Bài kiểm tra học kì II môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 - Năm học 2019-2020 (Có file nghe + đáp án)

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Nội dung text: Bài kiểm tra học kì II môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 - Năm học 2019-2020 (Có file nghe + đáp án)

  1. PRIMARY SCHOOL BÀI KIỂM TRA HỌC KÌ II NAME: MÔN: TIẾNG ANH - LỚP 5 CLASS: 5 NĂM HỌC 2019 – 2020 Thời gian làm bài: 40 phút. Marks Listening Reading Writing Speaking Total Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 PART 1: LISTENING (2,5 MARKS) Question 1: Listen and tick. There is one example. (0,75 mark) a. Go along the b. Next to the c. Opposite the d. Between the street and stadium pharmacy supermarket turn left and the cinema 1. The museum  2. The supermarket 3. The bus stop 4. The post office Question 2: Listen and number. There is one example. (0,75mark) a. b. c. d. 1 Question 3: Listen and write one word in each blank. There is one example. ( 1mark) Name Season Weather Tony winter cold, a lot of (1) wind Akiko (2) ___ cold, a lot of (3) ___ Mai (4) ___ hot, a lot of (5) ___
  2. PART 2: READING (2,5 MARKS) Questions 1: Look and read. Put true (T) or false (F). There is one example. (1mark) 0. They are skating. T 1. 1. Don’t play with the knife. 2. 2. She has a headache. 3. 3. I’m reading the Story of Mai An Tiem 4. 4. She’d like to be a teacher. Question 2. Look and read. Tick () Yes or No. (0.75 pt) My name is Tom. I’d like to be an astronaut in the future. I’d like to fly in space and work with other people in a spaceship. It’s important work and very exciting. I’d like to get out of the spaceship and walk in space. I’d also like to visit other planets. I’m studying hard at school. I hope my dream will come true one day. Yes No 1. Tom would like to be an astronaut.  2. He would like to work with other people in a spaceship. 3. He would like to travel around the world. 4. He is not studying hard at school.
  3. Question 3: Read and write. There is one example. (0,75 mark) earache knife winter pilot 0. It’s sharp. You may cut yourself when you use it. It’s a knife. 1. I have a pain in my ear. I have an___. 2. He can fly a plane. He is a ___. 3. This season lasts from October to December. The weather is very cold. There is a lot of snow. This season is ___. PART 3: WRITING (2,5 MARKS) Question 1: Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. Then write the words. (0,75 pt) 0. uerlr ruler 1. ecochoalt 2. htoeotahc 3.rdotco
  4. Question 2: Order the word to make sentences . There is an example ( 0,75 mark) 0. sunny./ and / It’s / hot => It’s hot and sunny. 1. opposite / is / office / the market . / The post / =>___ 2. shouldn’t / carry / You/ thing. / heavy / =>___ 3. happens/ in / The Elephant Racing Festival /Buôn Đôn district. / March/ every/ =>___ Question 3: Write the answer. There is one example (1mark) 0. What do you think of Snow White? -> I think she is kind. 1. What do you do in your free time? . . 2. Where is Y Moan’s hometown? . 3. What will the weather be like tomorrow? 4.What would you like to be in the future? . . PART 4: SPEAKING (2,5 MARKS) -THE END-
  5. SPEAKING Question 1: Getting to know each other (0,75 mark) 1. What’s your name? 2. How old are you? 3. What do you do in your free time? Question 2: Answer the questions 1. What would you like to be in the future? 2. Which place would you like to visit Ben Thanh Market or the City Theater ? 3. What is the name of story? Question 3: Talk about the weather in your country (1 mark) 1. How many seasons are there in your country? 2. What are they? 3. What is your favourite season?
  6. ĐÁP ÁN ĐỀ KIỂM TRA HỌC KÌ II MÔN TIẾNG ANH 5 PART 1: LISTENING (2,5 MARKS) Question 1: 1. The museum: Next to the stadium 2. The supermarket: Go along the street and turn left 3. The bus stop: Opposite the pharmacy 4. The post office: Between the supermarket and the cinema Question 2 : 1.b 2.a 3.d 4.c Question 3: 1. wind 2. winter 3. snow 4. summer 5. rain PART 2: READING (2,5 MARKS) Question 1: 1. T 2. F 3.F 4.T Question 2 1.Yes 2. Yes 3. No 4. No Question 3: 1. earache 2. pilot 3. winter PART 3: WRITING (2,5 MARKS) Question 1: 1. chocolate 2. toothache 3. doctor Question 2: 1. The post office is opposite the market. 2. You shouldn’t carry heavy thing. 3. The Elephant Racing Festival happens every March in Buôn Đôn district. Question 3: Students’ answers
  7. MA TRẬN ĐỀ THI HỌC KÌ II LỚP 5 NĂM HỌC 2019-2020 Các mức độ nhận thức Tên các nội dung, Tổng Mức 4 chủ đề, mạch kiến Mức 1 Mức 2 Mức 3 cộng (Vận dụng thức (Nhận biết) (Thông hiểu) (Vận dụng) nâng cao) TN TL TN TL TN TL TN TL LISTENING Số 3 3 4 10 -Health câu -Advice Số 0.75 0.75 1.0 2,5 -Activities in điểm free time -Weather Q1 Câu Q2 Q2 -Job (2,3,4) số (2,3,4) (2,3,4,5) -Season -Direction READING Số 4 3 3 10 -Free time câu -Activities Số 1.0 0.75 0,75 2.5 -Health điểm -Job -Weather Câu Q1 Q2 Q3 -Travel số (1,2,3,4) (1,2,3) (1,2,3) -Advice -story WRITING Số 2 2 4 2 10 -Job câu -Food Số 0,5 0.5 1.0 0,5 2.5 -Direction điểm -Activities in Q2 (2) free time Q1 (1) Q2 (3) Câu Q1 Q3 -Location Q2 (1) Q3 (4) số (2,3) (1,2,3) -Weather -Festivals SPEAKING Số 3 3 4 10 -Activities in câu free time Số 0,75 0,75 1.0 2.5 -Job điểm -Travel Câu Q1 Q2 Q3 -Weather số (1,2,3) (1,2,3) (1,2,3,4) -Season Tổng số câu 7 2 6 5 14 6 40 Tổng số điểm 1.75 0.5 1.5 1.25 3.5 d 1.5 10 Tỉ lệ % 17.5% 5% 15% 12.5% 35% 15% 100%