Đề cương ôn tập học kì II môn Tiếng Anh Khối 9

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Nội dung text: Đề cương ôn tập học kì II môn Tiếng Anh Khối 9

  1. NguyenThiMyHa ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP HỌC KÌ II MÔN TIẾNG ANH – KHỐI 9 LANGUAGE FOCUS ❖ Adjectives and adverbs ❖ Adverb clauses of reason: because/since/as ❖ Connectives: and, but, because, or, so, therefore, however ❖ Suggestions ❖ Adverb clauses of concession: although, though, even though ❖ Conditional sentences: type 1 and type 2 ❖ Relative clauses I> Choose the best answer 1/ . he had no money for the bus, he had to walk all the way home. a. For b. So c. As d. Therefore 2/ The pipe was broken again, so we have to call . a. carpenter b. plumber c. doctor d. brick-layer 3/ “If you practice now, you . a good player,” the guitarist told me. a. would b. will have been c. will been d. will be 4/ She fail her driving test for the first time and . she took it again. a. therefore b. however c. because d. although 5/ His phone was . because he didn’t pay for the bill. a. taken off b. gone off c. come off d. cut off 6/ At the meeting, all the members suggested . energy. a. should save b. to save c. saving d. that save 7/ “ I think you . go on a diet, Madam,” said the doctor. a. could b. would c. shall d. should 8/ The government is trying to persuade people to avoid wasting . a. electric b. electrician c. electrical d. electricity 9/ You are only 15; ., you are not able to take the driving test. a. because b. although c. however d. therefore 10/ The company is doing everything to increase the number of consumers this year. a. buyers b. sellers c. workers d. producers 11/ My father is the person who tells me never . heart and always finish what I start. a. drop b. lose c. forget d. throw 12/ He was . as the best actor of the year. a. named b. said c. called d. nominated 13/ Do you remember the name of the book shop . you bought this dictionary? a. which b. where c. who d. whom 14/ In England, the bride and the groom often go away for their honeymoon after their a. party b. festival c. birthday d. wedding 15/ The last hurricane caused a lot of . to the countries along the Pacific coast. a. eruption b. disasters c. damage d. violence 16/ If they . a lot of money, they would buy a villa by the sea. a. have b. had c. have had d. would have 17/ Hue, . last year, is a nice old city. a. where I visited b. which I visited c. who I visited d. I visited 18/ Chocolate and eggs are what children receive . Easter. a. at b. in c. on d. with 19/ If I knew the answer, I . tell you. a. would b. will c. am d. were 20/ That is the policeman . arrested the thief this morning. a. which b. where c. who d. what English 9 1
  2. NguyenThiMyHa 21/ It was very of him to give all his money to the local charities. a. generous b. thanks c. rich d. humor 22/ In America hurricanes are storms that reach 120 kilometers per hour. a. tropic b. tropics c. tropical d. tropically 23/ Every year, natural cause millions of dollars worth of damage. a. events b. accidents c. temperatures d. disasters 24/ Our form teacher Nam on his contribution to the program. a. addressed b. congratulated c. awarded d. added 25/ They were talking so that I couldn’t get to sleep. a. noisy b. noise c. noisily d. noisier 26/ The bus only stops here to passengers. a. get on b. get off c. take off d. pick up 27/ My uncle, yesterday, is a mathematics teacher. a. where you met b. who you met him c. which you met d. whom you met 28/ The word means “big wind” in Chinese. a. tornado b. tidal wave c. typhoon d. earthquake 29/ In recent years, has seriously made the climate change in many parts of the world. a. water pollution b. environment c. recycling d. deforestation 30/ She felt , so she refused to come to the party with him. a. happily b. happiness c. unhappy d. unhappily II> Choose the suitable adjectives or adverbs 1/ She always does her tests (quick / quickly). She is very ( careless / carelessly) 2/ Ba is a (good / well) student. He learns (hard / hardly) 3/ My father has a (slow / slowly) car. 4/ You should talk (soft / softly) because you are having a sore throat. 5/ Lan’s father bought a very (quick / quickly) car. 6/ Don’t talk (soft / softly) because I can’t hear you. 7/ He always drives his car (careful / carefully). 8/ Because they didn’t study (hard / hardly), they got (bad / badly) results. III> Combine each pair of sentences using relative clauses 1) The children like mouse Mickey. They watch it on television. . 2) The flat is very nice. My aunt lives in it. . 3) We always love our form teacher. She is very kind. . 4) The child is living with the old lady. Her parents died in an accident. . 5) The boy is my cousin. You talked to him yesterday. . 6) Hung can be an excellent soccer player. He plays soccer very well. . 7) We can’t swim in this river. It was polluted seriously. . 8) My close friend was away on holiday. My teacher wanted to see her. . 9) We want to introduce a place. We can camp there. . 10) This is the lady. Her purse was stolen. . English 9 2
  3. NguyenThiMyHa IV> Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets 1. We (know) each other since we were 10. . 2. Some books (buy) by Hoa and Lan yesterday. . 3. Our friends suggested (give) lessons to poor children. . 4. If Mr Ba were ten years younger, he (take) part in the contest . 5. What an old bike! He (have) it for a long time. . 6. Nam suggests we shouldn’t ( waste) the water. . 7. He (write) a novel for 2 years, but it (not finish) yet. . 8. You (not make) many mistakes if you are careful. . . 9. If she (come) late again, she can lose her job . 10. They could meet their parents every day if they (live) in Hanoi. . V> Fill in the blanks, using “ and / therefore / but / because / so / however / or / although” 1/ People should use more solar energy. it is cheap, clean and unlimited. 2/ I understand your idea. , I don’t agree with it. 3/ They started their trip very early they arrived the village before sunset. 4/ Mai studies every subject very hard. , she won her school’s Best Student Prize this year. 5/ We had two tests last week we have to do two more this week. 6/ Ba likes to play soccer he has to do his homework. 7/ Hoang is on a diet, he ate hot dog and drunk too much Coca Cola. 8/ Would you like coconut ice cream . strawberry ice cream ? VI> Match a phrase in column A with an ending in column B to have a complete sentence A B 1/ We couldn’t swim in this river a. because we have transformed many areas into waste land. 2/ Wild animals are reduced a lot in number b. because its water is highly polluted. 3/ You shouldn’t throw these bottles away c. since the forests, their home are being seriously destroyed. 4/ Our breathing is seriously affected d. because they can be collected and recycled. 5/ The land to grow food has been reduced e. as the smoke and gas from the nearby factory is harmful. VII> Make suggestions 1/ We / suggest / turn / the lights / before / go out. . 2/ My mother / suggest / I / clean / room / every day. . 3/ He / suggest / replace / dripping faucets / new ones. . 4/ I / suggest / do / some reading / in / class / every day. . 5/ Nga / suggest / we / not / keep / solid waste / food waste. . English 9 3
  4. NguyenThiMyHa VIII> Make conditional sentences (type1) 1/ If more and more trees die, climate / change / lot. . 2/ Our lives will be badly affected if / we / go on / pollute / environment. . 3/ If more people in the city use public transport, there / be / less / air / pollution. . 4/ I will never talk to him again if / he / not / tell / me / truth. . 5/ If we don’t save electricity, we / have / pay / lot / next month. . 6/ An animal will get sick or die if / it / eat / poisonous / grass / vegetables. . IX> Conditional sentences (type2) 1) I don’t find my camera, so I cannot take a photo of us. . 2) She won’t go to the beach because she is not free today. . 3) They lose the key, therefore they can’t get into the house. . 4) Long doesn’t remember your address, so he doesn’t write to you. . 5) We don’t have a lot of money, so we will not buy a new house. . 6) My friends can’t follow the film to the end because it isn’t interesting. . X> Complete the sentences using the words in brackets 1) My brother – in – law is very rich because he won the lottery. ( using so) . 2) Henry collected plastic bags and tins last Sunday (using Passive form) . 3) It is getting dark, but they don’t stop working. (using even though) . 4) I met a lovely girl. I don’t know her name. (using relative clause) . 5) Mrs White cannot come with us because she is ill. (using Conditional sentence) . 6) Everybody should protect forests. They are our lungs. (using relative clause) . XI> Read the text carefully  There are about 20 medium – sized earthquakes each year. Very powerful earthquakes happen once every few years. Earthquakes have killed several million people in the past 500 years. One of the worst earthquakes killed more than 240.000 people in China in 1976. Some volcanoes are always erupting. These are called active volcanoes. Mount Etna in Italy is an active volcano. Scientists try to figure out when volcanoes will erupt. Studying volcanoes is hard and dangerous work. Scientists drill into volcanoes. They make maps of the inside of the volcano. They use satellites to study volcanoes from space. Scientists have been able to predict a few eruption. But it is not easy to tell what a volcano might do Answer the questions English 9 4
  5. NguyenThiMyHa 1/ How many medium – sized earthquakes are there each year ? 2/ When did the earthquake which killed more than 240.000 people in China happen ? 3/ Can scientists predict all the eruption ?  Thomas A. Edison was born in Milan, Ohio, on February 11th, 1984.His family moved to Port Huron, Michigan, when he was seven years old. Surprisingly, he attended school for only two months. His mother, a former teacher, taught him a few things, but Thomas was mostly self-educated. His natural curiosity led him to start experimenting at a young age. Thomas A. Edison lit up the world with his invention of the electric light. Although the electric light seems to be the most useful, it was not his only invention. He also invented the record player, the motion picture camera, and over 1,200 other things. About every two weeks he created something new. He worked 16 out of every 24 hours. Sometimes he worked so intensely that his wife had reminded him to sleep and eat. Thomas Edison died at the age of 84 on October 18th, 1931, at his estate in West Orange, New Jersey. He left numerous inventions that improved the quality of life all over the word. 1. When and where was Edison born? 2. How did Thomas Edison light up the work? 3. How often did Edison create something new? 4. How old was Edison when he died? 5. Was Thomas mostly self-educated? ĐỀ KIỂM TRA HKII (THAM KHẢO) Môn Anh 9 I./ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently (0.5m) 1. a. minute b. litter c. divide d. consist 2. a. island b. climb c. dinner d. fine II. Complete the sentences with the most suitable words(2.5m) 1. I want everybody to listen a. care b. careful c. careless d. carefully 2. I’ve looked my new pen everywhere but I can’t find it anywhere a. at b. for c. up d. on 3. He is tired he stayed up late watching TV a. so b. because c. but d. and 4. What would you do if you the final examination? a. pass b. passed c. passes d. will pass 5. He did not notice the sign it was in front of him. a. though b. but c. so d. therefore 6. A: I think we should use public buses instead of motorbikes B: . a. That’s a good idea b. No, thanks c. Certainly d. Yes, please 7. A :That’s a beautiful picture. B : a. No, thanks b. Thank you c. Ok d. All right English 9 5
  6. NguyenThiMyHa 8. You have to listen to your teacher a. attentively b. carelessly c. seriously d. heavily. 9. Many people are interested the products that save energy. a. on b. to c. in d. for 10. The old man lives alone in that house is my uncle. a. who b. what c. which d. whom III./ Circle a,b,c or d incorrect (0,5m) 1. I suggest learn by heart all new words. A B C D 2. Nam forgot his umbrella, and he got wet. A B C D IV. Supply the correct verb form( 1.5 ms) 1. If I were rich, I (travel) around the world. 2. He suggested that we (use) public transport to save energy. 3. I can’t find Nam. Have you seen him? – He may ( go ) to the library. 4. My teacher asked me (not talk) in class 5. My room ( repaint) yellow yesterday. 6. I (have not ) dinner yet. V./ Use the words in the box to complete the passage (1,5m) Lighting- luxuries- reduced- last- effectively - consumers – Therefore- In Western countries, electricity, gas and water are not (1) but necessaries. Companies now realize that (2) want products that will not only work (3) , but also save money. For most North American households ,(4) accounts for 10 percent to 15 percent of electricity bill . However , this amount can be (5) by replacing an ordinary 100-watt light bulbs with an energy-saving bulb .These bulbs use a quarter of the electricity of standard bulbs and (6) eight times longer . Therefore consumers can save about US$ 7 to US$ 21 per bulb. VI. Read the paragraph, then answer the questions (1.5 marks) Almost a hundred thousand people were killed and half a million homes destroyed as a result of an earthquake in Tokyo in 1923. The earthquake began a minute before noon when the habitants of Tokyo were cooking their midday meals. Thousands of stoves were overturned as soon as the earth began to shake. As a result, small fires broke out everywhere and quickly spread. The fire engines were prevented from going to help because many of the roads had cracked open. It was impossible to use fire- fighting equipment as most of the water pipes had burst. Consequently, over ninety percent of the damage was caused by fire rather than by the collapse of buildings. * Write True or False: 1. The people were cooking meals when the earthquake happened. 2. Over ninety percent of the damage was caused by fire. * Questions: 1. What happened in Tokyo in 1923? . 2.Why were the fire engines prevented from going to work? . VII. Do as directed (2ms) 1. A building has been rebuilt. It was destroyed in the fire. (combine sentences, using relative pronoun) The building . 2. Why don’t we go to the library? I suggest 3. A girl is now in the hospital. She injured in the accident. (combine sentences, using relative pronoun) The girl 4. I’m not rich, so I can’t buy a car. (rewrite sentences, using conditional sentence ) If English 9 6
  7. NguyenThiMyHa PHÒNG GIÁO DỤC- ĐÀO TẠO ĐỀ THI THỬ VÀO LỚP 10 THPT - NĂM HỌC 2018 – 2019 THÀNH PHỐ BÀ RỊA MÔN: TIẾNG ANH - Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút Họ và tên học sinh: ___ Chữ ký giám thị 1 Chữ ký giám thị 2 Số phách Số báo danh: ___ Lớp: ___ Số thứ tự: ___ Phòng thi: ___ ___(Lưu ý: học sinh làm bài vào đề)___ Điểm bài thi Chữ ký giám khảo 1 Chữ ký giám khảo 2 Số phách Bằng số Bằng chữ I. LISTENING (2.0 pts) Task 1: Listen and choose the correct answers: (listen twice) (1.0 pt) 1. Last month, Jim went to ___ A. Italy B. England C. Austria 2. The shoes cost Jim ___ A. £20 B. £48 C. £68 3. How many T-shirts should Sarah take? A. one B. Five C. seven 4. Sarah should take her phone because she may want to___ A. phone the hotel B. phone home C. phone for help Part 2: Listen and complete questions. One word for each gap. (listen twice) (1.0 pt) ===Homework=== Subject: Biology Name of book: (1) Written by: (2) Martin Learn about: (3) Finish by: (4) II. MULTIPLE CHOICE (2.5 pts) CIRCLE the best answers. 1. Mary Smith, ___ is Lary’s best friend, hopes to go to university next year. A. which B. that C. whose D. who 2. He ___pass the exam if he studied harder. A. will be able to B. can C. would be able to D. is able to 3. Film maker David Morris ___interested in the cinema since he was a small child. A. has been B. becomes C. was D. showed 4. ___being tired, they stayed until they found out exactly what had happened. A. However B. Although C. Because D. In spite of 5. ___ we use water economically, we won’t have enough fresh water to use in the future. A. If B. Unless C. Because D. Although 6. Lan: Would you like a cup of tea? - Hoa: “___ ” A. Oh, yes. Thank you B. No, it’s all right. C. Yes, I do . D. No, I don’t. 7. The label tells the consumers how much energy ___ each model has. English 9 7
  8. NguyenThiMyHa A. effective B. efficient C. efficiently D. efficiency 8. You never go to school late, ___ ? A. are you B. aren’t you C. do you D. don’t you 9. Most of the earthquakes in the world occur ___ the Ring of fire. A. at B. in C. on D. from Choose the underlined part (A, B, C or D) that needs correction. 10. I suggest that we must take a shower instead of a bath to save water. A B C D III. READING A. Read the passage and CIRCLE the answer(A, B, C or D) that best fitseach blank. (1.25 pts) It can be shown in facts and figures that cycling is the cheapest, most convenient, and most environmentally desirable form of transport (1)___ towns, but such cold calculations do not mean much on a frosty winter morning. The real appeal of cycling is that it is so (2)___. It has none of the difficulties and tensions of other ways of travelling so you are more cheerful after a ride, even through the rush hour. The first thing a non-cyclist says to you is: “But isn’t it (3)___ dangerous?” It would be foolish to deny the danger of sharing the road with motor vehicles and it must be admitted that there are an alarming (4)___ of accidents involving cyclists. However, although police records (5) ___ that the car driver is often to blame, the answer lies with the cyclist. It is possible to ride in such a way as to reduce risks to a minimum. 1. A. in B. at C. to D. on 2. A. boring B. careful C. enjoyable D. excited 3. A. expectedly B. strangely C. terribly D. comfortably 4. A. size B. number C. deal D. digit 5. A. point B. indicate C. display D. exhibit B. Read the passage and CIRCLE the best answers to the questions. (1.25 pts) TRAFFIC IN OUR CITIES The volume of traffic in many cities in the world today continues to expand. This causes many problems, including serious air pollution, lengthy delays, and the greater risk of accidents. Clearly, something must be done, but it is often difficult to persuade people to change their habits and leave their cars at home. One possible approach is to make it more expensive for people to use their cars by increasing charges for parking and bringing in tougher fines for anyone who breaks the law. In addition, drivers could be required to pay for using particular routes at different times of the day. This system, known as ‘road pricing’, is already being introduced in a number of cities, using a special electronic card fixed to the windscreen of the car. Another way of dealing with the problem is to provide cheap parking on the outskirts of the city, and strictly control the number of vehicles allowed into the centre. Drivers and their passengers then use a special bus service for the final stage of their journey. Of course, the most important thing is to provide good public transport. However, to get people to give up the comfort of their cars, public transport must be felt to be reliable, convenient and comfortable, with fares kept at an acceptable level. 1. Which of the following is not mentioned as a problem of the increasing traffic in cities? A. serious air pollution. B. traffic jams. C. difficulty changing people’s habits. D. greater risk of accidents. 2. According to the passage, the problem can be solved by___ A. making it more expensive to use cars. B. providing cheap parking in the city. C. providing good, reliable and expensive public transport. D. All of the above 3. According to the passage, driving can be made more expensive by___ A. increasing parking fees. B. applying fines for any car users. C. requiring pay for using roads in the city. D. using a special elictronic card. 4. According to the passage, “road pricing” ___ A. is already applied in some cities. English 9 8
  9. NguyenThiMyHa B. is a system aiming at making driving more expensive. C. means drivers have to pay to use roads in cities. D. both A and B are correct. 5. To get people to use public transport, it must not be___. A. comfortable B. reliable C. convenient D. expensive IV. WRITING A. Do as directed. (2.0 pts) 1. Ha Long Bay is one of Seven New Wonders of the world. It is in the north of Vietnam. (Combine the sentences, using “which”)  Ha Long Bay 2. The children can’t go swimming because the weather is so bad. (Rewrite the sentence, using unreal conditional sentence) If 3. What a pity that I don’t know French to understand Marie. (Rewrite the sentence)  I wish . 4. He was sentenced to six months in prison for his part in the robbery. (Complete the sentence, using between4 and 5 words)  He received . . for his part in the robbery. B. Answer the question in about 50 words (1.0 pt) Nowadays, teenagers are very interested in Facebook. Write a passage of about 50-60 words to show your ideas on the advantages of Facebook? English 9 9