Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh lớp 5 - Tuần 6

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Nội dung text: Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh lớp 5 - Tuần 6

  1. WEEK 6 Teaching date: Tuesday,September 25th 2018 Class: 53, 52, 51 UNIT 3: WHERE DID YOU GO ON HOLIDAY? Lesson 1: Part 1-2-3 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to: - identify some Vocab about places: Ancient Town, Hue Imperial, Island - ask and answer questions about where someone went on his/her last holiday by using the sentence pattern: Where did you go on holiday? – I went to - express their cocern about where their friend went on holiday. II. Teaching aids 1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette, recording 2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks. III. Procedure: A. Warm up: - Greeting - Ask the class to name some famous holiday places and common means of transport. Oral: Give feedback. Act. 1. Look, listen and repeat- - Set the scene: Who are they? Where are they? What are they doing? Q-A: chek understanding. - Listen to the recording a twice - listen and repeat line by line in groups and in pairs. Oral: give comments( pronunciation and voice). - say the words in each bubble Act. 2. Point and say - learn and practice how to say Ha Long Bay, Phu Quoc Island, Hoi An Ancient Town, Hue Imperial City - check vocab: Slap the pictures. Oral: give feedback (speed and accuracy) - point at each picture and answer the question Where did you go on holiday? in chorus
  2. Model sentence: Where did you go on holiday? - I went to - practice asking and answering Observation: pronunciation, structure and cooperation. - some pairs act out in class, others observe. Give comments: pronunciation, structure and cooperation. Act. 3. Let’s Talk Aims: Ss can ask and answer questions about holiday in a particular situation. - Give instruction Q-A: check understanding about the task. - practice asking and answering Observation: pronunciation, structure and cooperation. - some pairs act out in class, others observe. Give comments: pronunciation, structure and cooperation. C. Homelink - Read and share the lesson’s content with the family. - What do you learn about this lesson? Teaching date: Wednesday,September 26th 2018 Class: 53, 52, 51 UNIT 3: WHERE DID YOU GO ON HOLIDAY? Lesson 1: Part 4-5-6 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to: - listen and match about places someone went on holiday. - improve asking and answering questions about where someone went on his/her last holiday - express their concern about where their friends went on holiday by playing find someone who III. Teaching aids 1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette, recording 2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks. III. Procedures A. Warm up: - Greeting
  3. - some pupils talk about where they went on holiday. Oral: Give comments: pronunciation, fluency, structure. 2. New lesson Act. 1. Listen and match - Set the scene identify the characters in the task Q-A: check understanding: characters, places. - Guess the words to fill in the gaps - Listen and match. - Swap the answer in pairs Oral: Give feedback. Key: 1 c 2 d 3 b 4 a Act. 2. Read and match - Give instruction Q-A:check understanding about some sentences in the task.: What does it mean? - Read the questions and the answers, do the task individually Observation: attitude, accuracy. - Swap the answer in pairs observation: quick notes(cooperation) Oral: give feedback. Key: 1 a 2 d 3 c 4 b Part 6. Let’s play - Give instructiones Check understanding about the rule of the game - get a piece of paper with one of the names of the places in Activity 2 - ask each other Where did you go on holiday? to find out who went to Ha Long Bay - Continue with the rest of the places - read their results in class Observation and Oral: Feedback(praise and encourage) C. Homelink - Read and share the lesson’s content with the family.
  4. - What do you learn about this lesson? Teaching date: Thursday, September 27th 2018 Class: 51, 52, 53 UNIT 3: WHERE DID YOU GO ON HOLIDAY? Lesson 2: Part 1-2-3 I. Objectives:By the end of the lesson ss will be able to: - Identify some vocab about the trasportations: motorbike, underground, coach, get - ask and answer questions about vehicle by using sentence pattern: How did you get there? – I went by - expresstheir concernabout how their friend get to different places. II. Teaching aids: 1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette, recording 2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks. III. Procedures A. Warm up: - Play Bingo, using the words for places and means of transport learnt in Lesson 1. Oral: Give feedback and praise. 2. New lesson Act. 1. Look, listen and repeat - Set the scene - Read the story and answer questions questions such as Where did Phong/Tony go on holiday? How did he get there? - Listen to the recording twice - Listen and repeat line by line Oral-give comments: pronunciation and voice - say the words in each bubble Act. 2. Point and say - Look at the pictures and guess where they went on holiday and what they did. - Learn and repeat new words: motorbike, underground, coach, get - check vocab: R-O- R Observation and Oral- feedback: spelling, pronuniation.
  5. - Model sentence: How did you get there? - I went by - practice asking and answering Observation: pronuncitaion, structure and cooperation. - some pairs act out in class, others observe. Oral- give comments (pronunciation, structure) 3. Let’s Talk Aims: Ss can use the sentence pattern to ask and answer in real situation. - Tell ss that they are going to practise further by asking and answering questions about someone's holiday. Q-A: check understanding bout he task. - practice asking and answering Observation: pronuncitaion, structure and cooperation. - some pairs act out in class. Observation and Oral- give comments: pronuncitaion, structure and cooperation. C. Homelink: - Read and share the lesson’s content with the family. - What do you learn about this lesson? Teaching date:Friday, September 28th 2018 Class: 53, 52, 51 UNIT 3: WHERE DID YOU GO ON HOLIDAY? Lesson 2: Part 4, 5, 6 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to: - listen and write about vehicle on holiday. - write about their last holiday. - express their concernabout vehicle on holiday by singing the song how did you get there. II. Teaching aids 1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette, recording 2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks. III. Procedures
  6. A. Warm up: - Greeting - some Ss talk about where and how they went on holiday. Oral: pronunciation, structure and fluency. B. New lesson Act. 1. Listen and write - Give instruction. - Read the four gapped sentences and guess the words to complete them - Listen to the recording 2 times and do the task - Swap the answer in pairs. Observation, Oral and written: spelling and attitude. Keys: 1 motorbike 2 train 3 taxi 4 plane 5. Write about your last holiday - Tell the class that they are going to write about their last holidays. Q-A: chek understanding about the task and meaning of some questions. - Do the task individually observation: spelling and structure. - compare the answers in pairs observation and written: spelling and structure. Part 6. Let’s sing Aims: Ss can sing and remember the vocab and sentence pattern about transportation - Tell ss that they are going to sing How did you get there? - read each line of the lyrics, (listen to the explanation of new words) - listen to the song a few times and do choral and individual repetition line by line - some groups sing in class, others sing along and clap hand Observation and Oral- checklist: lyric, rythm, voice and performance. - class sings a song again and claps their hand a few times C. Homelink:
  7. - Read and share the lesson’s content with the family. - What do you learn about this lesson?