Giáo án Tiếng Anh 1 - Tuần 26 - GV: Đoàn Thị Tuyết

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 1 - Tuần 26 - GV: Đoàn Thị Tuyết

  1. Lesson planning grade 1 Phu Thuy Primary School WEEK 26 Period 51 Date of teaching: UNIT 15: AT THE FOOTBALL MATCH Lesson 2,3(P4.5.6) I. Objectives. By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to : - Recognize and speak the words about people and parts of body correctly . - Write correctly and beautifully : F/f - Practice listening skill. - Express their concern about people and parts of body . II. Teaching aids: Flashcards, book, workbook, CD player, III. Procedure Contents Teacher’s activities Pupil’s activities Warm up - GUESSING GAME - Play. 5’ 4. Listen and tick. New lesson - Observe and comment the - Listen and reapet. content . 30’ - Read aloud - Point the pictures and say aloud. - Work in group - Listen CD player and tick - Give comments. - Share answers in groups. - Listen - Listen again and say the name of parts of body and people in - Share the pictures. - Say the name of Assessement:- Oral check (identify toys and people . the name of people/ parts of body .). 5. Let’s talk - Observe and comment the whole - See and discuss of content of the picture and what need Teacher: Doan Thi Tuyet School years: 2019- 2020
  2. Lesson planning grade 1 Phu Thuy Primary School to do. about the contents of the picture. - Find , point and say to the toys - Role play and read the model - Find and say. sentence: Touch your ___ - Work in pairs. Assessement: - Oral comments ( focus on their sentences,pronunciation, interection). 6. Look and write. - Fill the letter F with unfinished words - Listen and read. - practise. -Write F/f well and beautiful - Work in pairs - Fill in the blanks. - Complete - Share answers ( work in pairs) - Share and give - Read aloud and point. comments. Assessement: - - Observing. - Read aloud. - Write the words correctly, beautifully. Homelink(2’) -. Find the words begin letter F/f. - Listen and find. Teacher: Doan Thi Tuyet School years: 2019- 2020
  3. Lesson planning grade 1 Phu Thuy Primary School WEEK 26 Period 52 Date of teaching: TEST 3 I. LISTENING. Task 1 : Listen and tick (v) (Nghe và tick v) (1.5pts) II.READING. Task 1: Listen and tick (v) (Nghe và tick v) (3.0pts) Teacher: Doan Thi Tuyet School years: 2019- 2020
  4. Lesson planning grade 1 Phu Thuy Primary School Task 2: Circle the correct answer( khoanh tròn đáp án đúng )(2.5 pts). 0.Look at the 1. Look at the a. truck b. bus a. leaf b. lake 2 .He’s having 3. She’s having a. nuts b. noodles a. apples b. lemons 4. I can see a 5. Touch your a.turtle b. car a. face b. foot III. WRITING. Task 1: Look and write ( Nhìn và viết) (3.0 pts) 1. I like ___ 2. I like ___ 3. I like ___ Teacher: Doan Thi Tuyet School years: 2019- 2020
  5. Lesson planning grade 1 Phu Thuy Primary School WEEK 26 Period 103 Date of teaching: TEST 3 Full name: ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEST Class: Time: 40 minutes I. LISTENING Task 1. Listen and match. There is one example (0). A. D. E. B. C. F. Task 2. Listen and tick A, B or C. There is one example. Example: A. He has a starfruit tree. Teacher: Doan Thi Tuyet School years: 2019- 2020
  6. Lesson planning grade 1 Phu Thuy Primary School B. He is greedy. C. He is poor. 1. A. She is kind. B. She is white. C. She’s one of the dwarfs. 2. A. His name’s An Tiem. B. He’s reading a story. C. He’s hard-working. 3. A. It’s fast. B. It’s wise. C. It’s slow. 4. A. It’s tiny. B. It’s giant. C. It’s intelligent. 5. A. It’s slow. B. It’s careless. C. It’s beautiful. Task 3. Listen and tick the correct pictures. There is one example. Example: What is he doing with the knife? A. B. C. 1. What is he doing with the stove? Teacher: Doan Thi Tuyet School years: 2019- 2020
  7. Lesson planning grade 1 Phu Thuy Primary School A. B. C. 2. What is she doing? A. B. C. 3. What may happen to her? A. B. C. 4. What may happen to him? A. B. B. 5. What shouldn’t he do? A. B. C. Teacher: Doan Thi Tuyet School years: 2019- 2020
  8. Lesson planning grade 1 Phu Thuy Primary School II. READING Task 1. Look and write the correct words. There is one example gold starfruit beak roof island land Example: This fruit has a star shape. starfruit 1. The surface of the earth, not sea. ___ 2. A yellow precious metal used to make coins or jewelry. ___ 3. The hard pointed outer part of a bird’s mouth ___ 4. The top of a building or a house. ___ 5. A piece of land surrounded by water. ___ Task 2. Read and tick True or False. There is one example (0). My name’s Akiko. I’m from Japan. I’m in Grade Five. At school, I like studying English and Music. In my free time, I often read stories in English, listen to English songs, and write e-mails to my English penfriends. I’d like to be a teacher. I think it’s an interesting and exciting job. I’d like to teach English for children in my hometown. I hope my dream will come true one day. True False 0. Akiko is Japanese. 1. She’s in Grade 4. 2. Her favourite subjects are English and Maths. Teacher: Doan Thi Tuyet School years: 2019- 2020
  9. Lesson planning grade 1 Phu Thuy Primary School 3. She talks with her penfriends in her free time. 4. She’d like to be a teacher of English in the future. 5. She’d like to work in her hometown. Task 3. Read and number the sentences in the correct order. The conversation begins with 0. A Boys: To the garden. We want to play hide-and-seek there. B Mum: Because you may fall down and break your legs. C Boys: Why not? 0. D Mum: Where are you going now, boys? E Boys: OK, we won’t. F Mum: Good! But remember: don’t climb trees in the garden! III. WRITING Task 1. Look at the pictures. Read and write one word for each gap. There is one example. Example: I like swimming. 1. We often go ___ in summer. Teacher: Doan Thi Tuyet School years: 2019- 2020
  10. Lesson planning grade 1 Phu Thuy Primary School 2. Mr Smith often surfs the ___ in the evening. 3. My brother goes ___ every Sunday. 4. I often do ___ in the gym. 5. I ride my ___ in the park every Sunday. Task 2. Order the words. There is one example. Example: bike / off / his / he / fall / may He may fall off his bike. 1. too / I / ride / shouldn’t / why / fast ___? 2. you / the / what / doing / stove / are / with ___? 3. do / I / that / won’t / ok / again ___,___. 4. shouldn’t / why / I / touch / knife / the ___? Teacher: Doan Thi Tuyet School years: 2019- 2020
  11. Lesson planning grade 1 Phu Thuy Primary School 5. with / the / play / don’t / cat ___. Task 3. Read the questions. Write about health problem of your friend and give advice. There is one example (0). 0. What’s his name? 1. What grade is he/she in? 2. Where’s he/she today? 3. What’s the matter with him/her? 4. What should he/she do? 5. What shouldn’t he/she do? 0. That is my friend. His/her name is ___. 1. He/She in ___. 2. He/She ___. 3. He/She has ___. 4. He/She should ___. 5. He/She shouldn’t ___. Teacher: Doan Thi Tuyet School years: 2019- 2020
  12. Lesson planning grade 1 Phu Thuy Primary School WEEK 26 Period 104 Date of teaching: UNIT 16: WHERE'S THE POST OFFICE? Lesson 1: Part 1, 2, 3 I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to: - Know the vocabulary about directions and means of transport. - Talk about the directions, using Excuse me, Where’s the ? – It’s - How can I get to ? – You can - Express their concern about the direction II. Teaching aids: E-board, computer, CD tracks III. Procedure *Warm up: Brainstom Activity 1: 1. Look, listen and repeat - Discover the picture: + How many people are there in the picture?Who are they?Where are they? - Listen and repeat - T plays the recording and Ss listen and repeat once or twice. - Have Ss repeat in chorus or in pairs if necessary. - Share ideas - Focus on the structure, lead in the new lesson. Excuse me, Where’s the ? – It’s Assessment: - Fluently, pronunciation, interaction. Activity 2: 2. Point and say - Focus on the structure, pre-teach vocabulary: entrance - Modeling - Point and say -Use textbook. Activity 3: 3. Let’s talk - Ask and answer about direction - Talk about directions Teacher: Doan Thi Tuyet School years: 2019- 2020 Don’t play with the knife! OK I won’t
  13. Lesson planning grade 1 Phu Thuy Primary School Cues: This is An Ninh 2 Primary School. It's next to Hoanh Pho market . You are here now, you IV. Homelink: Talk about directions with your family. Teacher: Doan Thi Tuyet School years: 2019- 2020
  14. Lesson planning grade 1 Phu Thuy Primary School WEEK 26 Period 105 Date of teaching: UNIT 16: WHERE'S THE POST OFFICE? Lesson 1: Part 4. 5. 6 I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to: - Revise the words (from lesson1 -part 1,2,3) through listening, reading and writing directions - Write about your direction - Sing the song directions II. Teaching aids: E-board, computer, CD tracks III. Procedure *Warm up: Matching Activity 1: 4. Listen and tick - Discover the picture - Listen and tick - Share ideas Feedback. Keys: 1. Next to 2. Go along 3. opposite 4. between Activity 2: 5. Look and write. - Discover the picture - Read and complete. - Share ideas - Feedback. Keys: 1. Opposite 2. Between 3. On the corner 4. Opposite 5. Next to Activity 3: 6. Let's sing. Where's the bus stop? - Discover the pictures: + What are they doing? + Where are they? + Are they beautiful? - Read the song. - Listen to the recording once. - Listen and repeat line by line. Teacher: Doan Thi Tuyet School years: 2019- 2020
  15. Lesson planning grade 1 Phu Thuy Primary School - Listen and sing along. - Practise singing. - Perform in front of class. - Perform again. Assessment: - Ss sing the correct rylics, well, beautifully. - combine singing and performing. IV. Homelink: - Share direction with your family. Teacher: Doan Thi Tuyet School years: 2019- 2020
  16. Lesson planning grade 1 Phu Thuy Primary School WEEK 26 Period 106 Date of teaching: UNIT 16: WHERE'S THE POST OFFICE? Lesson 2: Part 1, 2, 3 I.Objectives: By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to: - Understand the vocabulary about the direction in the future - Ask and answer questions about directions and means of transport, using How can I get to You can - Express their concern about directions and means of transport - Tell about directions and means of transport II. Teaching aids: E-board, computer, CD tracks III. Procedures: *Warm – up: - Let Ss sing the song “Where 's the bus stop?" and do actions to motivate them before starting the new lesson. Activity 1. 1. Look, listen and repeat - Discover the picture: - How many people are there in the picture? Who are they? - Listen and repeat - T plays the recording and Ss listen and repeat once or twice. - Have Ss repeat in chorus or in pairs if necessary. - Focus on the structure, lead in the new sentences. .How can I get to ? You can . Assessment: - Read dialogue fluently. - Give the model sentences correctly. Activity 2. 2. Point and say - Focus on the structure, pre-teach vocabulary: entrance - Modeling - Point and say :Use textbook. Teacher: Doan Thi Tuyet School years: 2019- 2020
  17. Lesson planning grade 1 Phu Thuy Primary School Activity 3. 3. Let’s talk Step 1: Work in pairs, ask and answer. Step 2: Make an interview with their classmates about how to get to these places. Name How can I get to You can . Lan Ha Noi by plane Step 3: Report to the class. EX: Lan can get to HN by plane. Assessment: - Oral comments ( focus on their exact words, sentences, pronunciation, interection). IV. Homelink: Share how to get to some places with family. Teacher: Doan Thi Tuyet School years: 2019- 2020