Giáo án dự thi giáo viên dạy giỏi cấp trường môn Tiếng Anh 12 - Unit 14: International organizations - Period 82: Lesson: Speaking

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Nội dung text: Giáo án dự thi giáo viên dạy giỏi cấp trường môn Tiếng Anh 12 - Unit 14: International organizations - Period 82: Lesson: Speaking

  1. Tam Giang High School Lesson plan grade 12 Date of preparation: 13/3/2015 Date of teaching: 17/3/2015 Unit 14: INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Period 82: Lesson: SPEAKING * Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to + get more information about WHO, UNICEF and WWF. + talk about some international organizations. * Lexical items: stand for, attainment, establish, advocate, objective * Skills: Speaking * Teaching aids: Textbook, chalks, board. PROCEDURE I. Pre - speaking: 1. Warm – up: Game: CROSSWORD - Divide students into two groups: A and B - Tell students that they will have six across words and a down word which is the key one. Each across word contains one letter that forms the key word. The groups will take turn to choose the numbers and answer the questions to find the words needed. If they have the correct answer, they will get one mark for each question. If they have the key word, they will get 3 marks. The group with more marks will win the game. - Make sure that students understand the rule. - Let’s students play the game. Teacher: Hoang Thi Hai Yen
  2. Tam Giang High School Lesson plan grade 12 + The key word: UNICEF + Number 1: Let student watch a video about tsunami and ask “What disaster is the video about?” – TSUNAMI + Number 2: The International Red Cross has its headquarters in GENEVA, Switzerland. + Number 3: Find out a verb that has the same meaning as “devote”. – DEDICATE + Number 4: The symbol of the Red Cross has two COLOURS. + Number 5: The foundation of the International Red Cross was inspired by a Swiss man called HENRY Dunant. + Number 6: Let student watch a video about flood and ask “What disaster is the video about?” – FLOOD - Lead – in: You have already known some information about the international Red Cross. Today’s lesson will help you get some more information about some other international organizations. 2. Pre – teaching vocabulary: Teacher: Hoang Thi Hai Yen
  3. Tam Giang High School Lesson plan grade 12 - Elicit from students or give translation, examples, and synonyms to pre – teach some vocabulary. + stand for (v): give example: đại diện cho, là chữ viết tắt của Ex: TV ”Television”. + advocate (v): eliccit from students: tán thành, ủng hộ + attainment (n): give synonym: achievement: thành tựu, sự đạt được + establish (v): give example and synonym: found, set up: thành lập Ex: Tam Giang High School was in 1976. establishment (n): foundation: sự thành lập + objective (n): give synonym: aim, purpose: mục tiêu, mục đích - Read the words once and ask students to repeat. 3. Checking vocabulary: What and where - Put the words into six circles and ask students to look at them carefully for a few seconds. Then rub out the words and ask students to read the words again in the right order they saw before. 3. objective 4. establish 6. 2. advocate attainment 5. stand for 1. establishment 4. Task 1: Reading and answering the questions - Have students read the passage in pairs in 3 minutes and answer the questions given in the textbook. - Call on some students to give the answers. - Expected answers: 1. WHO stands for the World Health Organization. 2. It was established on 7 April 1948. 3. Its major objective is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health. 4. Its main activities are carrying out research on medical development and improving international health care. 5. Useful language: - Elicit from students some questions used to ask about international organizations. - Expected answers: * Standing for: + What does WHO stand for? WHO stands for the World Health Organization Teacher: Hoang Thi Hai Yen
  4. Tam Giang High School Lesson plan grade 12 * Foundation: + When was WHO founded/ established? It was founded/ established in * Headquarters/ Head office: + Where is its headquarters/ head office? Its headquarter/ head office is in *. Aims/ Objectives: + What is its aim/ objective? Its aim is + N/ to infinitive + What are its aims/ objectives? Its aims/ objectives are + N/ to infinitive * Activities: + What are its main activities? Its main activities are + V – ing II. While – speaking: Task 2: Asking and answering about international organizations - Ask students work in pairs in 3 minutes asking and answering about the two organizations. - Go around the class and offer help if necessary. - Call on some pairs to act out their conversation. - Feedback and give necessary corrections. III. Post – speaking: Task 3: Talking about international organizations - Ask students to work in groups of 4 or 5 with a group leader and talk about one of the two organizations in 4 minutes. - Tell students to use the information in task 1 and task 2. - Call on some group leaders to present their talk. - Feedback and give corrections if necessary. IV. Homework: - Ask students to write a paragraph about one of the two organizations into their notebook. - Tell them to prepare for the next lesson. Teacher: Hoang Thi Hai Yen