Giáo án Tiếng Anh 5 - Tuần 17 - GV: Đoàn Thị Tuyết

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 5 - Tuần 17 - GV: Đoàn Thị Tuyết

  1. WEEK 17 Period 65 Date of teaching : UNIT 10: WHEN WILL SPORT DAY BE? Lesson 1: Part 4, 5, 6 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Listen and match the correct pictures. - Read and match the questions with the answers provided. - Sing the song: When will Sports Day be? - Develop Ss’ writing and listening skills. - Express their concern about school events. II. Teaching aids: - Teacher: Teacher’s book, student’s book, activboard. - Students: Student’s book, notebook, pen, pencil, ruler, III. Procedure: * Warm-up: - Game: Slap the board ( using the school events) Assessment: - Quickly, correctly Activity 1: 4. Listen and match. - Discover the pictures: + What does/ do she/ they do for? - Listen and match. - Share ideas - Feedback. Keys: 1. c 2. a 3. b Assessment: - correctly, pronunciation. Activity 2: 5. Read and match. - Guide Ss how to do the task. - Read the questions and answers provided. - Match the Qs with the As. - Share the result. - Share in front of the class. - Call some Ss to read aloud. * Keys: 1.b 2.c 3. e 4. a 5. d
  2. Activity 3: 6. Let’s sing - Discover the pictures: + What are they doing? + Where are they? + Are they beautiful? - Read the song. - Listen to the recording once. - Listen and repeat line by line. - Listen and sing along. - Practise singing. - Perform in front of class. - Perform again. Assessment: - Ss sing the correct rylics, well, beautifully. - combine singing and performing. IV. Home link: - Sing the song and share the lesson to family members. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  3. WEEK 17 Period 66 Date of teaching : UNIT 10: WHEN WILL SPORT DAY BE? Lesson 2: Part 1, 2, 3 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Review the verbs phrase of Sports Day. - Ask and answer questions about what S.O is going to do/ play on Sports Day, using: What are you going to do on Sports Day? I’m goingto - Develop reading and listening skills. - Express their concern about Sports Day. II. Teaching aids: - Teacher: Teacher’s book, student’s book, activboard. - Students: Student’s book, notebook, pen, ruler III. Procedures * Warm up: - Sing: When will Sports Day be? song Assessment: correct rylics, well, beautifully. Activity 1: 1. Look, listen and repeat: - Set the scene: + How many people are there in the pictures? Who are they? Where are they? + What are they doing? - Listen and repeat - T plays the recording,Ss listen and repeat once or twice. - Let Ss repeat in chorus or in pair if necessary. - Share ideas - Focus on the sentence pattern and lead in the new lesson. What are you going to do on Sports Day? I’m goingto Activity 2: 2. Point and say - Run throught vocabulary: play basketball/ football/ table tennis/ badminton.
  4. - Check: Miming - Model. - Point and say - Use textbook Assesment: - Correctly, pronunciation, interaction. Activity 3: 3. Let’s talk * Interview - Ask and answer questions about what will you do on Sports Day in your school. - Make an interview with their classmates. Name When will Sports Day be? What are you going to do? Nam It’ll be on Sunday I’m going to play badminton - Report to the class. Cues: The Sports Day will be on Sunday in Nam’school. He isgoing to play badminton. Assessment: T’s asessment: give oral comments (focus on their exact structure, pronunciation, interaction) IV. Homelink: - Tell what you are going to do on Sports Day with your family. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  5. WEEK 17 Period 67 Date of teaching : UNIT 10: WHEN WILL SPORT DAY BE? Lesson 2: Part 4. 5. 6 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Revise the verbs phrase of Sports Day through listening, writing. - Use the information to write the answers about Sports Day. - Play the game: Pass the secret. II. Teaching aids: - Teacher: Teacher’s book, student’s book, activeboard. - Students: Student’s book, notebook, pen, ruler III. Procedures * Warm up: - Chatting Assessment: Q –A : + When will Sports Day be in your school? + What are you going to do? + Where will it be? Activity 1: 4. Listen and number. - Run through the pictures. - Listen and number. - Play the recording twice. - Have Ss listen and do the task. - Ss share the answers with their groups. - Ss give the answers. - Listen again and check Key: 1. d 2 . b 3 . c 4.a Assessment: observing ( number the correct answers.) Activity 2: 5. Write about you. - Run through the questions. - Write about things that really happened to them on your books. - Share and feedback Key: Answers vary Assessment: - Write sentences, structures correclly
  6. Activity 3: 6. Let's play. Pass the secret. - Run through the role of game. - Divide the class into Team A and Team B - Explain how the game is played - Play game. - Feed back. Assessment: + Answer the Qs quickly, correctly. IV. Homelink: - Do exercises in workbook, prepare the next period. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WEEK 17
  7. Period 68 Date of teaching : UNIT 10: WHEN WILL SPORT DAY BE? Lesson 3: Part 1. 2. 3 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to : - Say questions and answer with the correct sentence stress. - Develop listening skill by listening and underline the stress words - Chant “ What are you going to do? ” well. - Express their concern about Sports Day. II. Teaching aids: - Teacher: Teacher’s book, student’s book,radio - Students: Student’s book, notebook, III. Procedure * Warm up: Q&A: When will Sports Day be?/ What are yougoing to do? Assessment:quicly/ exactly. Activity 1: 1. Listen and repeat - Teacher introduces the four sentences - Open the tape twice - Listen and repeat one by one with the sounds, letters and sentences. - Practice - Find some words (has sentence stress) * * Assessment: - voice, pronunciation, intonation. - Find words exactly. Activity 2: 2. Listen and underline the stress words. Then say the sentences aloud. - Practise saying the stress words in each sentence and paying attention to the sentence stress. - Ss look at the book . - Listen and repeat line by line until Ss feel confident. - Share ideas and feedback. - Practice saying aloud. Key: What, Sports Day, be, Sunday, what, going, do, Sports Day, going, play, table tennis. Activity 3: 3. Let's chant : What are you going to do?
  8. - Read and guide ss to read the chant - Open the recording. - Guide ss to chant line by line. - Guide ss to chant ( individual,pairs, group) - Call some groups or ss to chant in front of the class. * Assessment: Ss’ structure: Can answer the Qs: What are you going to do ? Ss’ chant: Chant beautifully/ well/ wonderfully/ IV. Homelink: - Chant : “What are you going to do?” with your family. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~