Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Period 73, Unit 9: Cities of the world. Lesson 5: Skills 1

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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Period 73, Unit 9: Cities of the world. Lesson 5: Skills 1

  2. OBJECTIVES After this lesson, students will be able to - read for general and specific information about a 01 holiday postcard; 02 - talk about a city;
  3. I/ VOCABULARY - fantastic (adj) = great - perfect (adj) = ideal : hoàn hảo - rent (v) : thuê, mướn - helmet (n) : mũ bảo hiểm - traditional (adj) # modern : mang tính truyền thống - landscape (n) : Phong cảnh
  4. * CHECKING VOCABULARY - fantastic (adj) = great - perfect (adj) = ideal : hoàn hảo - rent (v) : thuê, mướn - helmet (n) : mũ bảo hiểm - traditional (adj) # modern : mang tính truyền thống - landscape (n) : Phong cảnh
  5. II. READING 1. When do people write a postcard? They want to tell their family or friends what they see and do, and how they feel about their experience there. Mai 2. What do they often write on their postcard? The sender often writes about his / her stay in a city or country. Stockholm
  6. Read the postcard and answer the questions. September 6 1.This postcard is about ___ in Stockholm. Dear Grandpa and Grandma, A. the weather Stockholm is fantastic! B. a holiday C. landscapes Its weather is perfect, sunny all the time! Our 2. Guests can ___ in the hotel. hotel is good. It has a swimming pool and a A. exercise gym. It offers delicious breakfast. Yesterday B. cycle Mum, Dad and I rented three bikes and cycled C. see Swedish art to the Old Town. My parents wore their helmets 3. Mai and her parents rented bikes to ___. and I wore mine. We visited the Royal Palace A. cycle around the hotel first. What a beautiful place! Mum loved it. She B. visit the Old Town said, “Swedish art is amazing.” After that, we C. go shopping 4. “Fika” is a ___. had “fika”, a coffee break, in a traditional café. A. traditional café Everything is so wonderful! B. palace Wish you were here! C. coffee break Love, Mai
  7. Read the postcard and choose the SeptemberSeptember 66 correct answer to each of the questions. DearDear GrandpaGrandpa andand Grandma,Grandma, 1.This postcard is about ___ in Stockholm. StockholmStockholm is is fantastic! fantastic! A. the weather ItsIts weatherweather isis perfect,perfect, sunnysunny allall thethe time!time! B. a holiday OurOur hotelhotel isis good.good. ItIt hashas aa swimmingswimming poolpool C. landscapes andand aa gym.gym. ItIt offersoffers deliciousdelicious breakfast.breakfast. 2. Guests can ___ in the hotel. YesterdayYesterday Mum,Mum, DadDad andand II rentedrented threethree A. exercise bikesbikes andand cycledcycled toto thethe Old Town.Town .My My B. cycle parentsparents worewore theirtheir helmetshelmets andand II worewore mine. C. see Swedish art Wemine. visited We visited the Royal the RoyalPalace Palace first. What first. a 3. Mai and her parents rented bikes to ___. A. cycle around the hotel beautifulWhat a beautiful place! Mum place! loved Mum it. lovedShe said, it. She B. visit the Old Town “Swedishsaid, “Swedish art is amazing.”art is amazing.” After that,After wethat, had C. go shopping “fika”,we had a “fika”,coffee abreak, coffee in break, a traditional in a café. 4. “Fika” is a ___. Everythingtraditional café. is so Everything wonderful is! so wonderful! A. traditional café WishWish youyou werewere here!here! B. palace Love,Love, C. coffee break MaiMai
  8. Read the postcard and choose the SeptemberSeptember 66 correct answer to each of the questions. DearDear GrandpaGrandpa andand Grandma,Grandma, 1.This postcard is about ___ in Stockholm. StockholmStockholm isis fantastic!fantastic! A. the weather ItsIts weatherweather isis perfect,perfect, sunnysunny allall thethe time!time! B. a holiday OurOur hotelhotel isis good.good. ItIt hashas aa swimmingswimming pool pool C. landscapes andand aa gymgym ItIt offersoffers deliciousdelicious breakfast.breakfast. 2. Guests can ___ in the hotel. YesterdayYesterday Mum,Mum, DadDad andand II rentedrented threethree A. exercise bikesbikes andand cycledcycled toto thethe OldOld Town.Town. MyMy B. cycle parentsparents worewore theirtheir helmetshelmets andand II worewore C. see Swedish art mine.mine. WeWe visitedvisited thethe RoyalRoyal PalacePalace first.first. 3. Mai and her parents rented bikes to ___. A. cycle around the hotel WhatWhat aa beautifulbeautiful place!place! MumMum lovedloved it.it. SheShe B. visit the Old Town said,said, “Swedish“Swedish artart isis amazing.”amazing.” AfterAfter that,that, C. go shopping wewe hadhad “fika”,“fika”, aa coffeecoffee break,break, inin aa 4. “Fika” is a ___. traditionaltraditional café.café. EverythingEverything isis soso wonderful!wonderful! A. traditional café WishWish youyou werewere here!here! B. palace Love,Love, C. coffee break MaiMai
  9. Read the postcard and choose the SeptemberSeptember 66 correct answer to each of the questions. DearDear GrandpaGrandpa andand Grandma,Grandma, 1.This postcard is about ___ in Stockholm. StockholmStockholm isis fantastic!fantastic! A. the weather ItsIts weatherweather isis perfect,perfect, sunnysunny allall thethe time!time! B. a holiday OurOur hotelhotel isis good.good. ItIt hashas aa swimmingswimming poolpool C. landscapes andand aa gym.gym. ItIt offersoffers deliciousdelicious breakfast.breakfast. 2. Guests can ___ in the hotel. YesterdayYesterday Mum,Mum, Dad andand II rentedrented three three A. exercise bikesbikes andand cycledcycled to to the the Old Old Town. Town My. My B. cycle parentsparents worewore theirtheir helmetshelmets andand II worewore C. see Swedish art mine.mine. WeWe visitedvisited thethe RoyalRoyal PalacePalace first.first. 3. Mai and her parents rented bikes to ___. A. cycle around the hotel WhatWhat aa beautifulbeautiful place!place! MumMum lovedloved it.it. SheShe B. visit the Old Town said,said, “Swedish“Swedish artart isis amazing.”amazing.” AfterAfter that,that, C. go shopping wewe hadhad “fika”,“fika”, aa coffeecoffee break,break, inin aa 4. “Fika” is a ___. traditionaltraditional café.café. EverythingEverything isis soso wonderful!wonderful! A. traditional café WishWish youyou werewere here!here! B. palace Love,Love, C. coffee break MaiMai
  10. Read the postcard and choose the SeptemberSeptember 66 correct answer to each of the questions. DearDear GrandpaGrandpa andand Grandma,Grandma, 1.This postcard is about ___ in Stockholm. StockholmStockholm isis fantastic!fantastic! A. the weather ItsIts weatherweather isis perfect,perfect, sunnysunny allall thethe time!time! B. a holiday OurOur hotelhotel isis good.good. ItIt hashas aa swimmingswimming poolpool C. landscapes andand aa gym.gym. ItIt offersoffers deliciousdelicious breakfast.breakfast. 2. Guests can ___ in the hotel. YesterdayYesterday Mum,Mum, DadDad andand II rentedrented threethree A. exercise bikesbikes andand cycledcycled toto thethe OldOld Town.Town. MyMy B. cycle parentsparents worewore theirtheir helmetshelmets andand II worewore C. see Swedish art mine.mine. WeWe visitedvisited thethe RoyalRoyal PalacePalace first.first. 3. Mai and her parents rented bikes to ___. A. cycle around the hotel WhatWhat aa beautifulbeautiful place!place! MumMum lovedloved it.it. SheShe B. visit the Old Town said,said, “Swedish“Swedish artart isis amazing.”amazing.” AfterAfter that,that, C. go shopping wewe hadhad ““fika”,fika”, aa coffeecoffee break, break ,in in a a 4. “Fika” is a ___. traditionaltraditional café.café. EverythingEverything isis soso wonderful!wonderful! A. traditional café WishWish youyou werewere here!here! B. palace Love,Love, C. coffee break MaiMai
  11. Read the text and match the places September 6 with the things they have. Dear Grandpa and Grandma, a. the Royal Palace Stockholm is fantastic! b. delicious breakfast Its weather is perfect, sunny all the time! c. swimming pool Our hotel is good. It has a swimming pool d. 'fika’ and a gym. It offers delicious breakfast. e. Swedish art Yesterday Mum, Dad and I rented three bikes and cycled to the Old Town. My 1. The hotel in Stockholm parents wore their helmets and I wore mine. We visited the Royal Palace first. What a beautiful place! Mum loved it. She said, “Swedish art is amazing.” After that, 2. The Old Town we had “fika”, a coffee break, in a traditional café. Everything is so wonderful! Wish you were here! Love, Mai
  12. Read the text and match the places SeptemberSeptember 66 with the things they have. DearDear GrandpaGrandpa andand Grandma,Grandma, a. the Royal Palace StockholmStockholm isis fantastic!fantastic! b. delicious breakfast ItsIts weatherweather isis perfect,perfect, sunnysunny allall thethe time!time! c. swimming pool OurOur hotelhotel isis good.good. ItIt hashas aa swimmingswimming pool pool d. 'fika’ andand aa gym.gym. ItIt offersoffers deliciousdelicious breakfast. breakfast . e. Swedish art YesterdayYesterday Mum,Mum, DadDad andand II rentedrented threethree bikesbikes andand cycledcycled toto thethe OldOld Town.Town. MyMy 1. The hotel in Stockholm parentsparents worewore theirtheir helmetshelmets andand II worewore b. delicious breakfast mine.mine. WeWe visitedvisited thethe RoyalRoyal PalacePalace first.first. c. swimming pool WhatWhat aa beautifulbeautiful place!place! MumMum lovedloved it.it. SheShe said,said, “Swedish“Swedish artart isis amazing.”amazing.” AfterAfter that,that, 2. The Old Town wewe hadhad “fika”,“fika”, aa coffeecoffee break,break, inin aa traditionaltraditional café.café. EverythingEverything isis soso wonderful!wonderful! WishWish youyou werewere here!here! Love,Love, MaiMai
  13. Read the text and match the places SeptemberSeptember 66 with the things they have. DearDear GrandpaGrandpa andand Grandma,Grandma, a. the Royal Palace StockholmStockholm isis fantastic!fantastic! b. delicious breakfast ItsIts weatherweather isis perfect,perfect, sunnysunny allall thethe time!time! c. swimming pool OurOur hotelhotel isis good.good. ItIt hashas aa swimmingswimming poolpool d. 'fika’ andand aa gym.gym. ItIt offersoffers deliciousdelicious breakfast.breakfast. e. Swedish art YesterdayYesterday Mum,Mum, DadDad andand II rentedrented threethree bikesbikes andand cycledcycled toto thethe Old Town.Town .My My 1. The hotel in Stockholm parentsparents worewore theirtheir helmetshelmets andand II worewore b. delicious breakfast mine.mine. WeWe visitedvisited thethe RoyalRoyal PalacePalace first.first. c. swimming pool WhatWhat aa beautifulbeautiful place!place! MumMum lovedloved it.it. SheShe said,said, ““SwedishSwedish artart is is amazing.” amazing.” After After that, that, 2. The Old Town wewe hadhad ““fika”,fika”, aa coffeecoffee break,break, inin aa b. the Royal Palace traditionaltraditional café.café. EverythingEverything isis soso wonderful!wonderful! d. 'fika’ WishWish youyou werewere here!here! Love,Love, e. Swedish art MaiMai
  14. III/ SPEAKING: Work in groups. Choose a city you know. Discuss and answer the questions below. • What city is it? • What is it like? (the weather, the food ) • What can you see and do there? • How do you feel about it? * Suggested answers: 1. It’s Vung Tau city. 2. It has many beautiful beaches, the weather is usually cool, the seafood is fresh, cheap and delicious. 3. In Vung Tau city, I can cycle along the beach, climb mountains, take beautiful photos, swim in the sea and play on the beach, enjoy special food and seafood, buy souvenirs . 4. It’s really great to be in Vung Tau city. It’s a liveable place.
  15. Share the information you have collected in 4 with your class. You may start your talk with: We’re going to tell you about We’re going to tell you about Vung Tau city. It has many beautiful beaches, the weather is usually cool, seafood is fresh, cheap and delicious. In Vung Tau city, I can cycle along the beach, do sightseeing, climb mountains, take beautiful photos, swim in the sea and play on the beach, enjoy special food and seafood, buy souvenirs. It’s really great to be in Vung Tau city. For me, it’s a liveable place.
  16. Thanks! Do you have any questions? CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik