Kế hoạch giáo dục môn Tiếng Anh THCS theo CV5512 - Chương trình dạy thêm - Năm học 2020-2021 - Trường THCS Tân An

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Nội dung text: Kế hoạch giáo dục môn Tiếng Anh THCS theo CV5512 - Chương trình dạy thêm - Năm học 2020-2021 - Trường THCS Tân An

  1. PHÒNG GD&ĐT TÂN KỲ CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM TRƯỜNG THCS TÂN AN Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc Tân An, ngày 18 tháng 9 năm 2020 KẾ HOẠCH GIÁO DỤC MÔN TIẾNG ANH Năm học 2020- 2021 (Kèm theo Kế hoạch số 121/KH-THCS, ngày 07 tháng 9 năm 2020 của Hiệu trưởng trường THCS Tân An) B. Chương trình dạy thêm I. LỚP 6 Hình thức tổ Thời chức dạy lượng Ghi TT Nội dung Yêu cầu cần đạt học/hình thức Buổi dạy chú kiểm tra đánh học giá 1 Review - Present simple -Sts understand how to use the tenses and 3 Direct learning 1 - Progressive tense do the tasks -Adv of frequency - know the way to use Adv of frequency. - Practice 2 - There is / There isn’t/ -Ss understand how to use There is / 3 Direct learning 2 There are / There aren’t There isn’t/ There are / There aren’t - Prepositions of place. - Prepositions of place. 3 - The present continuous Ss understand how to use : The present 3 Direct learning 3 to talk about future plans continuous to talk about future plans and 1
  2. Hình thức tổ Thời chức dạy lượng Ghi TT Nội dung Yêu cầu cần đạt học/hình thức Buổi dạy chú kiểm tra đánh học giá and arrangements. arrangements. - Identify and practise the + Sts understand how to use the WH- in language of polite making questions requests. Wh questions + Practice Practice 4 Practice - Do the tasks 3 Direct learning 4 5 - Comparative Adjective -Sts understand how to use the structure of 3 Direct learning 5 - Practice comparative adj - Do the tasks 6 - Superlatives of short -Sts understand how to use the structure of 3 Direct learning 6 adjectives. superlative short adj and modal verbs:- - Modal verbs:- Use Use “must” and “mustn’t” to give oders. “must” and “mustn’t” to - Do the tasks give oders. 7 Practice test Using knowledge they’ve learnt to 3 Direct learning 7 practice doing tests 8 - Will to express -Sts understand how to use modal verbs 3 Direct learning 8 intentions. - Imperatives. - Should/shouldn’t for - Do the tasks advice. - Imperatives. - Modal verbs 2
  3. Hình thức tổ Thời chức dạy lượng Ghi TT Nội dung Yêu cầu cần đạt học/hình thức Buổi dạy chú kiểm tra đánh học giá - Practice 9 - Practice test. Using knowledge they’ve learnt to 3 Direct learning 9 practice doing tests 10 Review for the first term Using knowledge they’ve learnt to 3 Direct learning 10 Practice practice doing tests 11 Wh questions -Review the usage of the WH- in making 3 Direct learning 11 Conjunctions questions Practice -How to use conjunctions in English - Do the tasks 12 Past simple tense -Review the usage of past simple tense 3 Direct learning 12 Practice - Do the tasks 13 - Superlatives of long - Sts know how to use Superlatives of long 3 Direct learning 13 adjectives; The Present adjectives; The Present Perfect. Perfect. - Do the tasks - Practice 14 Tests Using knowledge they’ve learnt to 3 Direct learning 14 practice doing tests 15 The present perfect -Sts understand how to use the tense 3 Direct learning 15 Practice - Do the tasks 16 Superlative long adjs -Sts understand how to use the structure of 3 Direct learning 16 Practice superlative long adj 3
  4. Hình thức tổ Thời chức dạy lượng Ghi TT Nội dung Yêu cầu cần đạt học/hình thức Buổi dạy chú kiểm tra đánh học giá - Do the tasks 17 Practice Using knowledge they’ve learnt to 3 Direct learning 17 test practice doing tests 18 Conditional sentence type -Sts understand how to use the structure of 3 Direct learning 18 1 conditional sentence type 1 Practice - Do the tasks 19 Review for the second Using knowledge they’ve learnt to 3 Direct learning 19 term test practice doing tests 20 Review for the second Using knowledge they’ve learnt to 3 Direct learning 20 term test practice doing tests I. LỚP 7( HỆ 10 NĂM) 4
  5. Hình thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT Bài/chủ đề Yêu cầu cần đạt lượng học/hình thức Buổi Ghi chú dạy học kiểm tra đánh giá 1 + The present simple By the end of the lesson Ss need to 3 Direct learning 1 + The future tense receive the form, uses, signals of the periods + Practice present simple, the future tenses. 2 The present progressive and By the end of the lesson Ss need to 3 Direct learning 2 the verb of liking; receive the form, uses, signals of the periods + Practice present progressive and the verb of liking; + Practice, doing exersices 3 The past simple tense Ss revise more about the forms and 3 Direct learning 3 + Practice use of past simple tense periods Practise doing exercise 4 + The present perfect & By the end of the lesson Ss revise 3 Direct learning 4 Adjective and adverb more about the forms and use of periods + Practice Present perfect and Adj and Adverb. Practise doing exercise 5 Comparison of Adj & Adv By the end of the lesson Ss need to 3 Direct learning 5 + Practice receive the form of comparison of periods Adj & Adv + Practise doing exercise 6 Passive voice Ss know more special cases of 3 Direct learning 6 passive voice. Practice doing periods exercises The way to do the rewrite sentences 5
  6. Hình thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT Bài/chủ đề Yêu cầu cần đạt lượng học/hình thức Buổi Ghi chú dạy học kiểm tra đánh giá using the passive voice + Practise doing exercise 7 Practice test 1 Practse doing the test. 3 Direct learning 7 Correct the test periods 8 Preposition & expression of _ Ss practice more about the 3 Direct learning 8 quality preposition & expression of quality periods + So/ too/either/neither + So/ too/either/neither + Practice + Practice doing exercises 9 Word formation + Ss know the way to forn the word 3 Direct learning 9 + Practice and its meaning. periods + Articles & question words + Writing a letter describing local food or drink 10 Articles & question words - Ss revise the uses of articles 3 Direct learning 10 Practice and question words. periods - Practice doing exercises 11 The future continuous & By the end of the lesson Ss need to 3 Direct learning future passive receive the form, uses, signals of periods + Practice the future continuous and , the future passive 12 Practice test 1 Practise doing the test. 3 Direct learning 12 Correct the test periods Help techer know how SS understand the lesson 6
  7. Hình thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT Bài/chủ đề Yêu cầu cần đạt lượng học/hình thức Buổi Ghi chú dạy học kiểm tra đánh giá 13 Practice test 2 Practise doing the test. 3 Direct learning 13 Correct the test periods Help techer know how SS understand the lesson 14 Practice test 3 Practise doing the test. 3 Direct learning 14 Correct the test periods Help techer know how SS understand the lesson 15 Practice tes 4 Practise doing the test. 3 Direct learning 15 Correct the test periods Help techer know how SS understand the lesson 16 Practice test 5 Practise doing the test. 3 Direct learning 16 Correct the test periods Help techer know how SS understand the lesson 17 Practice test 6 Practise doing the test. 3 Direct learning 17 Correct the test periods Help techer know how SS understand the lesson 18 Practice test 7 Practise doing the test. 3 Direct learning 18 Correct the test periods Help techer know how SS 7
  8. Hình thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT Bài/chủ đề Yêu cầu cần đạt lượng học/hình thức Buổi Ghi chú dạy học kiểm tra đánh giá understand the lesson 19 Practice test 8 Practise doing the test. 3 Direct learning 19 Correct the test periods Help techer know how SS understand the lesson 20 Practice test 9 Practise doing the test. 3 Direct learning 20 Correct the test periods Help techer know how SS understand the lesson I. LỚP 8 HỆ 7 NĂM Hình thức tổ chức dạy Thời lượng TT Bài/chủ đề Yêu cầu cần đạt học/hình thức Buổi Ghi chú dạy học kiểm tra đánh giá 1 - The present simple 3 periods Direct learning 1 tense to talk about + Ss know the form, uses,and general truth signals of the present simple - Enough ; too + - Enough ; too + Practice doing exerises 2 Future with be going to, + Ss revise the Future with be going 3 periods Direct learning 2 reflexsive pronouns & to, reflexsive pronouns & modals ( modals Form, special cases.) 8
  9. Hình thức tổ chức dạy Thời lượng TT Bài/chủ đề Yêu cầu cần đạt học/hình thức Buổi Ghi chú dạy học kiểm tra đánh giá + Practice doing exercise 3 Practice test + Practise doing the test. 3 periods Direct learning 3 Correct the test 4 Past simple,preposition + Ss know the form, uses,and 3 periods Direct learning 4 and used to signals of the past simple, preposition and used to 5 Reported speech and + Ss know the form, uses, of the 3 periods Direct learning 5 adverbs of manner reported speech and adverbs of manner 6 Gerund and present Ss know the form, uses, of the 3 periods Direct learning 6 simple to talk about Gerund and present simple to talk future meaning about future meaning 7 Practice Test + Practise doing the test. 3 periods Direct learning 7 Correct the test 8 The present perfect + Ss know the form, uses, of the 3 periods Direct learning 8 present perfect 9 Adjectives: SS revise the: Adjectives: 3 periods Direct learning 9 Comparatives and Comparatives and Superlatives Superlatives + Practice doing exercise. 10 Passive forn + Ss know more about: Passive 3 periods Direct learning 10 forn( forms and uses. + Practice doing exercise. 11 Practice test + Practise doing the test to revise 3 periods Direct learning 9
  10. Hình thức tổ chức dạy Thời lượng TT Bài/chủ đề Yêu cầu cần đạt học/hình thức Buổi Ghi chú dạy học kiểm tra đánh giá what they have learnt. 12 Past progressive +By the end of the lesson Ss know 3 periods Direct learning 12 more about the: Past progressive + Practice doing exercise. 13 Practice test + Practise doing the test to revise 3 periods Direct learning 13 what they have learnt. 14 Practice test + Practise doing the test to revise 3 periods Direct learning 14 what they have learnt. I. LỚP 8 HỆ 10 NĂM Thời Hình thức tổ chức TT Bài/chủ đề Yêu cầu cần đạt lượng dạy học/hình thức Buổi Ghi chú dạy học kiểm tra đánh giá 1 + The verbs of liking + + Ss revise the verbs of liking + 3 periods Direct learning 1 gerunds gerunds + The verbs of liking + + The verbs of liking + to- infinitive to- infinitive + Practice doing exerises + Practice 2 + Compararive forms of + Ss revise the: Compararive forms 3 periods Direct learning 2 adjective & adverbs of adjective & adverbs( Form, + Practice special cases.) 10
  11. Thời Hình thức tổ chức TT Bài/chủ đề Yêu cầu cần đạt lượng dạy học/hình thức Buổi Ghi chú dạy học kiểm tra đánh giá + Practice doing exercise 3 + Questions Ss to know more about some : 3 periods Direct learning 3 + articles + Questions + Practice + articles + Practice doing exercise 4 + Modal verbs( should, Ss revise: 3 periods Direct learning 4 shouldn’t, have to ) + Modal verbs( should, shouldn’t, + Practice have to ) + Talk about family + Practice doing exercises customs and traditions. + Talk about family customs and traditions. 5 Practice test 1 + Practice doing the test to revise 3 periods Direct learning 5 what they have learnt. - Classify SS 6 Simple sentence, Ss revise the: Simple sentence, 3 periods Direct learning 6 compound sentences, compound sentences, Complex Complex sentences. sentences. + Stress of words ending + Stress of words ending in – ion in – ion and - ian and - ian + Practice + Practice doing exercises 7 + Past simple SS revise the: 3 periods Direct learning 7 + Past continuous + Past simple( uses, form, signal ) + Intonation in + Past continuous ( uses, form, exclamatory sentences. signal ) + Intonation in exclamatory sentences. 11
  12. Thời Hình thức tổ chức TT Bài/chủ đề Yêu cầu cần đạt lượng dạy học/hình thức Buổi Ghi chú dạy học kiểm tra đánh giá + Practice 8 Practice test 2 + Practice doing the test to revise 3 periods Direct learning 8 what they have learnt. - Classify SS. - Teacher know how Ss understand the lesson. 9 + Conditional sentence SS revise the: 3 periods Direct learning 9 type 1 & 2. + Conditional sentence type 1 & 2.( Pronuciation: stress in Forms and the way to rewrite words ending in- ic and – sentence use unless and conditional al. sentences. + Practice Pronuciation: stress in words ending in- ic and – al. + Practice doing exercise. 10 + Present tenses. Ss know more about: 3 periods Direct learning 10 + present simple for + Present tenses. future. + present simple for future. Pronuciation: stress in Pronuciation: stress in words ending words ending in- ese and in- ese and – ee. – ee. 11 Practice test 3 Practise doing the test to revise what 3 periods Direct learning they have learnt. 12 + Passive voice By the end of the lesson Ss know 3 periods Direct learning 12 + past perfect more about the: + Pronuciation: stress in + Passive voice( forms and the way words ending in- logy to rewrite sentences) 12
  13. Thời Hình thức tổ chức TT Bài/chủ đề Yêu cầu cần đạt lượng dạy học/hình thức Buổi Ghi chú dạy học kiểm tra đánh giá and – graphy, + past perfect .( forms, uses, + Practice signals ) + Pronuciation: stress in words ending in- logy and – graphy, + Practice 13 The future continuous. By the end of the lesson Ss know 3 periods Direct learning 13 + Verb to- infinitive more about the: + Practice The future continuous.( forms, uses, signals ) + Verb to- infinitive + Practice 14 + Future tenses By the end of the lesson Ss know 3 periods Direct learning 14 + Reported speech. more about the: + May and Might + Future tenses.( forms, uses, + reported speech( signals ) questions) + Reported speech( the forms and + Stress in words starting the the way to rewrite sentences) with un- and im-, + + May and Might pronunciation: stress in + reported speech( questions) words starting with –ful + Stress in words starting with un- and – less. and im-, + pronunciation: stress in words starting with –ful and – less. I. LỚP 9( HỆ 10 NĂM) 13
  14. Hình thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT Bài/chủ đề Yêu cầu cần đạt lượng học/hình thức Buổi Ghi chú dạy học kiểm tra đánh giá 1 + Complex sentences Ss understand complex sentences 3 periods Direct learning 1 + Phrasal verbs. + Phrasal verbs. + Practice doing exerises 2 + Comparison of - Ss to know more about 3 periods Direct learning 2 adjectives and adverbs. + Comparison of adjectives and + Phrasal verbs. adverbs. + Stress on pronoun in + Phrasal verbs. sentences. + Practice doing exercise 3 + Reported speech Ss know more about some reported 3 periods Direct learning 3 + Question words before speech and question words before to- infinitive. to- infinitive. + Practice doing exercise 4 + Used to: review + Used to: review 3 periods Direct learning 4 + Wish for present + Wish for present + Practice + Practice 5 + Passive voice: + Ss revise : 3 periods Direct learning 5 Impersonal passive + Passive voice: Impersonal passive + Suggest + V(ing)/ + Suggest + V(ing)/ clause with clause with should should + Stress on short word of + Stress on short word of the the sentences. sentences. + Practice + Practice 6 + Past perfect review. Ss to know more about : 3 periods Direct learning 6 + Adj + to- infinitive; + Past perfect review. + Adj + that + clause + Adj + to- infinitive; 14
  15. Hình thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT Bài/chủ đề Yêu cầu cần đạt lượng học/hình thức Buổi Ghi chú dạy học kiểm tra đánh giá + Practice + Adj + that + clause + Practice 7 + Conditional sentences Ss know more about: + 3 periods Direct learning 7 type 1 and 2 Conditional sentences type 1 and 2 + Modal verb in + Modal verb in conditional conditional sentences sentences type 1 . type 1 . + Quantifiers: review + Quantifiers: review + Practice + Practice 8 + Articles: Other uses Ss know more about: 3 periods Direct learning 8 + relative clauses + relative clauses + Practice doing the test + Practice doing the test 9 + Past simple and past Ss know more about: 3 periods Direct learning 9 ferfect: review + Past simple and past ferfect: + Non - defining relative review clauses + Non - defining relative clauses + Practice + Practice 10 + Despite/ in spite of: Ss know more about: 3 periods Direct learning 10 Review + Despite/ in spite of: Review + verbs + to- infinitive/ + verbs + to- infinitive/ Verbs = Verbs = V(ing) V(ing) + Practice + Practice I. LỚP HỆ 7 NĂM 15
  16. Hình thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT Bài/chủ đề Yêu cầu cần đạt lượng học/hình thức Buổi Ghi chú dạy học kiểm tra đánh giá 1 Tenses +Past simple tense 3 periods Direct learning 1 + Past simple with wish +The present perfect + Practice. + Practice doing exerises 2 - Ss to know more about 3 periods Direct learning 2 +Passive review +Passive voice + Practice doing exercise + Practice doing exercise 3 + Reported speech Ss know more about some reported 3 periods Direct learning 3 + Question words before speech and question words before to- infinitive. to- infinitive. + Practice doing exercise 4 + Review Tag questions & Gerund 3 periods Direct learning 4 Tag questions & Gerund + Practice 5 Question words and + Ss revise : 3 periods Direct learning 5 word formation + Question words and word formation + Practice 6 Practice test + Practice doing some exercise 3 periods Direct learning 6 About what they have learnt. 7 + Conditional sentences Ss know more about: 3 periods Direct learning 7 type 1 and 2 + Conditional sentences type 1 and + Modal verb in 2 conditional sentences + Modal verb in conditional type 1 . sentences type 1 . 16
  17. Hình thức tổ Thời chức dạy TT Bài/chủ đề Yêu cầu cần đạt lượng học/hình thức Buổi Ghi chú dạy học kiểm tra đánh giá + Quantifiers: review + Quantifiers: review + Practice + Practice 8 Practice test + Practice doing the test 3 periods Direct learning 8 9 + Connectives Ss know more about: 3 periods Direct learning 9 + Making suggestion +Connectives + Practice + Making suggestion + Practice 10 + Relative clauses Ss know more about: 3 periods Direct learning 10 + Despite/ in spite of: + Relative clauses Review + Despite/ in spite of: Review + verbs + to- infinitive/ + verbs + to- infinitive/ Verbs = Verbs = V(ing) V(ing) + Practice + Practice 17