Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 8 - Unit 15: Computers - Period 60: Language focus

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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 8 - Unit 15: Computers - Period 60: Language focus

  1. WELCOME TO OUR CLASS ENGLISH 8 Teacher: Nguyen Thuc Trinh
  2. Give the correct verb form: 1. He (not, finish) hasn’t finished his homework yet. 2. Have they (turn) turned of the TV yet? 3. She (already, see) has already seen that film. 4. I (call) .have called my dad already.
  3. Unit 15: COMPUTERS Period 60: LANGUAGE FOCUS Revision: * Present Perfect Tense: (+) S + have / has + P.P (V3/ Ved) (-) S + have / has + not + P.P (V3/ Ved) (?) Have / Has + S + P.P (V3/ Ved)?
  4. 1. Present Perfect with “yet” and “already” EX: S1: Have you turned it on yet? S2: Yes, I have already done it. No, I haven’t done it yet. a. Meaning: yet: chưa already: rồi b. Use: - yet: dùng trong câu hỏi, câu phủ định. - already: dùng trong câu khẳng định.
  5. Task 1: Reorder the words to make sentences about Ba’s dairy and then complete the dialogue.
  6. Reorder the words to make sentences 1. already / I / done / have / my / homework / . 2. the / yet / I / haven’t / tidied / room / . 3. turned / machine / off / I / washing / have / the / already / . 4. and / lunch / I / aunt / have / with / called / to / already / told / Le / have / us /.
  7. already 1. I have done my homework already.
  8. not yet 2. I haven’t tidied the room yet.
  9. already 3. I have turned off the washing machine already.
  10. already 4. I have already called and told aunt Le to have lunch with us.
  11. Complete the dialogouge: 1. I have done my homework already. 2. I haven’t tidied the room yet. 3. I have turned off the washing machine already. 4. I have already called and told aunt Le to have lunch with us.
  12. Task 2: Ask and answer about the fights using yet/ already.
  13. DEPARTURES Flight To Time Status VN 34 Vientiane 7.25 Departed ARRIVALS Flight To Time Status VN 888 Los Angeles 6.55 T : Has the flight to Vientiane departed yet ? S : Yes, it has already departed. T : Has the flight from Los Angeles arrived yet ? S : No, it hasn’t arrived yet.
  14. DEPARTURES Flight To Time Status VN 34 Vientiane 7.25 Departed CX 820 Hong Kong 7.45 AF 19 Paris 7.50 Departed TG 109 Bangkok 7.55 GS 05 Singapore 8.15 ARRIVALS Flight To Time Status VN 888 Los Angeles 6.55 PA 45 Manila 7.10 Arrived GA 127 Jakarta 7.40 Arrived MS 284 Kuala Lumpur 7.50 Arrived AI 84 Delhi 8.30
  15. 1. Has the flight to Hong Kong departed yet? - No. It hasn’t departed yet. 2. Has the flight to Paris departed yet? - Yes. It has already departed. 3. Has the flight to Bangkok departed yet? - No. It hasn’t departed yet. 4. Has the flight to Singapore departed yet? - No. It hasn’t departed yet.
  16. 5. Has the flight from Manila arrived yet? - Yes. It has already arrived. 6. Has the flight from Jakarta arrived yet? - Yes. It has already arrived. 7. Has the flight from Kuala Lumpur arrived yet? - Yes. It has already arrived. 8. Has the flight from Delhi arrived yet? - No. It hasn’t arrived yet.
  17. 2. Finished actions and incomplete actions with Present Perfect: I have been to Sa Pa highlands. (Tôi đã từng đến cao nguyên Sa Pa). Hành động đã chấm dứt ( không rõ thời gian) They have lived in Ca Mau for 10 years. Họ đã sống ở Cà Mau được 10 năm. Hành động chưa kết thúc (trong câu có since, for, recently)
  18. Read the sentences. Finished Incomple Check the correct column action te action c. She has finished her homework √ d. He has worked with the computer since early morning. √ e. We have found the problems with the printer. √ f. Someone has unplugged the printer. √ g. People have received information through the Internet √ recently.
  19. 3. Present Perfect and Simple Past:
  20. Present Perfect Past Simple - 1 hành động xảy ra - 1 hành động xác định không rõ thời gian trong thời gian trong quá khứ. quá khứ EX: She has seen this EX: She saw this film film already. 10 years ago. - 1 hành động xảy ra - 1 hành động xảy ra và trong quá khứ, còn tiếp kết thúc trong quá khứ. tục đến hiện tại. EX: She has learnt EX: She learned English for 2 years. English in 2012.
  21. Task 4. Present Perfect or Simple past Ba : Have you seen the film Jurassic Park yet ? ( see ) Nam: Yes, I have. Ba : When did you see it ? Nam: I saw it three months ago. Loan: We haven’t had a vacation since last year. ( not have ) Chi : Why not ? have been Loan: My parents very busy since then. (be)
  22. Nga : Have you heard the new about Nam ? ( hear ) happened Mai : No. What ? ( happen ) had Nga : He an accident. He was jogging. He suddenly fell and broke his. ( have, fall, break ) Sung: Have the plane arrived yet ? ( arrive ) Clerk: Yes, it has Sung: When did it arrive ? Clerk: It arrived at the airport two hours ago.
  23. III. Consolidation 1. . you . Batman v Superman yet? – Yes, I have. A. Do / see B. Did / see C. Have / seen D. Has / seen 2. I Captain America last night. A. see B. seen C. saw D. seeing
  24. 3. We English since 2010. A. studied B. study C. have study D. have studied 4. They . English in 2010. A. studies B. are studying C. studied D. study 5. Spiderman Iron Man already. A. meets B. has met C. has meet D. meeting
  25. Homework - Learn today’s lesson by heart. - Redo Language focus 1,2,3 and 4. - Prepare Unit 16: Getting started + Listen and read.
  26. Thank you very much for your attendance ! Good bye ! See you again!