Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 5 - Tuần 19 - GV: Tran Thi Bach Tuyet

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Nội dung text: Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 5 - Tuần 19 - GV: Tran Thi Bach Tuyet

  1. LESSON PLAN 5 WEEK 19 Date of preparing: January, 1st, 2018 Date of teaching: Tuesday afternoon, January, 2nd, 2018 Class: 53, 52, 51 UNIT 11: WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH YOU ? Lesson 2: Part 1,2,3 A/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to give and respond to advice on common health problems Sentence patterns: You should/ shouldn’t Yes, I will. OK, I won’t. Vocabulary: take a rest, carry, sweet B. Teaching aids: 1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette, puppets. 2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks. C. Procedures: I. Warm up. Play game - Gets students to joint into the activity. - T asks Ss to play game: “ Miming” - Then T repeat how to play the game. - Ss play in two groups. - Introduces the new lesson. II. Presentation: 1. Look, listen and repeat. - The T asks students to look at the picture - T elicits the context. Who are they? Where are they? What are they doing? - Ss answer - Plays the tape and asks students repeat - T ask Ss to work in pairs III.Practice. 2. Point, ask and answer. Teacher: Tran Thi Bach Tuyet
  2. LESSON PLAN 5 - Teaches vocabulary about advice + take a rest, carry, sweet - T asks Ss look at the pictures and answer the Q. - T read model.Then T calls Ss to repeat. *Checking new words: rub out and remember. - Teaches sentence patterns You should/ shouldn’t Yes, I will. OK, I won’t. - Ask pls to give other examples to get the form, meaning, intonation, - Ask Ss to copy their notebook -T repeat the model sentence You should/ shouldn’t Yes, I will. OK, I won’t. - Asks students to point to the picture -T asks and Ss answer the questions. - Asks students to work in pairs - Calls some pairs to demonstrate the task in front of the class. - T comments 3. Let’s talk Asks Students to tell your friends what he/ she should/ shouldn’t do when they are not well. Asks students to work in group of five. Calls some groups to talk in front of the class. C/ Application activities - T asks Ss to tell You should/ you shouldn’t Date of preparing: January, 1st, 2018 Date of teaching: Wednesday morning, January, 3rd, 2018 Class: 53, 52, 51 UNIT 11: WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH YOU ? Lesson 2 : Part 4,5,6 A/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to give and respond to advice on common health problems B. Teaching aids: 1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette. 2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks. C. Procedures: Teacher: Tran Thi Bach Tuyet
  3. LESSON PLAN 5 I. Warm up. Slap the board - Play the game Slap the board - Ask Ss to prepare Paper to play II.Practice. 4. Listen and complete - T asks Ss to look at table and describe in groups . - T asks Ss to guess. -T calls 2 groups answer. - Plays the tape for students to listen and complete - Asks students to correct their answers in partners - Provides the answers and explanations Answers: 5. Read and complete. Then say aloud. - Asks students to read the paragraph carefully. - Asks students to discuss in group of five. - Asks students to answer about them. - Calls some students to read their answers. - Other comment 6. Let’s play: - Tell pupils that they are going to play the game What’s the matter with you? - Guides students how to play the game - Students play in two groups. - Comments. C/ Application activities - T asks Ss to ask the question: What’s the matter with you? T ask Ss to present in front of on next lesson. Date of preparing: January, 1st, 2018 Date of teaching: Thursday morning, January, 4th, 2018 Teacher: Tran Thi Bach Tuyet
  4. LESSON PLAN 5 Class: 51, 52, 53 UNIT 11: WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH YOU ? Lesson 3: 1, 2, 3 I. Aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will can use the words and phrases related to the topic about health proplems to pronounce in right intonation. II. Language content 1. Vocabulary: none 2. Sentence pattern: none 3. Skill: speaking, writing and listening skills. III. Resources and teaching aids: Teacher: teacher’s book, cassette, tape, board Students: students’ book IV. Techniques: guessing, sing V. Procedure Warm up: Sing the song A. Basic activities 1. Listen and repeat - Teacher introduces the sentence. - Teacher play the tape, students listen - Ask students repeat the sentence - Calls some sts to read. Correct their mistakes * Play game: Miming 2. Listen and circle a or b. Then ask and answer - Teacher explains how to do the task and the difficult words - Play the tape twice and students listen carefully - Call some students to read aloud their answers - Correct B. Practical activities 3. Let’s chant Teacher: Tran Thi Bach Tuyet
  5. LESSON PLAN 5 - Teacher introduces the chant - Play the tape. Ask students to read each sentence in the chant - Play the chant again and asks students to read - Ask students to read the chant, combine with slap their hands. - Divide class into groups to compete together. C. Application activities Chant “ What’s the matter with you? by themselves. Date of preparing: January, 1st, 2018 Date of teaching: Thursday afternoon, January, 4th, 2018 Class: 53 Date of teaching: Fridayday morning, January, 5th, 2018 Class: 51, 52 UNIT 11: WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH YOU ? Lesson 3: Part 4,5,6,7. I. Aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will can use the words and phrases related to the topic health problems; ask and answer questions about health problems. II. Language content 1. Vocabulary: none 2. Sentence pattern: none 3. Skill: reading and writing skills III. Resources and teaching aids: teacher’s and students’ book, cassette, tape, board IV. Techniques: V. Procedure Warm up: Read the chant A. Basic activities 4. Read and match. Then say Teacher: Tran Thi Bach Tuyet
  6. LESSON PLAN 5 - Ask Ss to identify the words - Ask Ss to read words and find the suitable words to fill in the sentences. - Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary - Have Ss trade the answers - Call on some Ss to report their answers. Others listen and comment. 5. Write about advice: - Tell Ps that they are going to write about advice - Ask Ss to read and write - Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary. - Have Ss trade the answers in pairs for correction. - Call on some Ss to report their answers. Others listen and comment. B. Practical activities 6. Project - Tell the class that they are going to talk about two health problems and give advice. - Get pupils to work in pairs or groups to discuss what they should include in their letter. - Set a time limit for them to do the task. - Invite a few pairs/groups to read their letters to the class and give feedback. C. Application activities Ask Ss to share Project with their family. Teacher: Tran Thi Bach Tuyet