work, 32 Lesson 6: Skill 2 the topic . pronunciation, ect 33 Lesson 7: Lookingback - Review : + “should and shouldn’t” to express advice + “have to” to express obligation or necessity - Describe the table manners in the UK and compare with those in VN - Do listening and reading exercises - Write a paragraph about a traditional dance 76
  77. - Use action verbs to talk about a traditional dance - Stress correctly In class: individual, multi-syllable words 7 periods pair work, group 34-40 UNIT 5: with –ion and –ian work, class 9 FESTIVALS IN endings Evaluate through VIETNAM - Use the lexical chatting, asking - 34 Lesson 1: Getting stared items related to the answering, 35 Lesson 2: A closer look 1 topic “festivals in Viet checking old 36 Lesson 3: A closer look 2 Nam” lesson, through 37 Lesson 4:Communication - Write compound students’ work, 38 Lesson 5: Skill 1 sentences using pronunciation, ect 39 Lesson 6: Skill 2 conjunctions: and, but, 40 Lesson 7: Lookingback or, yet, so and & project conjunctive adverbs: however, nevertheless, moreover, therefore, otherwise - Write complex sentences using subordinators: because, if, when, while, although, even though - Read for specific information about 77
  78. festivals - Talk about a festival - listen for specific information about a Festival. - write about the festival they like or have been to - Revise the language In class: individual, they have studied pair work, group REVIEW 10 REVIEW since unit 4 to unit 5 1 period work, class 41 15-minute test 15-minute test - Practice language Evaluate through skills. chatting, asking - answering, checking old lesson, through students’ work, pronunciation, ect - Use the lexical In class: individual, 13 UNIT 6: items related to the 7 periods pair work, group 42-48 FOLK TALES topic ‘Folk Tales’ work, class - Use an exclamatory Evaluate through 42 Lesson 1: Getting stared sentence with the chatting, asking - 43 Lesson 2: A closer look 1 correct intonation answering, 44 Lesson 3: A closer look 2 - Use the past checking old 45 Lesson 4:Communication continuous tense lesson, through 46 Lesson 5: Skill 1 correctly students’ work, 47 Lesson 6: Skill 2 78
  79. - Distinguish between pronunciation, ect 48 Lesson 7: Lookingback the past continuous & project tense and the simple past tense - talk about a legend/ folk tale / fairy tale/ fable ( its plot. Main characters,etc) - read for specific information in a fairy tale - listen for specific information in a fairy tale - write a narrative of legend / folk tale/ fairy tale/ fable. - Revise the language In class: individual, they have studied pair work, group 49 Leson 1: Language 14 REVIEW 2 since unit 1 to unit 3 2 periods work, class 50 Leson 2: Skills - Practice language Evaluate through skills chatting, asking - answering, checking old lesson, through students’ work, pronunciation, ect 79
  80. REVIEW FOR - Revise the language 2 periods In class: individual, 51- REVIEW FOR THE THE FIRST they have studied pair work, group 52 FIRST SEMESTER SEMESTER since unit 1 to unit 6 work, class TEST TEST - Practice language Evaluate through skills doing exercise, asking - answering, Apply what they’ve In class: individual. THE FIRST learned to do the test. 1 period Evaluate through 53 THE FIRST 15 SEMESTER the test SEMESTER WRITTEN WRITTEN TEST TEST THE FIRST - Give comments to - In class: 16 SEMESTER encourage the students 1 period individual, pair THE FIRST WRITTEN to study hard. work, group work, 54 SEMESTER TEST - Discuss the ways to class WRITTEN TEST CORRECTION improve the test score. CORRECTION HỌC Kè II LỚP 8 Hỡnh thức tổ Thời chức dạy Ghi TT Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt lượng học/hỡnh thức Tiết chỳ dạy kiểm tra đỏnh học giỏ 80
  81. - Pronounce the words ending in In class: 17 UNIT 7: –ic ans –al correctly in isolation 7 individual, pair 55-61 POLLUTION and in context periods work, group work, - Use the lexical items related to class 55 Lesson 1: Getting stared the topic" Pollution" Evaluate through 56 Lesson 2: A closer look 1 - Use conditional sentences type chatting, asking - 57 Lesson 3: A closer look 2 1,2 correctly and appropriately to answering, 58 Lesson 4:Communication describe pollution checking old 59 Lesson 5: Skill 1 - Use words and phrases lesson, through 60 Lesson 6: Skill 2 showing cause/effect students’ work, 61 Lesson 7: Lookingback relationships to describe pronunciation, ect pollution - Read for general and specific information about water pollution - Talk about the causes and effects of water pollution as well as ways to reduce it - Listen to get specific information about thermal pollution - Write about the cause and effects of one pollution type - Pronounce the words ending in In class: –ese and –ee correctly in 7 individual, pair UNIT 8: isolation and in context periods work, group work, 62-68 18 ENGLISH - Use the lexical items related to class SPEAKING the topic of people and places Evaluate through 62 Lesson 1: Getting stared COUNTRIES in English speaking countries chatting, asking - 63 Lesson 2: A closer look 1 81
  82. - Use the present simple to talk answering, 64 Lesson 3: A closer look 2 about future activities checking old 65 Lesson 4:Communication - Read for specific information lesson, through 66 Lesson 5: Skill 1 about the attraction of a country. students’ work, 67 Lesson 6: Skill 2 - Talk about interesting facts of a pronunciation, ect 68 Lesson 7: Lookingback country - Listen for specific information about a day trip to an amazing town. - Write a description of a schedule for a visit or a tour. . - Pronounce words endingin – 19 UNIT 9: log and –graphy correctly in In class: 69-75 NATURAL insolation and in context 7 individual, pair DISASTERS - Use the lexical items related to periods work, group work, the topic ‘ Natural disasters’ class 69 Lesson 1: Getting stared - Use past perfect tense to talk Evaluate through 70 Lesson 2: A closer look 1 about an action before a started chatting, asking - 71 Lesson 3: A closer look 2 time or another action in the answering, 72 Lesson 4:Communication past checking old 73 Lesson 5: Skill 1 - Read for specific information lesson, through 74 Lesson 6: Skill 2 about a Natural disaster in a students’ work, 75 Lesson 7: Lookingback news report. pronunciation, ect - talk about a Natural disaster and what to do when it happens. - Listen to get specific information about a Natural disaster in a news report. 82
  83. - Write a news report on a Natural disaster. - Revise the language they have 2 In class: 20 REVIEW 3 studied periods individual, pair 76 Lesson 1:Language + since unit 7 to unit 9 work, group work, Test 15 minutes - Practice language skills class 77 Evaluate through Lesson 2: Skills chatting, asking - answering, checking old lesson, through students’ work, pronunciation, ect 21 REVIEW - Revise the language they have 1 In class: 78 REVIEW studied period individual, pair since unit 7 to unit 9 work, group work, - Practice language skills class Apply what they’ve learned to In class: WRITTEN do the test. 1 individual. 79 WRITTEN TEST (3) 22 TEST (3) period Evaluate through the test TEST - Consolidate the knowledge in In class: 80 TEST 23 CORRECTI the test, draw experience 1 individual. CORRECTION ON period Evaluate through asking-answering 83
  84. Pronounce the words ending -ity In class: UNIT 10: and -itive in solatiuon and in individual, pair 81-87 24 COMMUNIC context 7 work, group work, ATION - Use the lexical items related to periods class 81 Lesson 1: Getting stared the topic ‘ Communication’ Evaluate through 82 Lesson 2: A closer look 1 - Use some verbs that are chatting, asking - 83 Lesson 3: A closer look 2 followed by to - Infinitive answering, 84 Lesson 4:Communication - Read for general and specific checking old 85 Lesson 5: Skill 1 information about lesson, through 86 Lesson 6: Skill 2 communication in the future. students’ work, - Talk about communication now pronunciation, ect 87 Lesson 7: Looking back and in the future. - Listen for general and specific information about netiquette. - Write an email using netiquette. - Pronounce words with the prefix un- and im- correctly in In class: 88-94 UNIT 11: isolation and in context 7 individual, pair 25 SCIENCE - Use the lexical items related to periods work, group work, 88 Lesson 1: Getting stared AND science and technology class 89 Lesson 2: A closer look 1 TECHNOLO - Use the future simple and Evaluate through 90 Lesson 3: A closer look 2 GY future continuous to talk about chatting, asking - 91 Lesson 4:Communication science and technology in the answering, 92 Lesson 5: Skill 1 future checking old 93 Lesson 6: Skill 2 - Use direct speech and indirect lesson, through 94 Lesson 7: Lookingback speech to report what people say students’ work, or tell pronunciation, ect - Read for specific information 84
  85. about the role of science and technology in the future - Talk about the roles of science and technology - Listen for specific information about how science and technology solve some problems in the future - Write to express agreement and disagrement about the roles of science and technology - use the lexical items related to the topic “Life on other planets” In class: 95-101 26 UNIT 12: - pronounce correctly the 7 individual, pair LIFE ON words ending in -ful or –less in periods work, group work, 95 Lesson 1: Getting stared OTHER isolation and in context class 96 Lesson 2: A closer look 1 PLANETS - use modal verbs: may, might. Evaluate through 97 Lesson 3: A closer look 2 - use reported speech. chatting, asking - 98 Lesson 4:Communication - read for general and specific answering, 99 Lesson 5: Skill 1 information about life on other checking old 100 Lesson 6: Skill 2 planets. lesson, through 101 Lesson 7: Looking back - talk about what life may be students’ work, like on other planets. pronunciation, ect - listen for specific information about aliens - describe an aliens 85
  86. Students can revise the language they have studied In class: 27 REVIEW since unit 10 to unit 12 3 individual, pair 102 Lesson 1: Language Students can revise the skillsthey periods work, group work, have practised class 103 Lesson 2: Skill since unit 10 to unit 12 Evaluate through chatting, asking - answering, checking old lesson, through students’ work, pronunciation, ect 28 Review - Revise the language they have 1 In class: 104 Review + Test 15’ studied period individual, pair since unit 7 to unit 12 work, group work, class Evaluate through doing exercise THE Apply what they’ve learned to In class: 105 SECOND do the test. 1 individual. 105 29 SEMESTER period Evaluate through THE SECOND WRITTEN the test SEMESTER TEST WRITTEN TEST 86
  87. LỚP 9 ( HỆ 7 NĂM) Cả năm: 35 tuần = 70 tiết Học kỳ I: 18 tuần = 36 tiết Học kỳ II: 17 tuần = 34 tiết HỌC KỲ I Hỡnh thức tổ chức TT Thời dạy học/hỡnh thức Tiết Ghi Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt lượng kiểm tra đỏnh giỏ chỳ dạy học Speaking In class: individual, - Make and respond to pair work, group 1-5 introductions work, class 1 Lesson 1: Getting stared Evaluate through & Listen and read Listening UNIT 1 : chatting, asking - 2 Lesson 2: Speak & A VISIT Listen to a dialogue of answering, checking Language focus 2,3 FROM A 100-120 words for 1 PENPAL old lesson, through 3 Lesson 3: Listen & general or specific 5 periods students’ work, Language focus 1 information pronunciation, ect. 4 Lesson 4: Read Reading 5 Lesson 5: Write Read a passage about Malaysia for general or specific information Writing - Write a letter from outline. 87
  88. Grammar: - Tenses: past simple, past simple with wish - Used to Vocabulary: - Words to describe the geography of a country: climate, population, religions, languages, social customs, habits Speaking In class: individual, - Ask and respond to pair work, group 6-10 UNIT 2: 2 questions on personal work, class CLOTHING Evaluate through 6 Lesson 1: Getting stared preferences 6 periods chatting, asking - & Listen and read Listening answering, checking 7 Lesson 2: Speak +Listen Listen to a monologue old lesson, through 100-120 words for students’ work, 8 Lesson 3: Read general or specific pronunciation, ect 9 Lesson 4: Write information 10 Lesson 5: Language Reading focus Read a passage about Jeans for general or specific information Writing - Write an argument letter with a frame using 88
  89. suggested ideas or word cues Grammar: - Tenses: present perfect - The passive Vocabulary: - Words about clothing: types/ styles, colours, fashions, material, designs 3 Speaking In class: individual, - Ask for and give pair work, group 11-15 UNIT 3: information about the work, class A TRIP TO 5 periods Evaluate through 11 Lesson 1: Getting stared geography THE chatting, asking - & Listen and read COUNTRYS of one’s home country answering, checking 12 Lesson 2: Speak & IDE - Talk about a picnic in old lesson, through Language focus 1,4 the country students’ work, 13 Lesson 3: Listen & - Describe directions / pronunciation, ect Language focus 2,3 locations 14 Lesson 4: Read Listening 15 Lesson 5: Write Listen to a monologue of 100-120 words for general or specific information Reading Read a passage about an exchange student for 89
  90. general or specific information Writing - Write a passage about a picnic in the country Grammar: - Modals: could, would. - Prepositions of time - Adverb clauses of result: So Vocabulary: - Words to describe the country/ a trip to the country: natural landscapes, location, direction, outing activities. 4 REVIEW Review what Ss have 2 periods In class 16- REVIEW learnt from unit 1 to unit 3 17 REVIEW + Test 15’ 5 Apply what they’ve In class: individual. WRITTEN learned to do the test. 1 period Evaluate through the 18 WRITTEN TEST test TEST 90
  91. TEST - Consolidate the knowledge In class: individual TEST CORRECTI in the test, draw 1period 19 ON experience CORRECTION 6 Speaking In class: individual, - Ask for and give pair work, group 20-25 UNIT4 : 7 information about 6 period work, class LEARNING Evaluate through 20 Lesson 1: Getting stared language study / A FOREIGN chatting, asking - & Listen and read LANGUAG language courses answering, checking 21 Lesson 2: Speak E - Express opinions / old lesson, through 22 Lesson 3: Listen preferences students’ work, 23 Lesson 4: Read - Talk about methods of pronunciation, ect 24 Lesson 5: Write study 25 Lesson 6: Language Listening focus Listen to a dialogues with in 100-120 words for general or specific information Reading Read some advertisements about English class for general or specific information Writing Write a letter of enquiry within 80-100 words following a model and an outline given 91
  92. Grammar: - Direct and reported speech - Reported questions, here and now words with reported speech - Modal verbs with if Vocabulary: - Words to describe school settings, study courses, school life - Words to talk about language study: timetables, courses, subjects, ways of learning, learning activities Speaking In class: individual, - Ask for and give 5 periods pair work, group 26-30 UNIT 5: opinions work, class 8 THE Evaluate through 26 Lesson 1: Getting stared - Express agreement and MEDIA chatting, asking - & Listen and read disagreement answering, checking 27 - Talk about the old lesson, through 28 Lesson 2: Speak & development and the use students’ work, 29 Language focus 2 of the media, especially pronunciation, ect 30 Lesson 3: Listen & the Internet Language focus 1,3,4 Listening Lesson 4: Read 92
  93. Listen to a dialogue of Lesson 5: Write 100-120 words for general or specific information Reading Read a passage about the forum on the Internet for general or specific information Writing Write a passage to express opinions based on a model and guidelines given within 80-100 words Grammar: - Tag questions - Gerunds after some verbs: like, love, enjoy, dislike, hate, Vocabulary: - Words to talk about the media: history, development, different uses - Words to express opinions about the media: like, dislike, advantages, 93
  94. disadvantages - Revise the language they In class: individual, 31 Review have studied pair work, group REVIEW since unit 1 to unit 3 1 period work, class 9 - Practice language skills Evaluate through chatting, asking - answering, checking old lesson, through students’ work, pronunciation, ect 10 - Revise the language they In class: individual, 32 Review have studied pair work, group REVIEW since unit 1 to unit 3 1 period work, class - Practice language skills Evaluate through chatting, asking - answering, checking old lesson, through students’ work, pronunciation, ect 11 - Revise the language they In class: individual, 33 Review + Test 15’ have studied pair work, group REVIEW since unit 1 to unit 3 1 period work, class - Practice language skills Evaluate through chatting, asking - answering, checking 94
  95. old lesson, through students’ work, pronunciation, ect 12 - Revise the language they In class: individual, 34 Review have studied pair work, group REVIEW since unit 1 to unit 3 1 period work, class - Practice language skills Evaluate through chatting, asking - answering, checking old lesson, through students’ work, pronunciation, ect Apply what they’ve In class: individual. THE FIRST learned to do the test. 1 period Evaluate through the 35 13 SEMESTER test WRITTEN 35 THE FIRST TEST SEMESTER WRITTEN TEST 14 TEST - Consolidate the knowledge In class: individual TEST CORRECTI in the test, draw 1period 36 ON experience CORRECTION HỌC Kè II Hỡnh thức tổ chức Thời dạy học/hỡnh thức Ghi TT Bài/chủ đề Yờu cầu cần đạt lượng kiểm tra đỏnh giỏ chỳ 95
  96. dạy học Tiết Speaking In class: 1 UNIT 6: - Ask for and give reasons 5 periods individual, pair 37-41 THE - Persuade work, group work, ENVIRONMENT class 37 Lesson 1: Getting stared - Talk about the problems Evaluate through & Listen and read of environment pollution chatting, asking - 38 Lesson 2: Speak & and solutions to the answering, Language focus 2,4 problems checking old 39 Lesson 3: Listen & Listening lesson, through Language focus 1,3,5 Listen to a monologue for students’ work, 40 Lesson 4: Read general or specific pronunciation, ect 41 Lesson 5: Write information Reading Read a poem about the environment for general or specific information Writing - Write a letter of complaint of 80-100 words using frame and idea cues Grammar: - Conditional sentences: type 1 - Adjective + that clause - Adverb clauses of reason: as, because Vocabulary: 96
  97. - Words to talk about the environment around students' life: problems, conservation activities, solutions, activities to protect the environment 2 UNIT 7: Speaking In class: SAVING - Make and respond to 5 Periods individual, pair 42-46 ENERGY suggestions work, group work, class 42 Lesson 1: Getting stared - Talk about the problems Evaluate through & Listen and read of energy waste and chatting, asking - 43 Lesson 2: Speak & solutions to the problems answering, Language focus 2,3 Listening checking old 44 Lesson 3: Listen & Listen to a monologue for lesson, through Language focus 1 general or specific students’ work, 45 Lesson 4: Read information pronunciation, ect 46 Lesson 5: Write Reading Read a passage about saving energys for general or specific information Writing -Write a speech of 80-100 97
  98. words based on suggested frame and idea cues Grammar: - Connectives: and, but, because, or, so, therefore, however - Phrasal verbs - Suggest + verb-ing - Suggest (that)+ subject + should Vocabulary: - Words to talk about energy waste problems around students’life and solutions to save energy Speaking In class: 47-51 3 UNIT 8: - Give and respond to 5 periods individual, pair CELEBRATIONS compliments work, group work, 47 Lesson 1: Getting stared class & Listen and read - Describe events Evaluate through 48 Lesson 2: Speak & - Talk about popular chatting, asking - Language focus 1 celebrations in Viet Nam answering, 49 Lesson 3: Listen & and in checking old Language focus 2,3,4 other countries lesson, through 50 Lesson 4: Read - Express opinions on students’ work, 51 Lesson 5: Write different events pronunciation, ect Listening 98
  99. Listen to a song for general or specific information Reading Read passages about the fathers on Father/ s Day for general or specific information Writing Write a letter to a pen pal within 80-100 words based on a suggested outline and ideas cues Grammar: - Adverb clauses of concession: although / though - Relative pronouns and relative clauses (defining and non-defining) Vocabulary: - Words to describe popular celebrations in different countries: Tet, Easter, Christmas, Mid- Autumn Festival, Wedding, Passover, Father’s Day, - Words to express compliments, feelings and 99
  100. opinions on related topics 4 REVIEW - Consolidate from unit 1 1 period In class: 52 REVIEW + TEST 15’ to unit 4 Apply what they’ve In class: WRITTEN learned to do the test. 1 period individual. 53 WRITTEN TEST Evaluate through TEST 5 the test 6 - Consolidate the 1 period In class: WRITTEN TEST knowledge in the test, draw individual. 54 Correct the test CORRECTION experience Evaluate through asking-answering UNIT 9: Speaking In class: 55-59 NATURAL - Make predictions 5 period individual, pair DISASTERS 7 - Talk about the weather work, group work, 55 Lesson 1: Getting stared class & Listen and read forecast Evaluate through 56 Lesson 2: Speak & - Describe events chatting, asking - Language focus 1,2 Listening answering, 57 Lesson 3: Listen & Listen to a monologue checking old Language focus 3,4 general or specific lesson, through 58 Lesson 4: Read information students’ work, 59 Lesson 5: Write Reading pronunciation, ect Read a passage about natural disasters for general or specific information 100